Linus Torvalds Comments On The Russian Linux Maintainers Being Delisted

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  • oiaohm
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 8487

    Originally posted by mSparks View Post
    You cant jam military gps from the ground, because the miltary gps receivers ignore/filter out signals coming from the ground.
    Are you sure this is true. Because this is not in fact true.

    Originally posted by mSparks View Post
    jamming gps doesnt need any more power than a gps satellite- they just "pretend"/spoof the signals of an actual satellite.​
    I said mostly a myth because what you wrote here is how gps/gsns ew was thought it was going to have to work.

    Blog Editor's Note: Our first question about the below article, naturally, was "What is the impact on GNSS signals and services?" It might be due to the holidays, but most of the folks we have asked about this have either not responded or said "don't know." One researcher with a similar program, the

    Messing with ionosphere. You need a lot of power to-do this the advantage you block the gps/gsns signal from satellite at the ionosphere. You pretend/spoof broadcast from ground reflects off the ionosphere at first until you understand what going on appears to be a low earth orbit sat by triangulation. The is one problem its moving way too slow and it moving slow because its a reflection down.

    Yes military GPS was design with the idea that if you blocked ground based signals you could only be jammed from Satelites right. One big problem they forgot the ionosphere. Signal sent from ground up to ionosphere and reflected back down can be thousands of times stronger than the GPS/GSNS sat signals the effect swamping them in background noise.

    You can see the side reflection on that map from jamming areas by the ionosphere if you know what you are looking at. So absolutely not sat based the footprint is wrong.

    Turns out GPS can in fact work in reverse mSparks. Where you have multi logging GPS units receiving at different locations receiving the same spoof signal and trace it back to point of origin point and calculate how fast that origin point is moving and that speed tells you if it orbital or not.

    Russian GPS jamming at least the one they are using at the moment is absolutely ground based for 90% of it. If it a helicopter russia burning hell lot of fuel going nowhere. Yes sitting at the same location for 48/72 hours at a time. Yes those back trace are slightly messy due some of it having to be done with inertial navigation error even so moving too slow to be low earth orbit or GPS orbit. Yes ground based ionosphere jamming does have a particular bleed from transmitter pattern you don't see even from low earth orbit sat.

    Lot of people forget you can run GPS methods in reverse by using 3 ground stations spread apart to locate exactly where the GPS sat is. How do you think they double check GPS sat orbits. This reverse works with spoofed signals.

    mSparks like it or not there is no guess work on the type of GPS jamming Russia is using. Yes if Ukraine was allowed to use Weston made long range missiles with weston jamming tracers on Russia lot of the Russian jamming posts would have gone by by. Yes where they are happen to be absolutely known.

    Yes a USA firm is working on making backtrack tech of GPS jammers able to be done cheaply with stock cell phones instead of high end gear. Interesting right the tech to back trace russia GPS jammers using common hardware being developed at the same time Ukraine is about to bring their own made long range missiles on-line. Someone in russia better wake up soon that their ground based GPS jammers need to be turned off because they have a huge kick me sign or maybe they will run until they get destroyed their choice..
    Last edited by oiaohm; 16 November 2024, 08:41 AM.


    • mSparks
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2007
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      Originally posted by oiaohm View Post
      Are you sure this is true. Because this is not in fact true.

      I said mostly a myth because what you wrote here is how gps/gsns ew was thought it was going to have to work.
      Yes, there is plenty of youtube videos about how to build your own with SDRs, and github repos with sample code bases.
      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      Most of that comes from what leaks out of Russia. They and the Chinese have large education programs dedicated to this stuff, and people still think Linus not giving them the power to click "accept commit" on his fork of Linux will damage anything other than his fork of Linux, it really is laughable.
      Last edited by mSparks; 16 November 2024, 09:02 AM.


      • oiaohm
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2017
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        Originally posted by mSparks View Post
        Yes, there is plenty of youtube videos about how to build your own with SDRs, and github repos with sample code bases.
        Fun point find one for hunting down a GPS spoofer. Tones tell you how to make SDR not how to use 3 of them in combination to triangulation.

        mSparks why would USA give China means to spoof GPS signals. Simple you need them for device production and calibration.

        Russia and Chinese education programs have be focused on spoofing not tracing. This means they have missed how dangerous spoofing is when the other side has tracing tech. You don't need spoof signal tracing technology to make a GPS navigation unit right.

        Russia had to also share their own spoofer for their alternative to GPS so other parties could make devices for it. The protected technology is the triangulation stuff used to calibrate the GPS and like networks.

