Linus Torvalds Comments On The Russian Linux Maintainers Being Delisted

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    Originally posted by Panix
    'Fess up, are you posting from a mental institution? Yes, right? WTF are you talking about?
    Germans are cucks. All of them. They don't do anything for the Ukrainians. As I have Ukrainian heritage, I also have German heritage. I'm a European mix. The Germans are cowards now - and completely and utterly indoctrinated and brainwashed. They don't know who rules them and no one else does. My point on here was not to talk about the conflict though - but, to try to be objective (and I think I was). I was just wondering what the Russian programmers/kernel maintainers did to get themselves 'canceled.' Were they buddies with Putin? Did they post a public support msg for the war? What caused Mr Torvalds to post a public rant about them? That's all. I'm not sure what the fcuk you are talking about. Is English not your first language?
    I also want to ask you what kind of objectivity you are talking about if you do not take into account the context when reading a message. that is why you did not understand anything and wrote such a game. It was about these valiant sanctions. it's already disgusting to hear about them, and then the main fin gives out such shit. linux kernel and Linux distributions were supposed to be a place where people are not discriminated against by race and territorial affiliation. Russian Russians. And so when Linus Torvalds, who always had the beginnings of racism, took the right pose against the Russians, I just wanted to remind everyone that Russians are not the biggest evil in the world, there are undead and scarier, but they get away with everything, even when they burned people in stoves. Do you think they repented? No, everyone who killed Jews gets good pensions in Germany. There are Americans whose hands are also up to the elbows in blood, and no one imposes sanctions on them. Then why this farce? I'm sick of it already. there is a big and dirty game going on, and I'm sorry that we are ordinary people who are only pawns in it, pouncing on each other. Russian Russians and Ukrainians have been bumped into each other today, and I am sure that they will not stop there and therefore they will start bumping Russian heads against each other. They don't need non-Ukrainians. The territory will be cleared of you. Russians are also not needed, only minerals are needed. Keep grizzling, well done.


    • mSparks
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2007
      • 2109

      Originally posted by Panix View Post
      Do you blame the USA/NATO? Russia is innocent?!?
      Sure, Russia has no choice but to bomb and send shells into parts of Kyiv and other provinces of Ukraine - even though, at the start, Russia's CLAIM was they only had beefs with parts of Eastern Ukraine
      Very good point. Let me turn that back on you. What would you have done?

      You've just spent 10 years trying to negotiate a peace between extremist russians and extremist far right racist ukrainians, you are through several minsk agreements that seem to be a reasonable balance between the two extreme points of view.

      Within the week around the 10th Feb 2022:
      Angela merkal says the only reason for minsk was to give time to arm the far right racist ukrainians.
      Zelenski gives a speech saying they will never abide by minsk and they want nuclear weapons to use on Moscow (that is also the secret paragraphs in his new victory plan)
      Your entire government holds a three hour presentation to you listing and presenting the evidence of all the atrocities commited by those far right ukrainians on people who speak Russian/dont speak ukrainian and insisting that you recognise the LPR and DPR as independant states and respond to their request (begs) for assistance.

      What would you do next?

      Personally I wouldnt have had the patience to put up with the bullshit for 10 years.
      What was the alternative?​

      Originally posted by Uiop
      We are VICTORIOUS!​​​​

      Good for you, well done, have some milk and a biscuit with a gold star to stick on your homework, sit down and shut the fuck up.
      Last edited by mSparks; 25 October 2024, 04:54 PM.


      • blackiwid
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2008
        • 2061

        Originally posted by MorrisS. View Post
        This proof that you and the fanatics like you are criminals such as putin, hitler, stalin.
        proofs next time, but yes that is probably whats called cracker-barrel talk... calling people that did no harm to anybody Hitler... just because they have different opinions... but of course for Americans everybody that is a bad boy except when the US does stuff because "Exceptionalism" aka when another country does something bad and the US does the same the other country is worse because "Exceptionalism"

        We are the good guys therefor if we do something horrible it does not count but if they "bad guys" do the same then they are Hitler you can't do anything bad as enemy of the US and be less than Hitler.. it don't get's lower.

