Jolla Lays Off "A Big Part" Of Its Personnel, Goes For Debt Restructuring

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67366

    Jolla Lays Off "A Big Part" Of Its Personnel, Goes For Debt Restructuring

    Phoronix: Jolla Lays Off "A Big Part" Of Its Personnel, Goes For Debt Restructuring

    Months after Jolla announced its split and intent to focus on Sailfish OS licensing, its financial situation has not improved. Jolla's latest financing round has been delayed and so they've had to file for debt restructuring in Finland. As part of that, they are temporarily laying off "a big part" of its personnel...

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  • varikonniemi
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2012
    • 1102

    They promised to open source the OS in the near future when the first product was announced... They have still not done it. So let the liars burn in bankruptcy.


    • moilami
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 871

      Have to say I agree with Varikonniemi, I own a Jolla phone, and would had ordered the tablet but it was sold out.


      • L_A_G
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2015
        • 1612

        They've definitely had a lot of bad luck with both of the devices they've shipped. The phone had to be pretty much re-engineered when Texas Instruments decided to stop selling and developing their OMAP platform well into development and the tablet also had to go trough some re-engineering when the display they were going to use went out of production before the tablet went into production.

        Still, I hope they're successful at getting other device manufacturers to start carrying devices running their OS as just the rumor that OnePlus was going to release a new Jolla phone practically had me clutching my credit card thinking "Take my money!!! Take it now!!!".
        "Why should I want to make anything up? Life's bad enough as it is without wanting to invent any more of it."


        • 89c51
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 2072

          Originally posted by varikonniemi

          Good thing the ideology driven idiots have diehard fanboys like you balancing out the debate. I mean who on earth holds people responsible for their words!?

          The OS is OK in functionality, but fails in security and friendlyness.
          I believe you are old enough to understand that words mean nothing especially when they come from people wanting to sell. If you fall for it it is you who has a problem. People were expecting an N9 or better (+ open sourcing it like money came from trees) by a company that clearly didn't have the resources for it.

          As for the OS functionality IS missing. Depending on your use case that might or might not be a problem. Security if you mean device encryption and certificates is missing but was/is coming. As for friendliness i disagree. If you get past the initial stage there is no going back to a tap based UI.
          Last edited by 89c51; 20 November 2015, 01:25 PM.


          • Nille_kungen
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2008
            • 1004

            I would like to see a promise from Jolla about open-sourcing everything in case of bankrupsy.
            The reconstruction in finland isn't such a big deal but i would like to see a promise i worst case senario, since we have seen "open source" centered phone plattforms wanish before.


            • raonlinux
              Phoronix Member
              • Jul 2014
              • 109

              Well this is normal on this time, any kind of project that look support promising everything be the key from the good thing about something and mix it to do it the most amazing OS.
              Since my perspective when I see their trailers and goals, I already knew was something very hard to do it on so little time. Now they are having problem, like any company but the thing why in a first place you promise the heaven.
              I think that Linux is the reason shines, when was release by Linus he said was a simple thing, can be add stuff but he doesn' t know if will be do it. I mean from begining is better to said I will do this the core functional, then I will focus on stability, friendly, security make small goals.
              When you promise the heaven of course the fall will be more higher, because you didn' t get that. All this applies to all projects that are like kickstarter or cro founding. Be realistic and try to at less complete realistic goals.


              • shmerl
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2009
                • 3512

                Originally posted by 89c51 View Post

                I believe you are old enough to understand that words mean nothing especially when they come from people wanting to sell. I
                No, promise is a promise. A broken promise means lost trust. You should be old enough to understand that. And they did promise to open source the Silica Qt components, which didn't happen so far. Not sure if they ever openly promised to open what they own in the OS, but they hinted to that several times. I'd say if they can't make it work without being FOSS, then it's too bad, because there will be gradually improving FOSS alternatives like Plasma Mobile. And I'll eventually just start using that instead of Sailfish if the later won't be opened.
                Last edited by shmerl; 20 November 2015, 01:58 PM.


                • k1l_
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2013
                  • 212

                  Sad to see they are in such struggle.
                  Reading some Comments the "we have android apps" approach is good and bad at once. In the end why should you buy a too expensive phone just to run android apps which doesnt work that good like android apps run on android and which doesnt make your own appstore beeing profitable.
                  Combining own devices with the new OS seems to be a struggle, too. i really wonder if the ubuntu and firefox way to focus on cheaper devices works better in the end.

                  It shows that its really hard to place a project in this 2 and a half Player business (apple, android and the small windowsphones). more competition would bring a lot more advantages too all customers.


                  • moilami
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2012
                    • 871

                    I like the software in Jolla, there is everything I need and more. What I don't like is that the Jolla phone is seriously underpowered device. It is sluggish like hell when compared to powerful Android devices.

