Originally posted by mSparks
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Originally posted by mSparks
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Messing with ionosphere. You need a lot of power to-do this the advantage you block the gps/gsns signal from satellite at the ionosphere. You pretend/spoof broadcast from ground reflects off the ionosphere at first until you understand what going on appears to be a low earth orbit sat by triangulation. The is one problem its moving way too slow and it moving slow because its a reflection down.
Yes military GPS was design with the idea that if you blocked ground based signals you could only be jammed from Satelites right. One big problem they forgot the ionosphere. Signal sent from ground up to ionosphere and reflected back down can be thousands of times stronger than the GPS/GSNS sat signals the effect swamping them in background noise.
You can see the side reflection on that map from jamming areas by the ionosphere if you know what you are looking at. So absolutely not sat based the footprint is wrong.
Turns out GPS can in fact work in reverse mSparks. Where you have multi logging GPS units receiving at different locations receiving the same spoof signal and trace it back to point of origin point and calculate how fast that origin point is moving and that speed tells you if it orbital or not.
Russian GPS jamming at least the one they are using at the moment is absolutely ground based for 90% of it. If it a helicopter russia burning hell lot of fuel going nowhere. Yes sitting at the same location for 48/72 hours at a time. Yes those back trace are slightly messy due some of it having to be done with inertial navigation error even so moving too slow to be low earth orbit or GPS orbit. Yes ground based ionosphere jamming does have a particular bleed from transmitter pattern you don't see even from low earth orbit sat.
Lot of people forget you can run GPS methods in reverse by using 3 ground stations spread apart to locate exactly where the GPS sat is. How do you think they double check GPS sat orbits. This reverse works with spoofed signals.
mSparks like it or not there is no guess work on the type of GPS jamming Russia is using. Yes if Ukraine was allowed to use Weston made long range missiles with weston jamming tracers on Russia lot of the Russian jamming posts would have gone by by. Yes where they are happen to be absolutely known.
Yes a USA firm is working on making backtrack tech of GPS jammers able to be done cheaply with stock cell phones instead of high end gear. Interesting right the tech to back trace russia GPS jammers using common hardware being developed at the same time Ukraine is about to bring their own made long range missiles on-line. Someone in russia better wake up soon that their ground based GPS jammers need to be turned off because they have a huge kick me sign or maybe they will run until they get destroyed their choice..