Bcachefs Changes Rejected Reportedly Due To CoC, Kernel Future "Uncertain"

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  • mdedetrich
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2019
    • 2549

    Originally posted by energyman View Post
    Btw, Michal Hocko is doing kernel work before phoronix forum even existed. He survived MM hell. He is certainly a more skilled dev than anyone in this thread.
    And so has Kent, who has programming well before that as well

    Originally posted by energyman View Post
    So go and read. And stop that 'evil coc' and 'bad woke' nonesense. You are barking at the wrong tree. Your worldview is so screwed up, no glasses will help. But maybe information will. It is not about CoC. It is about Kent being a total arsehole trying again and again to force others to play by his ruies and accept his bullshit. His rules are 'what I am doing is right and you shut up'.

    People like Kent destroy projects. Nothing they do has any worth in the long run. His fs might be exciting and shiny. So what? Linux has plenty of exciting and shiny fs to pick from. Without some wannabe dictator like Kent screwing around in the background.
    I have read everything, and all I see happening here is old time kernel developers acting like children because their ego's are hurt and Kent is not the only one guilty of this. And to be clear, I am not one of those anti CoC/anti woke people, but the way that the lkml is currently being run is like a degenerate cesspit and the real issue here is that Kent is unintentionally putting a torchlight on that cesspit because he is trying to contribute one of the most challenging things possible (a CoW filesystem that is properly tested) which touches many sensitive parts out of various critical core kernel subsystems.

    Originally posted by energyman View Post

    no, most experts are actually nice to work with. It is the wannabe experts with a personality disorder that act like Kent.
    You don't know a lot of experts, some of them are easy to work with but quite a few are "difficult" (for various reasons) because they think a very atypical way and thats what typically makes them an expert​
    Last edited by mdedetrich; 21 November 2024, 10:04 AM.


    • TheMightyBuzzard
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2021
      • 416

      Originally posted by MillionToOne View Post

      Assholes with egos don't know how to argue because they only see the world from their perspective. You are a great example of this because you think you'll be right every time. Arguments with people that have egos aren't productive arguments because one side refuses to even listen to others' arguments. Therefore trying to convince a fool they're wrong is just wasting time.
      Wrong. Arguing is debugging your position. If someone can actually show you it's wrong, you change. If they can't, your argument is one step more legitimized. You just suck at arguing.


      • TheMightyBuzzard
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2021
        • 416

        Originally posted by energyman View Post

        no, most experts are actually nice to work with. It is the wannabe experts with a personality disorder that act like Kent.
        Sure. If that's what you need to tell yourself.


        • JPFSanders
          Senior Member
          • May 2016
          • 424

          Originally posted by avis View Post
          Please enlighten me why I should be "thrown out".
          To lower the nonsense noise level in the site, that would be a net positive for the world. Also because nothing of value would be lost.


          • EmmaJaneBonestell
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2022
            • 4

            Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

            Erm... You seem to be under the misconception that what "people" think matters. It doesn't. Average people are easily replaceable, experts are not. You are occasionally going to have to put up with assholes...

            "You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world."
            Do you not see the immediate contradiction?


            • browseria
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2018
              • 155

              Originally posted by nadir View Post
              Which is why the usual suspects like avis and mightychicken hate CoCs so much. They're exactly the kind of person that should be thrown out of a community.
              The first reaction to someone saying something you don't agree with shouldn't be to call for kicking them out of a community! Proportional response, please? I don't agree with avis/birdie on much, but I don't believe he is posting in bad faith, he honestly believes what he believes and is trying to communicate that to you. He's here because he feels as strongly about Linux as you do. I would hope each of us would have the humility to listen to what is being said, evaluate it and respond with the same respect shown to you.


              • TheMightyBuzzard
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2021
                • 416

                Originally posted by energyman View Post

                and in all those decades he has not learnt to play nice. Which is why people like Kent are usually a project destroying PITA in the professional world.

                Funny thing, one of the first emails on lkml from Kent is him pissing ofl Al Viro. If I had to choose between Al Viro (a personality in abrasiveness only second to Linus) and Kent, give me Al Viro. He is an arsehole as well. But he plays by the rules. Something Kent is utterly incapable off. Al Viro is the type that pushes projects forwards. Kent is the type that kills projects.
                If he's learned that, it's because it works to produce the best results. Which it actually does if you're genuinely the smartest guy in the room; shutting down stupidity hard saves a lot of time and problems. He just forgot who was in the room with him this time.

                Is it pleasant? Who gives a fuck? It's called "work" not "happy fun cuddles time". If you need life to be pleasant, you're in for a very rude awakening.


                • TheMightyBuzzard
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2021
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                  Originally posted by EmmaJaneBonestell View Post

                  Do you not see the immediate contradiction?
                  How about you reply again. This time without a gradeschool, semantic gotcha that has to overlook the message entirely to focus on a misunderstood movie quote?


                  • skeevy420
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2017
                    • 8670

                    Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post

                    Where is this post?
                    For the record, this is what Kent said:

                    Michal, if you think crashing processes is an acceptable alternative to
                    error handling _you have no business writing kernel code_.

                    You have been stridently arguing for one bad idea after another, and
                    it's an insult to those of us who do give a shit about writing reliable

                    You're arguing against basic precepts of kernel programming.

                    Get your head examined. And get the fuck out of here with this shit.​
                    This was the response:


                    Using language like this is clearly unacceptable and violates the
                    Code of Conduct. This type of language doesn't promote respectful
                    and productive discussions and is detrimental to the health of the

                    You should be well aware that this type of language and personal
                    attack is a clear violation of the Linux kernel Contributor Covenant
                    Code of Conduct as outlined in the following:

                    Refer to the Code of Conduct and refrain from violating the Code of
                    Conduct in the future.

                    -- Shuah (On behalf of the Code of Conduct Committee)​
                    According to a lot of the folks on the Phoronix forums I should be upset at Shuah for enforcing that very minimalist and easy to follow Code of Conduct and not Kent for violating it.


                    • npwx
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2022
                      • 139

                      Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

                      If he's learned that, it's because it works to produce the best results. Which it actually does if you're genuinely the smartest guy in the room; shutting down stupidity hard saves a lot of time and problems. He just forgot who was in the room with him this time.
                      While I don't think he's "the smartest guy in the room" or that this is even relevant for being a good programmer, you can witness live how that produces the "best results".
                      IOW, this is complete nonsense.

