Rumors Arise Over State Of Steam Machines & SteamOS

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  • Olosta
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2013
    • 12

    What's the deal with the creepy picture ?

    Seriously, what is it? Why are we seeing a bunch of dudes with creepy smiles filming women sitting on a bed? Does those anonymous women know anything about steam machines?


    • stevenc
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2012
      • 183

      Originally posted by johnc View Post
      Are there any? I know they made some changes to Plymouth / X, etc. to allow for a hi-res boot process without flickers... but have they done anything else?
      Valve's talk at DebConf14 mentioned working directly with some upstream projects, like Mesa I think was given as an example. This sort of thing filters into most GNU/Linux distros eventually (some quicker than others of course).


      • eydee
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2014
        • 1637

        Originally posted by stevenc View Post
        SteamOS built a console gaming platform out of Debian. But why pretend to be a dumb console, mimic its limitations, the fiddliness of its UI and hide its inner workings. Knowing that the hardware and OS *could* run a full desktop and the whole Debian software archive, is all the more annoying, since that's been conciously stripped out or left broken.
        It's not made for linux enthusiasts but for casual gaming. Think about 4-year-olds playing Mario Cart or something similar. What would they do with a Debian desktop? Close to nothing.


        • stevenc
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2012
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          Originally posted by eydee View Post
          Think about 4-year-olds playing Mario Cart or something similar. What would they do with a Debian desktop? Close to nothing.
          Incidentally, Debian Developer John Goerzen has written a series of articles on that subject, e.g.:

          Jacob and Oliver alternated typing bits of some apt-get command lines. Then while we waited for software to download, I had to answer repeated questions of ?how soon will the mouse work?? and ?what does ?install? mean??

          Finally it was there, and I told Jacob to type startx
          If the consumer really wants inner workings hidden from them, it makes me sad. I hoped it was something people just accepted because they don't get such a choice with current consoles.
          Last edited by stevenc; 09 January 2015, 09:09 AM.


          • Tanren
            Junior Member
            • May 2014
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            Originally posted by Dukenukemx View Post
            Valve has to find a better way to address that issue. The Steam local game streaming service is stupid. The SteamBox was meant for someone who doesn't have a competent gaming PC to begin with, but to play Windows only games you need a competent Windows machine. That doesn't make sense.
            That would not make sense if it where true but Valve always said that Steam Machines are mainly targeted at existing Steam users and they see at as a extension of Steam to the living room. So its for People that already have a PC and are using Steam but who also think it would be nice to play some of the games in the living room.


            • blackiwid
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2008
              • 2058

              guys really.

              Some Guy that talks for his company with own interest, maybe they dont got a lisense for that name or something else or they wanted to get some attention for the name of the company or something else or he wanted just to make himself important talks some random garbage and all say that must be true. WTH, now I see how marketing is easy each 3year old can lie some stuff and it works, and how conspiration theories work.

              And you go even further, he only talks about that the name is dead (I guess they dont got a lisense for the name, did somebody check that?) and now all are sure it will be windows steam boxes only.
              My head hurts, whats this a mixture of windows-fanboyism or cinical personalities or what? Its to good to be true that they are linux based? What?

              Most arguments that did fall in this thread are very weak:

              1. for steammaschines are less games than for xbox or ps3, yes NOW thats true, maybe because the "konsole" isnt out yet, how much games did ps3 have 1 day after you could buy it?
              2. the games that are there are nearly only indie games, first of all thats true for steam-games in general, most are indie, second yes today is that true, but when the hardware the consoles are out and the controllers, its very likely that NEW games that gets released THEN are more often AAA Games. Why would I release NOW a AAA game for steamos? So that its old and nobody cares when people have the consoles and controllers?
              At the moment I bet that very few people that not were linux geeks already installed steamos on a machine. The question is how many users that never used at least knowingly linux before and get preinstalled systems. That are the customers that matter, the few geeks are just a nice addon on top off that.
              3. they just will use widnows when microsoft gives them good deals, maybe some oems will do that, but its a normal pc then, I dont know if its allowed to call a windows box Steam maschine? And even if, but to say that Valve and the game companies that ported hundrets of games just made that to get a cheaper windows lisense is insane so much manpower got invested into this, they did not invest several millions of money the game companies would not even have any interest to get cheaper windows lisenses. It does just make no sense its basicly a conspiracy theory.
              4. valve would loose their face if that flopps hard that would show that not everything they try turns into gold, their company would be worth less. the myth about gabe would been died.

              And again valve like somebody quoted, reacted already and said its a lie. So god bless this nonsense is over.