        Every single crime in history (except the ones from the US of course) is as bad as what Hitler did, good to know that Hitler wasn't that bad after all, had to learn my whole childhood in Germany that what he / our country did was exceptional... good to know that he is just a normal common autocrat... like hundreds if not thousands others...


        • halm
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2024
          • 1

          Originally posted by hkupty View Post
          I'm baffled by the naivety of some. Have we not learnt anything from xz? I wonder if it crossed their minds an ill intended person could weaponize open source software or use it to spy...
          Now imagine it on a global scale where a country is unequivocally guilty of aggression of a peaceful sovereign state.
          I'm baffled by the naivety of some. Are you talking about the United States, which bombed Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and dropped atomic bombs on Japan? Or about Israel, which is leveling Gaza and Lebanon? It's really worth taking care of the tyranny of the Democrats, who have already tried to kill Trump 3 times


          • Panix
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2007
            • 1561

            Originally posted by mSparks View Post

            Very good point. Let me turn that back on you. What would you have done?

            You've just spent 10 years trying to negotiate a peace between extremist russians and extremist far right racist ukrainians, you are through several minsk agreements that seem to be a reasonable balance between the two extreme points of view.

            Within the week around the 10th Feb 2022:
            Angela merkal says the only reason for minsk was to give time to arm the far right racist ukrainians.
            Zelenski gives a speech saying they will never abide by minsk and they want nuclear weapons to use on Moscow (that is also the secret paragraphs in his new victory plan)
            Your entire government holds a three hour presentation to you listing and presenting the evidence of all the atrocities commited by those far right ukrainians on people who speak Russian/dont speak ukrainian and insisting that you recognise the LPR and DPR as independant states and respond to their request (begs) for assistance.

            What would you do next?

            Personally I wouldnt have had the patience to put up with the bullshit for 10 years.
            What was the alternative?​

            Good for you, well done, have some milk and a biscuit with a gold star to stick on your homework, sit down and shut the fuck up.
            If you are going to turn 'it back on me' - at least, have accurate perspective - which you don't. What 'racist far right' Ukrainians?
            Where do you get your info? What are your sources?

            Zelensky is not ethnic Ukrainian - he's a Jewish Oligarch puppet. He implemented martial law that prevents only ethnic Ukrainian males from leaving. Putin called him a 'Nazi' and the government administration (who have Jewish governors and mayors all over the government) nazis - and used this as a motive or reason for invading. At first, the rationale was to protect the ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine - as the Putin government reasoned that they were attacked (um, they fucking seized control of those regions! How are they attacked?) but then Russia started shelling other regions of Ukraine including Kiev. How the fuck is that trying to protect ethnic Russians in the Separatist Republics? Why does anyone including RUSSIANS think Putin or his government give a FLYING FUCK about ethnic Russians? This is a government who opened their borders to millions and millions of Asian migrants - who put ethnic Russians in JAIL for speaking out against the government (against invading Ukraine; against the mass immigration of Asian republics and any other critique that they deem provocative and 'insulting' of the government justifying prison - with kangaroo courts that put them them).

            Are you figuring anything out yet? These two governments are just puppet states who are complicit in attacking Ukraine, killing many Ukrainians in the process - and the USA/the West doesn't give a fuck either. The Russian sanctions do little - they hurt the citizens but the governments don't give a fuck. The amount of propaganda and bs on both sides show that there is not a real wish to end the war. The USA and other nations send weapons so the war can just escalate and continue. Yes, the USA is just as guilty for their influence - they wanted certain ppl in the Ukraine government - and the meddling - with the Bidens etc. - but, all these ppl are scum who are not trying to help Ukrainians. Unfortunately, most ppl get their info from mainstream media and other biased sources - that parrot talking points and other bs - ppl eventually adopt the typical narratives that these liars and propaganda peddlers express.

