Linus Torvalds Comments On The Russian Linux Maintainers Being Delisted

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  • mSparks
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2007
    • 2109

    you still havent made an argument for why they even need to replace what they are choosing to abandon. especially when motorbikes and drones have proved far more effective for mopping up Ukrainian trenches - which is all they were being used for.

    plus, the cult of epsteins armour production facilities had mostly moved to Mariupol over the last 30 years.

    Yet you blindly believe it is Russia and China rather than the cult of epstein and ukraine that have severe production and logistics problems, why? How did that even get past your basic sniff test?
    Last edited by mSparks; 04 November 2024, 03:42 AM.


    • oiaohm
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2017
      • 8487

      Originally posted by mSparks View Post
      you still havent made an argument for why they even need to replace what they are choosing to abandon. especially when motorbikes and drones have proved far more effective for mopping up Ukrainian trenches - which is all they were being used for.

      plus, the cult of epsteins armour production facilities had mostly moved to Mariupol over the last 30 years.

      Yet you blindly believe it is Russia and China rather than the cult of epstein and ukraine that have severe production and logistics problems, why? How did that even get past your basic sniff test?
      This topic is over if something does not change. Epsteins has had nothing todo this this. The cult of epstein is troll nothing more. Note I had been posting without insulting people yet you cannot help yourself mSparks.


      • Weasel
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2017
        • 4518

        Originally posted by mSparks
        Well, they have gone from
        Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that Ukraine has 880,000 people in its army, surpassing the figure of 617,000 Russians mentioned by Vladimir Putin as Russia’s contingent in the war against Ukraine.

        To what today? 50,000?
        50,000 and Russia with its 60,000 casualty in 3 years (don't blame me, that's what they say on russian news!!!) and 1 million+ soldiers can't even take back its territory with the help of NK troops?

        Yeah, keep smoking that soviet propaganda.

        Either that or they directly admit how garbage their equipment is to lose to 50,000 with millions. Damn.

        Originally posted by mSparks
        This is what the fall of an empire looks like, dating at least all the way back to the fall of Rome.
        That's ancient.

        We have a much more recent example, the fall of the soviet union.

        You know who will repeat it.


        • mSparks
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2007
          • 2109

          Originally posted by Weasel View Post
          50,000 and Russia with its 60,000 casualty in 3 years (don't blame me, that's what they say on russian news!!!) and 1 million+ soldiers can't even take back its territory with the help of NK troops?
          Most of the Russian troops are rotated back home now aiui, they only served for a year. There is another large drive for reconstruction planned in the next few months.
          by far the largest armies are the troops from Kherson, Zaporozihia, LPR and DPR, originally consisting mostly of volunteers from the LPR/DPR regions (armed and supplemented by their mil friends in Russia) then bolstered greatly by conscription after the regions voted to join Russia in September 2022.

          Even then, combined they are still laying claim to an area the size of the England every 6 months or so, and you believe who when they tell you that is slow?

          Originally posted by Weasel View Post
          That's ancient.
          We have a much more recent example, the fall of the soviet union.

          You know who will repeat it.
          All the way back to includes that, and the French, British, Portugese Empires.
          If you want more recent there is this visualisation from back when this discussion really got going.

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

          First you get a financial crises, then the vultures pick apart the carcass for scrap.
          Last edited by mSparks; 04 November 2024, 04:12 PM.


          • Panix
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2007
            • 1561

            Originally posted by Weasel View Post
            50,000 and Russia with its 60,000 casualty in 3 years (don't blame me, that's what they say on russian news!!!) and 1 million+ soldiers can't even take back its territory with the help of NK troops?

            Yeah, keep smoking that soviet propaganda.

            Either that or they directly admit how garbage their equipment is to lose to 50,000 with millions. Damn.

            That's ancient.

            We have a much more recent example, the fall of the soviet union.

            You know who will repeat it.
            It's obvious, part of the intent is to just continue the war indefinitely aka prolonging the war. Like oiaohm said: "Yes If Russia and Ukraine was fighting with a 1 to 1 ratio Russia would have taken the complete country by now."
            Russia would deplete whatever 'USSR' equip. they have for a full-on invasion war - into all of Ukraine - way more deaths - and it would be extremely unpopular at home. To send shells into Kyiv and have ongoing fighting at the Donbass regions is easier for them - plus, the mission of the higher-ups to kill as many Ukrainians as possible - without too many Russian soldier deaths - and now they can sacrifice some North Koreans instead.


            • mSparks
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2007
              • 2109

              Originally posted by oiaohm View Post

              Epsteins has had nothing todo this this. The cult of epstein is troll nothing more.
              The cult of epstein has everything to do with it.

              They are the ones that convinced everyone the world would end in 2000 from the millennium bug.
              They are the ones that convinced you that Afghanistan was connected to 9/11
              They are the ones that convinced you Iraq had a WMD program.
              They are the ones that convinced you Israel runs the US government rather than the other way around
              They are the ones who did Syria, Libya, surely more I can't recall right now.

              Everything you believe about the situation in Ukraine has exactly the same zero basis in reality.


              • oiaohm
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2017
                • 8487

                Originally posted by mSparks View Post
                The cult of epstein has everything to do with it.

                They are the ones that convinced everyone the world would end in 2000 from the millennium bug.
                They are the ones that convinced you that Afghanistan was connected to 9/11
                They are the ones that convinced you Iraq had a WMD program.
                They are the ones that convinced you Israel runs the US government rather than the other way around
                They are the ones who did Syria, Libya, surely more I can't recall right now.

