I don't have strong feelings about the term karma, but to be honest doesn't intuitively give me a sense of what it is about. But I don't have a horse in this race. I know there was some hoopla around changing master to main in GitHub for example. I'll admit, back in the day of old IDE drives and jumpers, the terms master and slave did catch my attention. Regarding Git references, I actually like the use of main over master - it is much more descriptive to me (though I get there is a long history in computing, electronics, audio, etc. with using the term master) and doesn't have those subtle tones to it (and I am far from being worried about words). Trunk is another good one, but main is easier to type than all of them and really gets to the point. You don't have agree with me here, just sharing my POV. Again, on this issue no horse of mine in this race.
Fedora Stakeholders Debate Concerns Over "Karma" Term For Their Updates System
Originally posted by Luke_Wolf View PostPlay ignorant all you like... everyone here knows that this is just a continuation of your party choosing to continue to use 1984 as an instruction manual rather than a warning
Banning all the words you don't like in order to create your butchered and tortured version of English known as NewSpeak.
Originally posted by DanL View PostI'm an independent. (Sorry to disappoint you.)
LMAO. No one is banning the word 'karma'. In fact, it's the opposite. Folks want to use the word properly and worry that using it as a synonym for feedback dilutes the meaning.
Originally posted by ehansin View PostI don't have strong feelings about the term karma, but to be honest doesn't intuitively give me a sense of what it is about. But I don't have a horse in this race. I know there was some hoopla around changing master to main in GitHub for example. I'll admit, back in the day of old IDE drives and jumpers, the terms master and slave did catch my attention. Regarding Git references, I actually like the use of main over master - it is much more descriptive to me (though I get there is a long history in computing, electronics, audio, etc. with using the term master) and doesn't have those subtle tones to it (and I am far from being worried about words). Trunk is another good one, but main is easier to type than all of them and really gets to the point. You don't have agree with me here, just sharing my POV. Again, on this issue no horse of mine in this race.
Originally posted by Luke_Wolf View Post
It's much more simple than all that: Either you believe in Freedom of Speech and people's right to say what they want or you believe in controlling speech, those are the two sides here. The words involved don't really matter because it's really just all about power on the part of censors.
Speaking as someone with "Buddhism" attached to their ID card (yes our citizen ID has religion field on it), I don't really think the word 'karma' is entirely religion-related. (Bodhi is, in the other hand, 100% related). Karma, to my understanding, means the result of action given to the one performed the said action. It's like the consequence of your action.
It can be something simple like when you slap your own face, then the karma is your face hurts (and probably your hand too). Simple as that.
Personally I think karma is not like scoring system. It's not about people judging your action whether is good or not, but more about having people judge your action as a good or bad action (geeze this is somewhat hard to describe). I think it would be more precise to have like or dislike button, or maybe vote up or down.
But well language keeps evolving and words do not forever retain their meaning. Take the word "Podcast" nowaday even have video versions...
absolutely amazing they went from purging father, mother, parent, master, slave, blacklist, whitelist, to now karma over the course of a decade.
linux community unfortunately has truly become infested with absolute banana brain crazies. its made me realize awhile ago that all the bad things about religion is not inherent to religion at all. all the bad things about religion will manifest regardless. all it takes is a really dumb ideology to get people to become really dumb people.
linux community simply changed "heresy" to "insensitivity" much like communist changed imperialism to liberation or republicans in the 2000s and now democrats in the modern area with imperialism to "spreading democracy."
going after karma is another pointless, stupid thing to even care about in the first place and here we are arguing over a "religious word" rather than things actually care about. you can't get mad at people who have backlash to you, when you were the ones in the first place getting your panties in a bunch over a dumb word to begin with you wanted to remove it.Last edited by pieman; 11 November 2024, 07:31 PM.