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Google Wave

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  • Google Wave

    I've been invited on Google Wave and I'm checking it out.
    On the technical side it's a little bit slow.
    Being a web application, it works well on both Windows and Linux platforms (I used it on Win7 and Ubuntu Jaunty on a Chrome browser)

    My impressions:

    it's good but it's not so exciting yet. It's very limited, it's slower than what you see in the demo video on youtube.
    And there are very few things to do, a part from chatting in real time, or adding some link

    And when I say real time I mean it! You can see other's people words appear as they type (nothing new tough, it was a feature in ICQ in the late '90s!!!). After a bit you end up in total a chaos with unstructured talks, even if there's only 2 people in the wave!!!!

    Anyone tested it yet? What do you think?
    • being OSS, do you expect integration in some distro (anyone said Moblin?) as a client?
    • Is it a revolution or just an evolution of chat/email? I like it but I fear an epic fiasco
    • devil's advocate question: is there anything that GW does that cannot be performed with the Facebook wall? Aren't they both a metaphore of a shared dashboard?
    Last edited by TeoLinuX; 15 October 2009, 09:21 AM.

  • #2
    I would absolutely love to test it. Could you send me an inventation?


    • #3
      lol. I cant wait for the HoN style posts to start.

      Originally posted by DOTA Player
      Please please. All my friends are using google wave but all the invites was gone and i didn't get one. please send a key to l33f3r(rat)

      Google wave sure looks interesting. You mentioned it works well on both Ubuntu and win7. Is there any noticeable differences?


      • #4
        Originally posted by L33F3R View Post
        Google wave sure looks interesting. You mentioned it works well on both Ubuntu and win7. Is there any noticeable differences?
        I don't think there is, since everything works with JavaScript/Ajax/HTML5. The only thing which is not possible without plugins, is Drag&Drop.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MartjeB View Post
          I don't think there is, since everything works with JavaScript/Ajax/HTML5. The only thing which is not possible without plugins, is Drag&Drop.

          the service is snappier in the last days, maybe after an overload for all the people trying it in the first hours.
          They're adding little improvements, but still the site is so far from being mature. I think they're working hard in the under the hood protocol part, because the features are even thinner than those of the first gmail editor!!!!

          But, you know what?
          I have new friends made in the beta tester community. I have their email and their Gtalk... but I by far prefer to communicate with them in GW
          Is it addictive? no, I can quit whenever I decide to


          • #6
            So basically, google have "invented" a new form of instant messaging?

            Allow me to sell you a nice shiney simultaneous audio messaging system...


            • #7
              Originally posted by RobbieAB View Post
              So basically, google have "invented" a new form of instant messaging?

              Allow me to sell you a nice shiney simultaneous audio messaging system...
              Well, think of it as a hybrid among
              • Instant Messaging
              • GMail
              • a shared dashboard (FB wall to be more precise)

              All in real time, and strongly historicized if you want to use it with participants not all present at the same time.

              It's an interesting experiment. By now the major downside is that if you have 2+ participant online at the same time, they end-up in a totally unstructured form of communication (aka total chaos, with people responding to previous post in the wave and adding contents in any part, not necessarily appending them at the end!).
              But it could serve well for brainstorming for instance!

              Do I like it? Well, uh yeah.. it's funny that you can see other people typing in real time, but you might guess what they're about to say and you start a reply post before they hit the DONE button. So the communication becomes a rush of people racing their reply one another. Mess, stressfull , funny ... (time sparing?!??)


              • #8
                Originally posted by TeoLinuX View Post
                Do I like it? Well, uh yeah.. it's funny that you can see other people typing in real time, but you might guess what they're about to say and you start a reply post before they hit the DONE button. So the communication becomes a rush of people racing their reply one another. Mess, stressfull , funny ... (time sparing?!??)
                see thats no good for me. After a few rounds of the bowl, generally speaking, i cant spell a damn thing. So i will usually end up using google as a spellchecker. People gunna be waiting a while as i stop and go.


                and go.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by L33F3R View Post
                  So i will usually end up using google as a spellchecker. People gunna be waiting a while as i stop and go.


                  and go.
                  Actually, there's a real time spell checker which is super. It not only suggest misspelled words, but it can suggest some syntax corrections

                  Example: if you type he come home, you'll see come underlined.. then you right click on it and a combo appears, showing comes as an alternative. Notice that usually spell-checkers don't perform this kind of suggestions!


                  • #10
                    no body seems to be using it