                Everything you believe about the situation in Ukraine has exactly the same zero basis in reality.
                So not point provide you with any more answer then. Thank you just proved what I suspected.

                Hey Weasel you might as well stop answer him as well because he is going do the same to your answers.


                • oiaohm
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2017
                  • 8487

                  Originally posted by Panix View Post
                  It's obvious, part of the intent is to just continue the war indefinitely aka prolonging the war. Like oiaohm said: "Yes If Russia and Ukraine was fighting with a 1 to 1 ratio Russia would have taken the complete country by now."
                  Russia would deplete whatever 'USSR' equip. they have for a full-on invasion war - into all of Ukraine - way more deaths - and it would be extremely unpopular at home. To send shells into Kyiv and have ongoing fighting at the Donbass regions is easier for them - plus, the mission of the higher-ups to kill as many Ukrainians as possible - without too many Russian soldier deaths - and now they can sacrifice some North Koreans instead.
                  Not exactly to indefinitely prolong war. Russia has been able to repeatedly threaten it would do things due to the USSR stockpiles it has and how poorly they were stored. How spread out the USSR stockpiles they would have taken many nukes to neutralize. Fast war there is no way you could take out the USSR stockpiles without nukes because they are spread all over Russia.

                  This is why the old Nato plan had slowly giving up Poland or the like to 5 to 10 years to drain the stockpiles. Yes a game to bate Russia into moving all their stockpiled weapons to one location.

                  1 to 1 ratio Ukraine should have lost by now there is more to it.

                  1942: Japanese bomb Darwin but are halted on Kokoda Trail

                  You want a 50 to 1 ratio you do what was done above on the Kokoda trail where Australian lost 600 soliders and japan lost over 10000. Yes a slow defense retreat with the here or there offensive to keep the other side on their toes yes 98% defense. This is very close to the game play Ukraine is doing.

                  Slowly gaining ground is not a good thing. The speed of Russian movement in Ukraine is Kokoda Trail movement speed. Yes it very possible that Russia side loss ratio is that high that expending all of Russia population + all the North Korean population and all the African country population they trained arms for would still leave Ukraine with an army.

                  Yes speed of land gain and loss is one way to make a estimate of loss ratio.

                  Panix the idea that this is to kill as many Ukrainian as possible without too many Russian deaths send in North Koreans is flawed. Very badly flawed.the problem here is the friend/foe problem. North Koreans have been that isolated that they will not be able to tell friend from foe between Russian and Ukrainians. Yes to them a person speaking Russian and a Person speaking Ukrainian will seam the same not understandable garbage. Reality North Koreans armed are likely to kill more Russians than Ukrainians with friendly fire events. Yes the North Koreans are going todo both friendly fire on Russian and not fire on the Ukrainians so letting Ukrainians through their lines all because of getting their friend/foe identification wrong. Thanks to South Korea education of North Korea defectors and the fact number of defectors who are willing going to Ukraine the reality is Ukraine will have more translators than the Russian side does. North Korean is not a simple language. Remember the number of cases just with people from inside Russia where you have had solider on solider because someone got something culture wrong.

                  Panix the shelling Kyiv is not exactly a problem if it was Russia would not still be doing missile strikes on Kyiv. Its more than Russian forces are not really able to get closer to-do more.

                  There are critical reasons why Russia will fight until the end. Take all Russian attack helicopters there is not a single one without a Ukrainian made engine. Russia as not been able to make another attack helicopter since 6 months into the war when they run out of engines.

                  Scary part here Russian armored vehicles have the engine in the back to protect this hard to make part as much as possible even if this location make it insanely hard to get out of the vehicle. Yes Russian riding on top of their APC and not taking advantage of the armor more than not is because the item is impractical to use because of focus on protecting the engine. Yes this is why the Russian battle plans have leave the APC we will get it back in future to repair it this worked while the other side did not have drones to hit critical points to destroy the engine block. Yes USSR WWII playbook and we are not in WWII.

                  History says if you don't have armor to protect your forces by taking hits(this explains barque(based off russian call them)/turtle tanks) you forces loss rate goes up by a factor of 10 to 100. Motorcycle attack units and light vehicle are not new these were tried when cavalry​ was not option world war II. Weston combined arms battle plans come out of the understanding that your light armor and unarmored is not suitable to use as ammo sponge unless you want to loss a stupid amount of soliders.

                  Yes if Russian loss rates are high now the day they run out of armor the current loses are going to look like nothing and this is totally to be expected because of losing the ammo sponges.

                  Russia is basically running at 100 percent employment. As Ukraine air-defence increases Russian has to send more and more units to have effect equal need more and more production. A countries work force is finite. So at this point Russia has to choose between more army, more production of long range weapons or more production of vehicles to move troops around.

                  Ukraine is not in the same location they can import more.


                  • mSparks
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 2109

                    Originally posted by oiaohm View Post

                    Thank you just proved what I suspected.
                    given how many times already its been proven the fairy tales they told you are absolute BS yet you still listen to them and believe every word they say, I dont expect that will change your behaviour much.
                    Last edited by mSparks; 05 November 2024, 05:01 AM.


                    • oiaohm
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2017
                      • 8487

                      Originally posted by mSparks View Post
                      given how many times already its been proven the fairy tales they told you are absolute BS yet you still listen to them and believe every word they say, I dont expect that will change your behaviour much.
                      See no point talking to you. Even when I have been providing reference. In fact what you wrote you believed that I would be as sucker and fall for you garbage so get lost. And if you cannot fool a person like me what hope do you have.

