Fedora Stakeholders Debate Concerns Over "Karma" Term For Their Updates System

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  • Espionage724
    Originally posted by leo_sk View Post
    What a bunch of idiots
    That's what they'd want you to think before the change goes through

    Originally posted by Mordrag View Post

    Nobody is controlling you to not name your git branches "master". Keep living in your fantasy world.

    Only a matter of time before sponsorships start preventing submissions or blacklisting because your 12th repo years ago has a lingering "master" branch name that shows up on a quick search (and can't discriminate, so you won't know about it either)

    Fun times!
    Last edited by Espionage724; 16 November 2024, 09:28 PM.

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  • MillionToOne
    Originally posted by szymon_g View Post

    Ah I just love when Americans call everything they don't like "communism".
    Actually, the liberal lefties prefer the term "fascism". "Communism" is preferred by the conservative republicans.

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  • MillionToOne
    Originally posted by stormcrow View Post

    Labels that shouldn't have been used to begin with. People seem to forget that people can fix past cultural insensitivity while chewing gum and writing code. Almost as bad as Ancient Aliens cultists who believe all humans are too stupid to harness fire, build huts, or notice chewing certain plants relieved pain. Only some of us apparently can't seem to figure out how groups can manage more than one task at a time or that their pet peeve may not matter to said group.
    Somehow ignoring religious words is going to help people unite? These generations are soft, if they get offended by a basic word from a religion other than atheism. Damn I hate identity politics.

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  • avis
    Originally posted by _ReD_ View Post

    Simply not true. Check your notification settings.
    30 likes for being "untrue"? Notifications settings where? Are you even a Fedora user? LMAO.

    Bugzilla/Github/gitlab all have notifications settings per ticket/bug report. Bodhi has none.

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  • _ReD_
    Originally posted by juxuanu View Post
    I don't care about religion, and nobody cares what it means in other places. Words are polysemic, and karma has been used for rating systems for decades. It's the same as master/slaive, master/main, blacklist/blocklist, etc.
    You're right. All this argument is just virtue-signaling with bike-shedding on top.

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  • _ReD_
    Originally posted by avis View Post
    What sucks about bodhi is something they seemingly don't give two f-ks about: once you leave a comment on a package you will receive all future comments about it on your email and there's no option to disable this behavior.

    Maybe Fedora engineers could fix basic features instead of chasing dubious labels.
    Simply not true. Check your notification settings.

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  • leo_sk
    What a bunch of idiots

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  • toves
    Anathema is also religeous term which could be quite widely and accurately applied in this context with few or no objections from the Church.

    Back in the day the Church could make a real fist of it: Bell, book, and candle.

    Nothing like the unseemly and anæmic pile ons to which we are now treated.

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  • Espionage724
    Originally posted by MamiyaOtaru View Post

    Who are the "censors" in this scenario? They are discussing whether they will voluntarily change a word in their distro. No one is forcing them to. The only people I see here trying to compel speech are people like you saying they shouldn't (of their own free will) change a word.

    I think it really rankles people like you because they do it for the sake of inclusivity, which is obviously not a concern for you. You can continue to be an isolationist chauvanist all you want, but a side effect of free speech is other people can choose not to and you can't do shit about it (other than whine, which is your free speech right)
    Yeah "inclusivity" got my Male character in an old-school video game neutered to a Body type, without asking. No amount of good-guy cards has explained the benefit of that to me yet

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  • MamiyaOtaru
    Originally posted by Luke_Wolf View Post

    It's much more simple than all that: Either you believe in Freedom of Speech and people's right to say what they want or you believe in controlling speech, those are the two sides here. The words involved don't really matter because it's really just all about power on the part of censors.
    Who are the "censors" in this scenario? They are discussing whether they will voluntarily change a word in their distro. No one is forcing them to. The only people I see here trying to compel speech are people like you saying they shouldn't (of their own free will) change a word.

    I think it really rankles people like you because they do it for the sake of inclusivity, which is obviously not a concern for you. You can continue to be an isolationist chauvanist all you want, but a side effect of free speech is other people can choose not to and you can't do shit about it (other than whine, which is your free speech right)

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