Linux CoC Announces Decision Following Recent Bcachefs Drama

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  • TheMightyBuzzard
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2021
    • 416

    Originally posted by AmericanLocomotive View Post
    It is NOT the norm of how "men" work. "Men" are capable of staying level headed and working things out amicably. Children get in shouting matches and throw temper tantrums.

    I've worked commercial construction, manufacturing and automotive dismantling for the first half of my working life. Yes there is baudy banter and casual insults between friends or close coworkers, but you cannot just go up to any random person on the job site or in the plant and say "Get your head examined and get the fuck out of here with this shit" and expect no consequence.

    Job site supers have a lot going on, and the last thing they need is for two employees to get in a shouting match, start fighting, damage equipment or product, get hurt and trigger a site visit from corporate HR or OSHA. You start mouthing off like that to someone you don't have a close relationship with and in a real world blue collar job, you'll get a time out and sent home for the day to clear your head.

    Kent got a time out and "sent home for the day"

    It becomes clearer and clearer every day on this forum who has actually worked blue collar jobs, and who has just seen or listened to talking heads (who never worked a hard days work in their life) babble about their manly-man fantasy of what blue collar working life is like.

    But all of that is irrelevant anyways since software programming is not a blue-collar job.
    We're not talking about screaming in some random guy's face, we're talking about a shouting match over how to get the job done. If you tell me you've never seen that and you've worked multiple blue collar jobs, you're not just wrong, you're a damned liar.


    • zexelon
      Senior Member
      • May 2019
      • 758

      Originally posted by ZeroPointEnergy View Post
      Kent's behavior in blue collar terms is like constantly ignoring the safety rules which may also impact his coworkers and then talking back to the boss if reprimanded.

      Yeah in a blue collar "get it done" world, he would habe been kicked ages ago if he can't work together with others and becomes a nuisance or even cause for security concerns. No one had time to entertain the snowflake who thinks he deserves special treatment.
      Not trying to defend Kent... he sounds like a real jerk to work with... but so does Linus... and we all know Stevey Wonderjobs was truely awful... but no... Kent is not ignoring safety protocols he is just awful to work with, even though he may actually produce really good work at the end.

      TBH DKMS is probably the very best solution to this problem.


      • TheMightyBuzzard
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2021
        • 416

        Originally posted by AmericanLocomotive View Post
        But all of this is irrelevant anyways since software programming is not a blue-collar job.
        No shit, Sherlock. Nobody said it was. You nimrods said it's impossible to work when mean things are being said. In response to which I called you idiots and pointed to the entirety of human history wherein it has been the norm, including the present.


        • EliasOfWaffle
          Phoronix Member
          • Dec 2023
          • 77

          Why some people can make more offensive emails replies without getting some warning and Kent have receive a restriction to make the same thing?
          It seems like equality has gone to shit in this situation


          • quaz0r
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2014
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            911 was an inside job


            • TheMightyBuzzard
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2021
              • 416

              Originally posted by EliasOfWaffle View Post
              Why some people can make more offensive emails replies without getting some warning and Kent have receive a restriction to make the same thing?
              It seems like equality has gone to shit in this situation
              It's almost like the CoC doesn't actually exist to set out a standard of conduct but to punish those who you don't like...


              • AmericanLocomotive
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2017
                • 226

                Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

                We're not talking about screaming in some random guy's face, we're talking about a shouting match over how to get the job done. If you tell me you've never seen that and you've worked multiple blue collar jobs, you're not just wrong, you're a damned liar.
                What's normal on a job site:
                - Shouting instructions at someone because they are far away
                - Shouting "stop" because someone is doing something that's about to cause egregious bodily harm to someone else
                - Shouting "stop" because someone is doing something that's about to cost thousand of dollars in damage or lost time

                What's not normal on a jobsite: Getting into a back and forth shouting match with swearing and insults in the GC's office well before any important deadline, about the way the 2x4s should be nailed together in a room. That kind of behavior gets you reprimanded or sent home for the day.

                As you wind your way up the "blue collar ladder" into higher-end jobs, like advanced manufacturing - the tolerance for any kind of yelling or shouting gets smaller and smaller, because the stakes are larger and larger. The last thing you need is two hot-headed guys arguing while one is at the helm of a $5 Million CNC machine with hundreds of dollars of product pumping out of it every minute.

                In white collar jobs, like programming, shouting and yelling is simply not tolerated at all. You are expected to be a mature adult man, and have a civil discussion. Kent couldn't do that, so he got sent home for the day.

                Way too many boys (and some men), with very limited real-world experience think that being a man is all about flexing your muscle, screaming at people, and insulting others. That's just a fantasy perpetrated by talking heads and podcasters who never had to do a hard day's work in their life and like to LARP as a manly-man.


                • pgeorgi
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 130

                  Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post
                  we're talking about a shouting match over how to get the job done. If you tell me you've never seen that and you've worked multiple blue collar jobs, you're not just wrong, you're a damned liar.
                  Even some blue collar jobs are starting to pick up some basic manners. Mostly driven by "why is nobody willing to work for me? Damn Gen-Alpha kids, and their snowflaky 'feeling'!" reasons, but if that's what it takes, I'm here for it.

                  Originally posted by zexelon View Post

                  Not trying to defend Kent... he sounds like a real jerk to work with... but so does Linus...
                  The difference is that Linus took some soul searching and tries to figure out how to improve when he messes up. If Kent does that, he's doing a pretty good job at hiding it.

                  [Edit to add:] Maybe some personalities are better served with a delayed email cadence. Write your response within 10-20 minutes (as Kent did in this thread), but sign off on them after a few hours to verify that it's indeed what you intend to put out there, and only then they're sent out.
                  Last edited by pgeorgi; 23 November 2024, 02:36 PM.


                  • lyamc
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2020
                    • 526

                    Originally posted by pgeorgi View Post
                    The difference is that Linus took some soul searching


                    • gavron
                      Phoronix Member
                      • Dec 2020
                      • 63

                      F the COC. Coders code. Political correctness is for F lusers.

