Originally posted by mSparks
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You are referring to Epstein the black mailer. He targeted the rich and powerful. Anti Russia and Anti Trump has nothing todo with it.
You want to know one of true member of the Cult of Epstein who use to be controlled by black mail none other than Trump. Cult of Epstein effects all sides so is more a neutral pest. Cult of Epstein is not restricted to any one political side and any idiot like you saying this mSparks is just digging there head in the sand and ignoring critical facts. The sex tapes of trump that Epstein had have started to leak. Yes of course mSparks you did not include with witnesses that named Trump did you. Yes that pilot had trump signatures on passenger lists. Being able to be caught by Epstein honey traps is a very good reason why Trump should not be president.
mSparks you want the cult of Epstein in charge of USA?? Cult of Epstein people are people that Putin can control. Sorry I know what the cult of Epstein is and you are clueless and this had nothing todo with debate about Ukraine.
There is another group that has another name that as not as limited Epstein who profits from wars. This group can you name them. In fact you need a different Epstein who maps it out.
Yes its not being Anti trump to see that bugger Trump happened to be part of the Cult of Epstein because he got caught with his pants down and blackmailed.