Originally posted by mSparks
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That video has a mistake on the size of USA fletchettes. They say 1 1/2 but they are 1 1/4 inch what the difference the 1/4 of alignment packing yes this due them not being lose loaded like the Russia.
Originally posted by mSparks
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Yes this is the bucha fletchetes as just the image.
How many fins does this bucha fletchettes have?. The bucha fletchetes only have 3 fins. How many fins does a beehive flechettes have 4 so it cannot be any of the beehive rounds.
Yes zoom in notice how these are sitting they are all 4 fin flechettes.
China made flechetes are 4 or 2 or 0 in fins. India made flechetes are 4 or 2 or 0 in fins. Nato countries made flechetes are 4 or 2 or 0 in fins. USA made flechetes 4, 2 or 0 in fins. Russia made 3 or 0 fin flechetes. Just the fin count alone limits down what country the round would have to be from.
Also look at the point of the bucha fletchetes is round the USA/Nato flechettes you have 4 faces because of how the point was made yes this is related to the 4 fins.
The reality here is the point, fins count and the length are all wrong to be a USA or Nato flechettes
In fact your incorrect arguments mSparks says to me that the Russian forces were ordered to fire on the civilians and own forces with rounds that would look close to the Nato round as part of a false flag operation. Yes russian incompetence was not smart enough to know that the flechettes only having 3 fins would be a instant give away.
Remember up until this point I have been willing to believe its been some form of error on the Russia side not intentional action.
Also remember flechettes impact line has the point of the flechette point away from where the shell was fired from so you 180 that and its now pointing back to where the shell came from. So yes even if the Russians had nato rounds to fire this would still have evidence pointing straight back at their firing location.
Fletchettes gives tons of different evidence.
mSparks yes that diagram you pulled up also shows the USA flechette with 4 fins you did not look at the bucha photo carefully did you. You never compared the Bucha photo to the beehive rounds did you. The reality they don't match. Worse they don't match any USA, Nato, India or China made round.
mSparks now go look at that photo carefully and this time if you are going to try to say it came from some other round it better be a round that has records somewhere of being filled with a 3 fin flechette.
Yes the USA beehive rounds need packing the way they do because they are 4 fin flechettes these do not work with lose fill packing. 0, 2 and 3 fin flechettes can be lose packed into rounds. Lose fill packing also has non constant spread and shell not being stable weight so making shell have lower accuracy. Yes the picture howing the flechettes packed into compartments is because they are 4 fin flechettes.
Also note something else about the diagram you pulled up msparks it shows that the tails of the flechettes in the beehive rounds are designed to break off at impact to increase injury. Yet the bucha ones are being pulled out of bodies and x rayed inside bodies as being in one piece every single time. Yes cases when bodies have been inspected after being hit with beehive rounds flechettes for sure about 85% have the tails split off as designed..
Yes point is wrong, Length is wrong, fin count is wrong, the conditions the flechettes were recovered from human body is wrong. Basically everything that could possible be wrong is for the round you are attempting to claim it is mSparks .
Yes beehive rounds flechettes deform as they go though human flesh so making injuries even worse and this is by design. Basically a beehive round pulled out a human is not going to be straight. Nato beehive rounds were made to the same standards.