Linux CoC Announces Decision Following Recent Bcachefs Drama

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  • ElectricPrism
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2013
    • 1271

    A little bit of FAFO meets the FOSS Politics inherit in any human structure. The gesture is mostly symbolic to crush any criticism of non-action to these behaviors.

    Still a win for him to having made it this far this quickly. But a message that says "pipe down" "settle down a bit please" -- I'm sure most people in the ranks just want to go back to business as usual.

    I do think with all the craziness happening in the Linux Kernel over the last few years like this around sanctions and banning of people by their nationality, bcache drama, etc... that Linux is inadvertently opening the market for a 4th and potentially a 5th platform to begin to take hold.

    If I end up on another platform at some future date, I imagine the upgrade will be micro-kernel architecture.

    Seeing Reizer dropped from the kernel too seems like Linus is just in the mood to drop baggage before heading forward. People are especially tired of the world events of the last month with raw nerves. I just hope people snap back to it and are ready to move on and recharge.

    If I used bcache ( which I don't and likely wont ) I would say now is a excellent time to be on Gentoo. I think Gentoo could stand to gain a lot of ground if they could modernize some -- their terminology, concepts, and models for one -- and two just whatever else nets them the younger generation. It's critical to meet current world expectations and net fresh talent which are the source of making all the cool stuff we enjoy in the present and in the future.

    This sure has been an interesting Aesop Linux Fable to follow.


    • reba
      Senior Member
      • May 2020
      • 678


      So the CoC is officially able and in the position to stall, control and force into submission participants and to an extent therefore a whole project like the fscking Linux kernel?

      How much power was given to these people? And just - why? By whom? Is there an exit strategy?


      • TheMightyBuzzard
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2021
        • 425

        Originally posted by DanL View Post

        What is so bizarre about a suspension? And why are you trying to demean Linux's ability to enforce its rules (which Kent agreed to)?
        What's bizarre is putting extraneous conversation ahead of code in importance. That right there would tell me that the CoC has no place in kernel development, even if I had no previous opinion on it.


        • energyman
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2008
          • 1754

          Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

          What's bizarre is putting extraneous conversation ahead of code in importance. That right there would tell me that the CoC has no place in kernel development, even if I had no previous opinion on it.
          wrong. Linux lost devs because of the language there. The CoC toned the heated arguments down and made it for some even possible in the first place to contribute.

          It is sad that things like CoCs are needed. But there are so many bad people - like Kent - it has become a necessity.


          • Daktyl198
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2013
            • 1589

            Originally posted by andyprough View Post
            So they put him in timeout? How bizarre.

            What's next, a spanking? Take the car keys away for a month? Or no allowance money until Christmas?
            Given Kent's personality, this is a huge blow to his ego and his personal (selfish) workflow while keeping the code in the kernel for users, and letting kernel developers like Linus have a break from him for at least one kernel cycle, allowing tempers on both sides to settle and for people to mellow out.

            Overall, a good solution for everybody involved. Even Kent seems totally accepting of the effective suspension.


            • Volta
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2019
              • 2310

              The proper pronunciation of CoC are clowns and snowflakes. They should be kept away from kernel as far as possible, but even the leader became clown, so it's just a wishful thinking.


              • Daktyl198
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2013
                • 1589

                Originally posted by reba View Post

                So the CoC is officially able and in the position to stall, control and force into submission participants and to an extent therefore a whole project like the fscking Linux kernel?

                How much power was given to these people? And just - why? By whom? Is there an exit strategy?
                Linus gives them pseudo-power. Any power they have comes from him following their recommendations. That's why their solution is just a "recommendation" rather than an order. But when they come up with perfectly good solutions, Linus would be an idiot to not follow them.

                Also, they didn't stall shit. Not only does Kent have a personal tree where all of his development happens anyway, but nobody in their right mind should be using bcachefs in the real world right now anyway. None of those updates should have users in need of them.


                • kiffmet
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2016
                  • 477

                  Long story short: Kent habitually ignored the release cycle and tried to push major changes into maintenance releases and RCs, was told that this is not the proper methodology multiple times (including a rational explanation), threw a tamper tantrum and repeated this process for months while also escalating his rhetoric due to not getting his way; Now he's earned himself a timeout.

                  Bcachefs is great and all, but this unwillingness (or perhaps inability?????) to follow established rules and collaborate with others in a way that minimizes friction, suggests that it may be better (for the sake of the kernel maintainers' sanity and out of respect for their time) that the FS gets dropped from the kernel if Kent didn't adjust his behavior.
                  Last edited by kiffmet; 23 November 2024, 06:41 AM.


                  • skeevy420
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2017
                    • 8684

                    Originally posted by reba View Post

                    So the CoC is officially able and in the position to stall, control and force into submission participants and to an extent therefore a whole project like the fscking Linux kernel?

                    How much power was given to these people? And just - why? By whom? Is there an exit strategy?
                    You have to agree to the Code of Conduct when you become a kernel maintainer. It's no different than when I stood on the Yellow Footprints at MCRD San Diego and agreed to be tried under the UCMJ if I violated the USMC Code of Conduct. He agreed to a Code, violated it, and was then punished.

                    He agreed to be under the power given to those people ahead of time.

                    Why they have power is because Linus used to be an asshole, too. Just because someone is keen in the ways of kernel programming doesn't mean they have the right to be an asshole and treat others in an undignified manner.

                    I'm aware how rich that all of that is coming from the person who was calling Kent a whiny bitch in the last thread. I know y'all are thinking "Who the fuck is this person to say things like 'treat others in an undignified manner' when they spoke about others in such an undignified manner like that?" Well, that's the duality of man in action. Don't know what else to say, there.


                    • Errinwright
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2023
                      • 192

                      Bizarre. This ruling is a prime example that the CoC is being used [or rather abused] to settle personal vendettas, rather than a tool meant for moderating the Kernel developer community. Seeing it as anything else based on this debacle would be a biased point of view. The fact that ReiserFS remained in the Kernel for this long, was a far greater "blemish" on the Linux Foundation's image, than whatever a few insensitive comments ever would be.

                      Edit: Michael's Thumbnail game is on point though, gotta give him that.
                      Last edited by Errinwright; 22 November 2024, 08:56 PM.

