Originally posted by Weasel
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Patrick Lancaster, Rachel Blevins are probably two of my favourite English speakers, that mark guy/foreign agent that had to move to Rumble.
Then of course there is Edward Snowden. Not sure if you heard about him, you should check him out.
Of course there was also Tucker Carlson made a visit recently.
They dont tend to allow cult of epstein reporters in like those who worked closely with Jimmy Saville/King charles/Prince Andrew/the Clintons. The way they deal with special people like that is take them out in the middle of a field and shoot them in the back of the head, put them in an unmarked grave where they belong.
Originally posted by Weasel
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Interesting to see you think playboy is such a valuable source of geopolitical information tho. When does all this exploitation of women and kids in your preferred media stop becoming a coincidence and start becoming something you take seriously?
or maybe
is more your preferred lifestyle?
if not then I know of a country that would be more to your liking
I can imagine several reasons Sauer had to flee Russia to the Netherlands, honest editoral practices wouldnt make the list.
As for arrest warrants for illegal border crossings. Yeah, calling yourself a journalist doesn't give you the right to illegally cross a countries borders, that people did so and got arrest warrants issued really is not high on my list of things to care about. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.