Bcachefs Changes Rejected Reportedly Due To CoC, Kernel Future "Uncertain"
Originally posted by spockfish View Post
It comes down to the same behavior from day one: he could just follow the rules and apologize to the community. Instead, again, he goes on a rant why his pov is better.
Which could very well be, but he should think about his project. Because if Bcachefs ends with this, it is himself who is to blame. Not Linus, not a CoC.
"FYI, without taking any stance on the issue under debate here, I find the language used by Shuah on behalf of the Code of Conduct committee extremely patronising and passive aggressive."
So the people trying to enforce some good behaviour don't exhibit very good behaviour themselves. Its exactly that power play crap that CoC-boards everywhere seem to demonstrate, and this is why they should be abolished until they figure out how not to attract that kind of people.
Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post
Look, I ain't a fan of Kent's but most anyone truly an expert at their job has an ego like that, even if they have better manners. It's not arrogance, it's a recognition of provable fact. Part of being a professional among experts is knowing this is how reality is going to be no matter what you want and learning to get the job done anyway. Trying to change human nature is the thing that would be childish and absurd.
Originally posted by M@yeulC View PostHmm, as a Kent Patreon supporter, I hope he succeeds with bcachefs, but he also ought to take the hints sometimes. There isn't much place for ego in a collaborative project.
I also thinks he has it backwards with his little story. Code of conducts are useful tools to reign in the "dicks" and get them to change their behavior, or get them excluded. CoC are not the actual violent authority figures., they are here to safeguard everyone against them.
Originally posted by energyman View Post
no, most experts are actually nice to work with. It is the wannabe experts with a personality disorder that act like Kent.
My prediction is that Torvalds will be silent for a few days and then make yet another idiotic statement, where he rants about Russia and vaccine deniers or something stupid like that.
Since kernel development isn't happening on merit anymore and personal opinions and politics and ethnicity decide who can contribute.. i will apply the same standard to Torvalds and forget about his merit and only judge him based on mindbogglingly dumb stupid statement.
Originally posted by M@yeulC View PostCode of conducts are useful tools to reign in the "dicks"
Code of conducts are a useful tools to BE A DICK.
Established maintainers can do whatever they want.There is no need to tell anyone a reason why you harass them with your anonymous "CoC Enforcement Team" handle.
Originally posted by jonnyheggheim View Post