Rumors Arise Over State Of Steam Machines & SteamOS

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67345

    Rumors Arise Over State Of Steam Machines & SteamOS

    Phoronix: Rumors Arise Over State Of Steam Machines & SteamOS

    At this week's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas there are no big Steam Machines announcements but just much talk about the state of affairs for Valve and their Steam Machines and SteamOS projects...

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  • Jedibeeftrix
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 329

    Originally posted by phoronix View Post
    Phoronix: Rumors Arise Over State Of Steam Machines & SteamOS

    At this week's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas there are no big Steam Machines announcements but just much talk about the state of affairs for Valve and their Steam Machines and SteamOS projects...
    is reminded of this, and the sometime angry response to the question therein:


    • carewolf
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2012
      • 2271

      I would not be surprised if both rumours are true. SteamBox as a game console is dead, but they will still be launched as 'living room PCs' though that might be with Windows, and only with Linux/StreamOS if Microsoft doesn't give the OEMs some good deals (which they probably will).


      • OneTimeShot
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 719

        Originally posted by carewolf View Post
        'living room PCs' though that might be with Windows, .
        I'm not sure what Microsoft's Xbox vs Windows strategy is going to be, but I am pretty sure it isn't going to involve Steam... I suspect that Valve will eventually lose unless they gamble on Linux


        • The Walking Glitch
          Phoronix Member
          • Oct 2014
          • 58

          If their controller is anything like that picture in your article or like the Xbox controller, I don't think it will be very successful at all... Especially when you can get Sony PS3 controllers for dirt cheap on ebay. I paid $15 for mine brand new, and it is the single best controller on the market.


          • eydee
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2014
            • 1637

            I think it still depends on the games mostly. If they released it now with very few known games and lack of support for mainstream ones, it would be dead in no time. If Valve has secret contracts with all (or most) of the big game publishers and the Machines can be released along with many AAA titles including the latest ones, it can be successful, at least it can compete with current-gen consoles.

            One thing is sure: Without the games, close to no one will buy overpriced hardware to run indie games and the very few others we have now.


            • Remdul
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2013
              • 148

              It wouldn't surprise me if everything was delayed because HL3 wasn't ready yet (surely it will be a launch title?!). Not that I think anything is wrong with that. All good things need some time to ripen.


              • belal1
                Junior Member
                • Jun 2013
                • 44

                Valve is known to be quiet. Unfortunately, these other individuals claiming that SteamMachines are dead is taking the wrong signal. Just think about it for a minute, if Steam Machines were really dead, so would be SteamOS. But there is NOTHING to signal that steamOS is any less being developed. Neither does there seem to be any hint that the controller is dead in development. Besides, Michael would be the first one to know if Steam Machines are canned or not


                • carewolf
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2012
                  • 2271

                  Originally posted by OneTimeShot View Post
                  I'm not sure what Microsoft's Xbox vs Windows strategy is going to be, but I am pretty sure it isn't going to involve Steam... I suspect that Valve will eventually lose unless they gamble on Linux
                  Microsoft is famous for infighting and different department having different goals. The Windows team might want to get into the living room, if not for anything else to avoid Linux gets there, and they probably don't care what the X-Box team thinks.


                  • TLE02
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 27

                    Labelling it a "Living room PC" is kind of a flawed comparison

                    I think the article quoted by Phoronix is oversimplifying things. True, that living room PC's have been tried and didn't succed, but that was because they didn't offer real functionality. On the onther tinkering/making/modding is bigger than ever and that is the place where they might find a place.

                    In any case, I tend to think of Steam Machines very differently from Livinf Room PC's. I think if them as finally having a gaming console where the hardware can be upgraded (at least that was the original plan for some of them). This for me fixes an important problem with game console, namely that they are quite simply too expensive if you want to continually have a high end system, at least compared to a PC, where you can do the big upgrade (complete system)/small upgrade (RAM and graphics card) strategy to keep you updated for less.

                    In any case, I really hope this isn't true (but it is also still just a rumor). Unless a significant number of the Steam Machines come out with SteamOS, I see no reason to expect that Valve will continue to push game vendors to port to Linux and if they don't do that, I see no reason to not just buy a playstation. I am however still hopeful. Time will tell.