        Ukraine war we could see the triangulation tech become community. With it being community this will make spoofing more and more a kick me sign.


        • mSparks
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2007
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          Originally posted by oiaohm View Post

          Fun point find one for hunting down a GPS spoofer. Tones tell you how to make SDR not how to use 3 of them in combination to triangulation.
          Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video.
          The first video did exactly that, made his phone think he was in Kansas US when he was in the UK, by faking the signals from multiple satelites, with source code.

          Main reason for cult of epstein peeps falling soooo far behind is they can't teach math, and this stuff is very math heavy, especially RF stuff. I presume now that also applies to you and is why you never got to simulating the drop range. I'm out of this conversation, good luck, have fun.
          Last edited by mSparks; 16 November 2024, 10:40 AM.


          • Weasel
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2017
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            Originally posted by mSparks View Post
            Btw, there is a statistical measure for how much of a shithole a country is
            Yeah it's called GDP per capita and personal freedom.

            Every single BRICS is a shithole when you look at that.

            Because at the end of the day I care about how well off I am, and most people care about how well off they are, not about the pathetic country hive mind. You love being an ant and slave off. That's on you.

            For me the question is how many 4090 I can buy in a paycheck. Not how many months or years to save up for it like in Russia. Or never, if you end up dying on the frontline, you know...


            • oiaohm
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2017
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              Originally posted by mSparks View Post
              Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video.
              The first video did exactly that, made his phone think he was in Kansas US when he was in the UK, by faking the signals from multiple satelites, with source code..
              I did but that not anti spoofing. Yes there is a lot of lets be cheap with anti spoofing and use a single receiver.

              Lets say you do that setup again in a bigger Faraday cage​ so you can put a decent aerial on the hack one and instead of 1 mobile phone you have two. You place the mobile phones a meter apart. Now would you spot a problem? Almost instantly in fact if you are looking for it . Even that the 2 phones are sitting a meter apart due to the spoofed signal they are saying they are sitting at the exact same location.

              GPS conclusion is used when you want to measure inside 1 mm over a km. GPS conclusion 3 receiver setup in the faraday setup would instantly resolve 1 that the hack one signal is spoofed and 2 that the hack one is sitting at this exact location. SARA and other home on jam weapons have GPS conclusion inside.

              The reality spoofing GPS single from a single point does not work when you have a conclusion receiver.setup because those .wake something wrong as soon as they receive the second fake sat signal from basically the same origin point or from origin point too low in altitude.

              Yes you can build a gps conclusion receiver complex from 3 mobile phones.

              I watched the video I just know a lot more than you. GPS conclusion and how it resolves makes GPS spoofing a very dangerous game for those doing the spoofing. When ever you transmit a signal like it or not that can be backtracked and anything that can be backtracked can have a missile land on it.

              Any spoofing that does not fool a GPS conclusion systems that Signal is coming from:
              1) GPS orbit
              2) GPS orbit path.
              Is a kick me sign because conclusion system resolve the exact location signal is coming from or at least good enough to send weapon in that direction.

              Yes low earth orbit fails GPS conclusion check because it too close. Ground based reflected off ionosphere can be replicating enough distance to pretend to be in GPS orbit but then has trouble replicating the orbit path. Yes signal needing to move across sky on orbit path at particular speed or be resolved as fake.

              Only reason Russia have not had the kick me signs kicked is Ukraine has not be provided with the weapon systems that kick those kick me signs. And that is party from not having F16 and other aircraft to fire them from.

              Yes GPS conclusion is have 3 GPS receivers not one. I have never understood why ships and aircraft are not fitted with GPS conclusion systems. The design is fairly much 100 percent anti spoof. Against GPS conclusion only counter is really to just old school jam of flood the signal with noise and again hope a home on jam weapon does not land on you. GPS conclusion system will work out most of the time instantly what is a spoofed signal and the non instant will be inside a second with either exact or close to exact where that signal is coming from..

              Yes USA developed anti GPS spoof system then deployed it for land surveying. Commercial GPS conclusion complexes sell for 30000USD but 99% of that functional can be replicated with 3 200 dollar mobile phones with the right software and be willing to happy with a spoof location about 3 seconds old..


              • mSparks
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2007
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                Originally posted by Weasel View Post
                Yeah it's called GDP per capita and personal freedom.

                Every single BRICS is a shithole when you look at that.

                Because at the end of the day I care about how well off I am, and most people care about how well off they are,
                Good for you, as long as you don't have/need a pension anytime soon once Janet starts raiding it to pay the bills in a few weeks (aka extraordinary measures), I'm sure that will continue just fine.

