Fedora Stakeholders Debate Concerns Over "Karma" Term For Their Updates System

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  • juxuanu
    Phoronix Member
    • Nov 2020
    • 115

    I don't care about religion, and nobody cares what it means in other places. Words are polysemic, and karma has been used for rating systems for decades. It's the same as master/slaive, master/main, blacklist/blocklist, etc.


    • cynic
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2011
      • 1098

      so sad seeing most Linux distro being infected by woke assholes destroying the community.

      time to move to OpenBSD/NetBSD I think.

      (yes, FreeBSD Is infected as well, unfortunately)


      • DanL
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2007
        • 3126

        Originally posted by cynic View Post
        so sad seeing most Linux distro being infected by woke assholes destroying the community.
        So sad that you can't even have a simple discussion or propose a change without someone playing the woke card.


        • Luke_Wolf
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2011
          • 2808

          Originally posted by DanL View Post

          So sad that you can't even have a simple discussion or propose a change without someone playing the woke card.
          So sad that you think this is 2012 and that you can pretend this isn't entirely politically motivated as if everyone hasn't caught on yet.


          • Luke_Wolf
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2011
            • 2808

            Originally posted by cynic View Post
            so sad seeing most Linux distro being infected by woke assholes destroying the community.

            time to move to OpenBSD/NetBSD I think.

            (yes, FreeBSD Is infected as well, unfortunately)
            FreeBSD was infected but the developer community pushed back and re-established relative sanity. They're unfortunately still gargling CoCs but it's at least a sane one now.


            • timrichardson
              Senior Member
              • May 2010
              • 296

              Originally posted by DanL View Post

              So sad that you can't even have a simple discussion or propose a change without someone playing the woke card.
              I love Phoronix but Michael absolutely can't resist highlighting any minor item if there is a "woke" angle. What share of linux users with a focus on hardware performance could really care about a term used in a very obscure corner of one distribution? Yes, linux cultural issues are important as far as the sustainability of the open source project is concerned but this article is way down the list of those concerns, vastly more important are things like contributor recruitment, onboarding, developer burnout, supply chain security .
              Although at least Michael has not trolled us by changing the Like button to Karma. I probably shouldn't give him such ideas.


              • DanL
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2007
                • 3126

                Originally posted by Luke_Wolf View Post
                So sad that you think this is 2012
                No, I know it's not 2012 because I haven't seen the term 'SJW' used 20 times in the first 10 replies in a topic like this.

                and that you can pretend this isn't entirely politically motivated as if everyone hasn't caught on yet.
                I don't see any politics with the subject itself. Some of the posters here on the other hand...


                • Quackdoc
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2020
                  • 5107

                  Originally posted by mb_q View Post
                  Fedora is not alone, karma is, for instance, the name used by Reddit and, according to Wikipedia, this naming was started by Slashdot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trust_metric , so I can imagine the whole thing was called Bodhi as a result of being a karma accounting system.

                  Is it actually insensitive? Given programming sins, C++ bibles and BSD daemons? For me this is a remnant of the early hacker culture, which was actually honestly interested in Buddhism, and a contrast to the sterile corporate void in which racism is just a taboo.

                  And, as a reactive force that keeps post alive, I would say, it is actually pretty close to the theological karma...
                  Reddit is different. Reddit's karma system works like actual karma IE. you post stuff people like, you accumulate karma, posts that get upvoted more get pushed to more people, and some subreddits will block/ban you if your karma is low. so I don't really see this and reddit being the same thing.


                  • sophisticles
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2015
                    • 2617

                    Talk about a stupid thing to get bent out of shape about.

                    Karma is an ancient Indian concept that refers to an action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences., so from that definition it is perfectly acceptable to rate a proposed change using a rating system symbolized by karma points.

                    I don't recall any widespread protests from Hindus regarding the use of karma rating systems, so why worry about it?

                    Have the Fedora devs solved all other Fedora problems, like the fact that it exists in the first place and not they can concentrate on this?

                    How about working towards dissolving the whole Fedora project so it stops being a stain on the computing landscape and then their karma will skyrocket.


                    • Luke_Wolf
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 2808

                      Originally posted by DanL View Post

                      No, I know it's not 2012 because I haven't seen the term 'SJW' used 20 times in the first 10 replies in a topic like this.

                      I don't see any politics with the subject itself. Some of the posters here on the other hand...
                      Play ignorant all you like... everyone here knows that this is just a continuation of your party choosing to continue to use 1984 as an instruction manual rather than a warning. Banning all the words you don't like in order to create your butchered and tortured version of English known as NewSpeak.

