Bcachefs Changes Rejected Reportedly Due To CoC, Kernel Future "Uncertain"

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  • TheMightyBuzzard
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2021
    • 425

    Originally posted by mobadboy View Post

    ive been employed in tech since i was teenager, and im a lot older than that now. ive seen the whole spectrum, interacted with literally thousands of people with work. i certainly was an asshole at one point and it helped nothing. assholes develop a reputation and are pointless to work with. you?
    Don't sell yourself short, your skills in that area have only increased over the years.

    Seriously though, you sound like a whiny little Millennial who thinks the world owes them happiness and comfort. That's not how life works, Nancy. Which you should obviously know since the level of asshole you're displaying here if equated to a skill level would be fairly impressive.

    Me? I've been coding since before the camel book was out for Perl and I'm still laid back and easy to work with. But I'm not nice. If you start an argument, I will finish it. Brutally. And I will be right. But I won't take it personally.


    • jonnyheggheim
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2023
      • 8

      Our Pledge

      In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

      While banning russians in this open and welcoming environment...​


      • cynic
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2011
        • 1096

        Originally posted by mobadboy View Post

        ive been employed in tech since i was teenager, and im a lot older than that now. ive seen the whole spectrum, interacted with literally thousands of people with work. i certainly was an asshole at one point and it helped nothing. assholes develop a reputation and are pointless to work with. you?
        sometimes being an asshole is the only way to get the project done on schedule.

        I'm the expert on a specific subjects in my company and sometimes I had to be an asshole when it was time to take decisions in those areas.
        Yes, sometimes you miss the opportunity to improve and learn something but the company is still alive because we delivered our products to the customers.


        • johnny
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2009
          • 22

          Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

          "You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world."
          and this is exactly why kent is having problems, because he believes himself to the opposite. he doesn't think he has to play by the same rules as everyone else does.


          • Paradigm Shifter
            Senior Member
            • May 2019
            • 893

            Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post
            If he ever gives up programming he could have a good job writing news for FOX or OAN.
            Or CNN. Or MSNBC. Or the BBC. Or a host of other options. Biased reporting is biased reporting, regardless of the "side". Everyone has one or more agenda... the more people remember this in day to day interactions (particularly with the media and the internet) the less power someone elses' biases will have over your own thinking.

            Originally posted by mobadboy View Post
            being professional brings projects together.
            And doing everything behind closed doors in secret courts where the accused doesn't even know exactly what they've been accused of, or by whom, is not professional unless you think the Stasi should be considered role-models. Which is exactly how most of these alleged code of conduct committees go about their business. Private accusations made in secret with judgements passed down from a self-elected group of "like minded individuals" without the ability to defend oneself is not something anyone should be cheering...​


            • F.Ultra
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2010
              • 2053

              Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

              Don't sell yourself short, your skills in that area have only increased over the years.

              Seriously though, you sound like a whiny little Millennial who thinks the world owes them happiness and comfort. That's not how life works, Nancy. Which you should obviously know since the level of asshole you're displaying here if equated to a skill level would be fairly impressive.

              Me? I've been coding since before the camel book was out for Perl and I'm still laid back and easy to work with. But I'm not nice. If you start an argument, I will finish it. Brutally. And I will be right. But I won't take it personally.
              Except what you describe is not at all what the complaint is about. The complaint is about asshats who thinks that the world owes them happiness and comfort and being allowed to be asshats without consequences. They are not finishing arguments, they are starting them. Aka you are identifying with the wrong side here.

              ​No Russians have been banned.

              Originally posted by Paradigm Shifter View Post
              And doing everything behind closed doors in secret courts where the accused doesn't even know exactly what they've been accused of, or by whom, is not professional unless you think the Stasi should be considered role-models. Which is exactly how most of these alleged code of conduct committees go about their business. Private accusations made in secret with judgements passed down from a self-elected group of "like minded individuals" without the ability to defend oneself is not something anyone should be cheering...​

              That is not what is happening here though, the one keeping it secret is Kent himself that instead of posting exactly what he wrote is writing an assay on what he want's you to believe that he wrote.
              Last edited by F.Ultra; 21 November 2024, 01:09 AM.


              • DanL
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2007
                • 3126

                It would be nice if the article would give more details. It's kind of fun to read the baseless speculation and watching a bunch of people get triggered when they read "CoC", but as an old lady in a commercial famously said, "Where's the beef?"


                • TheMightyBuzzard
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2021
                  • 425

                  Originally posted by johnny View Post

                  and this is exactly why kent is having problems, because he believes himself to the opposite. he doesn't think he has to play by the same rules as everyone else does.
                  He has the skills to warrant that level of asshole though. Unfortunately for him, Linus does as well.


                  • Quackdoc
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2020
                    • 5107

                    Originally posted by Party0445 View Post

                    Usually in corporate world these type of complaints are managed in private - to hopefully not further embarrass the person. Obviously this is very silly when you have one person involved and is very easily identified (even without Kent’s post, his contributions not being accepted would raise many questions).

                    I am definitely not defending the CoC (all these type of entities are full of it and only make things worse). It seems like the affected parties need to meet face to face and hash it out or go their seperate ways. Trying to deal with issues like this via emails is madness really.
                    that's fine with private corporations, but when it's a public project that everyone is privy too, well, everyone should be privy to it for transparency


                    • johnny
                      Junior Member
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 22

                      Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

                      He has the skills to warrant that level of asshole though. Unfortunately for him, Linus does as well.
                      Linus thinks he doesn't! Lots of the existing devs want him to go away since he causes so much friction