                Originally posted by Weasel View Post
                not about the pathetic country hive mind. You love being an ant and slave off. That's on you.
                For me the question is how many 4090 I can buy in a paycheck. Not how many months or years to save up for it like in Russia. Or never, if you end up dying on the frontline, you know...
                Russians are fine, they are currently recieving 20% interest per year on their substantial savings. They prefer to spend that on luxury apartments and yachts, helicopters and the odd football club. Me to tbh.
                Last edited by mSparks; 17 November 2024, 07:15 AM.


                • Weasel
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2017
                  • 4518

                  Originally posted by mSparks View Post
                  Russians are fine, they are currently recieving 20% interest per year on their substantial savings. They prefer to spend that on luxury apartments and yachts, helicopters and the odd football club. Me to tbh.
                  Tell me about how you failed economics class without telling me how you failed economics class.

                  Even if we don't account that the inflation is out of control already (the high interest is a desperate attempt to curb that), that would be the definition of a deflationary economy, and that's the singular worse thing than a hyper-inflation economy. Not that a hyperinflated economy is any good, mind you. Venezuela is a prime example. But yes, there's worse.

                  At the end of the day, you are not special. People won't spend their money if it will be worth more tomorrow, and you're not special or smart, the same applies to companies that make you those "luxury" products. Money stops changing hands, and that's literally the death of the economy. USSR collapsed for a reason. You never learn do you?

                  Do you know why nobody uses Bitcoin for what it was made for—a coin aka transactions—but instead treats it as a high valued asset? Do you remember the guy who paid 1 bitcoin or whatever for a pizza? Nobody wants to be the guy who spends millions on a pizza because of how much money value grows (i.e. deflation).

                  So stay clueless and delusional. At this point I have a pretty good grasp of your education and IQ level.

                  Meanwhile I talk to russian friends (unaffiliated to the corrupt dictatorship regime) and I have a pretty good grasp of their situations. Luxury only appears in their dreams. Also a 4090 is a luxury item there.
                  Last edited by Weasel; 17 November 2024, 12:38 PM.


                  • mSparks
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 2109

                    Originally posted by Weasel View Post
                    Tell me about how you failed economics class without telling me how you failed economics class.

                    Even if we don't account that the inflation is out of control already (the high interest is a desperate attempt to curb that), that would be the definition of a deflationary economy, and that's the singular worse thing than a hyper-inflation economy. Not that a hyperinflated economy is any good, mind you. Venezuela is a prime example. But yes, there's worse.

                    At the end of the day, you are not special. People won't spend their money if it will be worth more tomorrow, and you're not special or smart, the same applies to companies that make you those "luxury" products. Money stops changing hands, and that's literally the death of the economy. USSR collapsed for a reason. You never learn do you?

                    Do you know why nobody uses Bitcoin for what it was made for—a coin aka transactions—but instead treats it as a high valued asset? Do you remember the guy who paid 1 bitcoin or whatever for a pizza? Nobody wants to be the guy who spends millions on a pizza because of how much money value grows (i.e. deflation).

                    So stay clueless and delusional. At this point I have a pretty good grasp of your education and IQ level.

                    Meanwhile I talk to russian friends (unaffiliated to the corrupt dictatorship regime) and I have a pretty good grasp of their situations. Luxury only appears in their dreams. Also a 4090 is a luxury item there.
                    Meanwhile, in the real world
                    According to the Russian Prime Minister, this is more than two times higher than last year’s level

                    Russian GDP up 4.4% in 7M 2024
                    October 25, 2024​
                    Russia hikes interest rates to 21%, highest since 2003
                    March 1, 2024​
                    In southern Phuket, 60% of real estate buyers were from China in the first quarter of 2023, followed by Russians at 25%.​
                    Its really a very simple calc, take a eurodollar loan for $50 million or so at 6% interest, buy some nice luxury apartments yachts and helicopters with $10million of it, stick the rest in a Russian bank earning $8.4 million a year interest, use $6 million of that to pay back the loan in 10 years or so, live a good life with $2 million a year tax free, rising to $8.4 million in 10 years.

                    Of course, you can't join that party, because the cult of Epstein has 100% control over what you do with your life, and that game is only for the civilised world. Plus, you need to work to pay it off for us.


