It's absolutely pathetic how everyone is being a little fragile bitch about Kent. Yes, he's a dickhead, abrasive and a 10x developer. So is Linus - his only saving grace over the years is being the founder, otherwise he'd been CoC'd long ago.
Bcachefs Changes Rejected Reportedly Due To CoC, Kernel Future "Uncertain"
Originally posted by Quackdoc View Postalso of note, lets be clear what the issue here is.
The issue here is not kent being toxic, it's that COC is demanding a public appology, despite it already being worked out, start reading from here
Originally posted by Quackdoc View Postalso of note, lets be clear what the issue here is.
The issue here is not kent being toxic, it's that COC is demanding a public appology, despite it already being worked out, start reading from here
do they also want a bouquet of flowers and a romantic dinner?
Originally posted by toastal View PostIs it possible to kick Kent & let someone with social skills do the communicating on the mailing list on his behalf? Maybe this is a good use for AI+LLMs? …to fix his tone. It does not seem he has the discipline to do this himself after reading quite a few of the threads that have popped up & it is very disappointing since the filesystem does have a lot of promise (tho the quality of the pull requests have been pretty iffy too according to Linus on several threads).
let's them develop the kernel ok? I guess that we will not see any arguing anymore.
Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View PostKent legitimately has kills and is indeed an expert. He is a beautiful and unique snowflake, relatively speaking.
Originally posted by Alexmitter View Post
I will celebrate the day bcachefs is removed from mainline and the only one kent can blame for that is himself and his Hindenburg sized hot air filled ego.
Originally posted by microchip8 View PostA dick himself calling others dicks. Yeah... the one who needs to change is Kent, not the whole kernel culture. Nothing is perfect and there will always be issues, but in this case, it's the bcachefs author that makes the problem, not the other way around. His past (and continuing) behavior only shows it... The guy is so consumed by ego that's he's become blind to his own behavior and can't self-reflect.
the LKML has always been full of flames and words, and it has worked very well so far.
CoC is the issue here.
This is what is destroying the linux kernel and many other FOSS projects.
Originally posted by cynic View Post
look, there's this old lady club where my grandma goes: It's full of very kind women.
let's them develop the kernel ok? I guess that we will not see any arguing anymore.
also, why should people associate the linux kernel with a lot of mentally ill chimps?
Originally posted by pomac View Post
Which seems to say "trust me" while backhanding changes and actively working on bypassing people that should trust him?
Originally posted by pomac View PostTrust is earned and should not be taken for granted.