              Another point: you always think of people that have a pc, most gamers have or at least had both pcs and konsoles. For a PC user it would limit in some kind their freedom because you now can only use steam-games, and even only a few of them but I guess many pc gamers do only use steam today because else the installers are horrific in windows, but the console players would not loose their advantages, even get more advantages because they dont have to use this shitty bluray disks and go out in the bad weather to get this disks, and pay extremly high prices per game etc. But still have the advantages of a controller and a living room compatible experince.

              And that when many people now say that the ps4 and xbone is a to small step from the previeous generation ranting because they dont get 1080p and so on. And again the streaming-thing is a nice additional feature on top. but a consolish hardware dont have to support much game when it comes onto the market.
              Last edited by blackiwid; 09 January 2015, 10:31 AM.


              • leech
                Senior Member
                • May 2010
                • 378

                So, I decided to dig a bit and see a comparison of game libraries.

                Someone said there was ~800 games available on Linux through Steam. According to Wikipedia, there are 796 games available for the PS3.

                Thank about that for a minute... Linux actually has more games JUST through Steam than PS3 has available.

                Granted a lot of the Linux games are 'Indie games'. But a lot of PS3 games are those same Indie games on PSN. In fact there are a lot of the more recent ones that are on both. Spelunky is a good example.

                Steam machine is doing fine, in fact there are frequent updates to SteamOS. I kind of wonder if they're deciding to wait until Debian Jessie is released, and then doing a quick rebase upon it, and then going to release.

                Reason I say this is that steam is actually already packaged and working great in Jessie, and all Valve would really have to do is apply some of their kernel patches, fix up plymouth and make sure their startup scripts work to load directly into Steam Big Picture mode. Jessie is a LOT faster and runs better overall than Wheezy does.

                I guess we'll find out what happens when SteamOS hits 1.0.


                • curaga
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2008
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                  Originally posted by leech View Post
                  So, I decided to dig a bit and see a comparison of game libraries.

                  Someone said there was ~800 games available on Linux through Steam. According to Wikipedia, there are 796 games available for the PS3.

                  Thank about that for a minute... Linux actually has more games JUST through Steam than PS3 has available.

                  Granted a lot of the Linux games are 'Indie games'. But a lot of PS3 games are those same Indie games on PSN. In fact there are a lot of the more recent ones that are on both. Spelunky is a good example.
                  From the wikipedia page:
                  This is a list of retail PlayStation 3 games released or planned for release on Blu-ray Disc. For a list of downloadable PlayStation Network games, see the List of downloadable PlayStation 3 games. For a list of original PlayStation games available to download from the PlayStation Store, see the List of PSone Classics.
                  With the indie ps3 ones included it's a lot larger list.


                  • leech
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2010
                    • 378

                    Originally posted by curaga View Post
                    From the wikipedia page:

                    With the indie ps3 ones included it's a lot larger list.
                    Ah, that makes sense, but also doesn't change the fact that I only listed games available on Steam for Linux. Granted I don't know how many commercially packaged and released games there were before Steam (maybe 40-50?) but counting all the source ports and open source games out there for Linux, it's probably just as comparable of a list. Of course that's not even counting emulators, which I guess if you took a lot of the stuff coming out on the PSN network, that's all they are, like the Genesis collection, etc.

                    Speaking of such things, I kind of find it amusing that the companies would complain about all the roms being distributed, but now that the emulators are good enough, they're taking their roms, probably the open source code out there, and then selling them as a package for various platforms. Of course that's a bit off topic.

                    Either way, I will say this. The HUGE difference here isn't the amount of Games that Steam has (whether on Linux or Windows or Mac) but the fact that pretty much ALL of the Console games are created to be played with a gamepad. Whereas (and I'd have to verify the numbers on this) probably only about a 10th of the games I have on steam (I have almost 850) support a gamepad properly. Though I will say there are a lot of games on Steam that seem to work fine with a gamepad, but for some reason or another aren't listed with controller support.

                    I think really this is probably the biggest reason we don't have 'Steam Machines' available to buy yet. On a somewhat related note, I had read an article about Oculus Rift that said pretty much the same thing, that they're waiting on a bad ass controller to go along with the VR Headset.

                    Personally I think if we can get something like the Kinect + Oculus Rift + support in a lot of games on Steam, they will sell like crazy.


                    • CrystalGamma
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2014
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                      Originally posted by leech View Post
                      something like the Kinect
                      You do know that the Xbox One only started flying off the shelves after they dropped the Kinect, right?

                      On a personal note, that kind of thing would be something that would make me NOT want to buy a SteamBox (still a better name than Steam Machine, because it is unambiguous and shorter IMO).
                      Not that I'm that interested in their hardware personally.