                    • oiaohm
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2017
                      • 8487

                      Originally posted by mSparks View Post
                      Its really a very simple calc, take a eurodollar loan for $50 million or so at 6% interest, buy some nice luxury apartments yachts and helicopters with $10million of it, stick the rest in a Russian bank earning $8.4 million a year interest, use $6 million of that to pay back the loan in 10 years or so, live a good life with $2 million a year tax free, rising to $8.4 million in 10 years.
                      Someone need to check the russian banks. Eurodollars in Russian banks as Eurodollars don't get the 17.53% interest rate instead get the normal euro investment interest rate. Yes the banks take a cut out of that 21% loan interest rate. To get the high interest rate you have to convert you money to rubles then to pay the loan you took out you need to be able to convert that money back to eurodollar.

                      Business are having more loans in yuan in Russia than rubies.

                      Russia’s Finance Ministry and the Central Bank will increase the sales of Chinese yuan on the domestic foreign exchange market to 8.4 billion rubles daily from Oct. 7 to Nov. 6, making a net intervention of 5.3 billion rubles worth of CNY sales, Renaissance Capital wrote on Oct. 4. In a separate report, The Bell wrote that the Russian domestic market saw a yuan liquidity shortage in the summer as some large exporters turned to borrowing in CNY amid ruble interest rates approaching 20%. In May 2024, the share of transactions involving yuan on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX) had reached 54%. After U.S. sanctions were imposed on MOEX this summer, that figure soared to 99.8% (to compare, before the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, over 80% of currency transactions were in U.S. dollars, with the remainder in euros). In 2024, the average interest rate on corporate loans in rubles for large borrowers amounts to 17.17% for loans under one year and 14.74% for loans over one year.

                      In 2024, the average interest rate on corporate loans in rubles for large borrowers amounts to 17.17% for loans under one year and 14.74% for loans over one year. The rates for yuan-denominated loans are much lower at 7.11% and 8% respectively (79% of these loans are for terms under one year).
                      Yes you like russia sources so much.,

                      Your interest rates even inside Russia is directly linked to what the currency is even inside Russia. Yuan loans and bank accounts at Russian banks have basically china interest rates. Rubles there is a problem. When you come to convert your Rubles back to Eurodollars to pay your Eurodollar loan you may not be able to because the bank at the moment does not have enough Euros so you just defaulted on that loan.

                      Remember for a bank to give you 50 million dollars they normally want over 50 million dollars of collateral that they take when you default.

                      A country having a short supply of currency you can end up with transaction fees 4 times the amount you are attempting to get on top of the exchange rate. Yes express processing fees. 17% interest is Rubies is not enough to make it safe to take out a loan in outside currency.

                      Also its worst than most would think
                      Russia has halted trading in US dollars and the euro on its leading financial marketplace, the Moscow Exchange (MOEX). This  action, taken in response to the latest round of US sanctions, is the latest development in the ongoing economic standoff between Russia and the West over the war in Ukraine. The suspension of dollar and […]

                      You cannot go direct from Rubles to EURO. You have to go from Rublies to Yuan then to EURO. Yes Yuan to EURO has to be done inside a Chinese bank that may get you suck with 6 month clearance why checking that you are not on the EU sanctions list. Yes your money goes into a china bank and sits there for 6 months before you can get your EURO or Yuan then from Yuan to Rublies since the Yuan you got are EURO linked Yaun this has to go though 6 months again. So it can be a complete year with no interest to convert money from EURO to Rublies or Rublies to EURO yes 2 years to round trip. Who says sanctions don't hurt..

                      Yaun of china is different to most other currencies in it digital form. Yaun of china that remains digital keeps a record of exactly what currency it was converted from. This is one of the differences of china banking. Most other banks around the world once you currency is converted it losing what it was converted from.

                      Yes a digital Yaun from Rubles is different to a digital Yaun from EURO and cannot be mixed. Part of converting Rubles to EURO in china is a Yaun to Yaun conversion.

                      Also fun of china. Yaun from EURO and Yaun from USD and Yaan of Rubles and a Yaun from Yaun all have different interest rates. Yaun from Yaun is local currency physical printed notes/coins/straight from china government money.

                      China is one of these places just because they let you use their currency does not mean you have a unlocked to do anything currency.

                      mSparks getting money in and out of Russia at the moment is very complex and slow. I have friend who wife was Russian who decided to divorce him and take his two daughters to Russia and wants him to pay child support to be able to talk to his daughters that now next to impossible to-do in any timely way. Those interest rates sound good until you wake up that getting money in and out of Russia at the moment is a complete nightmare. Most of the Russia buying land and the like outside Russia already had money outside Russia to-do it. Processing delays are absolutely insane. 2 months if you are lucky 6 months on average 18 months if you are unlucky and that is per step. And that is money into and out of Russia.

