Originally posted by clipcarl
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But, that doesn't seem to be what the CoC is being used for - it's to push agenda(s) especially woke/political agendas and forcing ppl who have differing (political opinions and ideas) to adhere to whatever the ones who run the CoC want and subscribe to. I read that KO made some comments that weren't always about code - and part of this is about some things he said. Sure, he also had an outburst and told one guy 'to get the head of his ass' or something along those lines - to 'fucking wake up' or whatever. Sure, that behavior is a bit extreme and uncalled for - but, I don't think it's worst thing ever said. I think even LT has said some outlandish things and insulted other coders? The problem is these CoC ppl and others have concentrated too much on KO's behavior and the 'apology' I think is not just about his individual comments to that one guy. I believe they don't like what other things he's said and believes - I bet they are well aware of his behavior and character and think if they provoke him enough - he'll say things in which they can pursue ousting him altogether. It seems in the IT world - if you don't conform and adhere to the same politics, they try to cancel you or are so strict on your work - that they fault you for anything - the other thing regarding this is they want rigid rules and not everyone is good at following them - which this guy supposedly isn't. So, if they don't like his politics - they can probably 'squeeze these rules' even more - find where he's vulnerable and then get rid of him.
I can't see why else you would be so obsessed about him apologizing - they want him to grovel publicly - it appears to me.
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