            There's no way to answer your question because it's based on bs that you have been following. Ukraine doesn't have a government that wants peace and Russia doesn't either - these puppets don't do anything but do what their masters tell them to do. War is a good money maker and a distraction from problems at home - blame gas prices on the war, blame resource problems on the war - just point fingers at each other and remember, Zelensky was losing popularity as he had not helped improve the situation in Ukraine before the war - corruption was still rampant but when the war started - he was able to beat his chest and go visit other nations like the USA and Israel and ask for help (money; weapons) - and all was forgotten as Ukraine now had bigger problems.

            It's all political theatre and if you want to ask me questions or what I would do - you need to be able to perceive the situation, accurately, first.


            • Panix
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2007
              • 1561

              Originally posted by mSparks View Post

              Very good point. Let me turn that back on you. What would you have done?

              You've just spent 10 years trying to negotiate a peace between extremist russians and extremist far right racist ukrainians, you are through several minsk agreements that seem to be a reasonable balance between the two extreme points of view.

              Within the week around the 10th Feb 2022:
              Angela merkal says the only reason for minsk was to give time to arm the far right racist ukrainians.
              Zelenski gives a speech saying they will never abide by minsk and they want nuclear weapons to use on Moscow (that is also the secret paragraphs in his new victory plan)
              Your entire government holds a three hour presentation to you listing and presenting the evidence of all the atrocities commited by those far right ukrainians on people who speak Russian/dont speak ukrainian and insisting that you recognise the LPR and DPR as independant states and respond to their request (begs) for assistance.

              What would you do next?

              Personally I wouldnt have had the patience to put up with the bullshit for 10 years.
              What was the alternative?​

              Good for you, well done, have some milk and a biscuit with a gold star to stick on your homework, sit down and shut the fuck up.
              I tried to edit my post.
              I'll add to it here.
              ​Edit: the way to deal with the separatist Ukrainians (by nationality) - who want to join Russia- was to negotiate a 'special' status - but, yes, you are right - I wouldn't want to deal with that for 10 years. The probem is - they have been brainwashed by Bolshevik/Communist brainwashing for over 20 years and when the pro-Russia President was disposed of - and in their eyes, a USA-puppet government was installed in Ukraine - they decided to separate. So, you need to change that opinion of theirs - and since Ukraine is not sovereign, anyway - there was no way of doing that with their situation. Ukraine needs a different administration and until you get that - the pawns - both the Russians there and the Ukrainians who are patriots - and want to oppose them - needs to open their eyes as they are being manipulated.


              • oiaohm
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2017
                • 8487

                Originally posted by Panix View Post
                I tried to edit my post.
                I'll add to it here.
                ​Edit: the way to deal with the separatist Ukrainians (by nationality) - who want to join Russia- was to negotiate a 'special' status - but, yes, you are right - I wouldn't want to deal with that for 10 years. The probem is - they have been brainwashed by Bolshevik/Communist brainwashing for over 20 years and when the pro-Russia President was disposed of - and in their eyes, a USA-puppet government was installed in Ukraine - they decided to separate. So, you need to change that opinion of theirs - and since Ukraine is not sovereign, anyway - there was no way of doing that with their situation. Ukraine needs a different administration and until you get that - the pawns - both the Russians there and the Ukrainians who are patriots - and want to oppose them - needs to open their eyes as they are being manipulated.
                It more than 20 years. Ukrainian is older culture than the Russian.

       has gone on for more than 20 years.

       has what going on where the Ukrainian government is trying to reverse Russification,


                Yes this 1897 map is interesting right all the area of modern day Ukraine other than Crimea first language should not be Russian but should be Ukrainian. Yes Crimea the first language should be something also not Russian. Yes even in early USSR times first language taught in Ukraine mainland area was Ukrainian with Russian as second language.

                Panix this is another side of the problem.

                The core problem starts after the famine Holodomor 1932 to 1933 that happened in Ukraine that a few Bolshevik groups from russia were forced migrated into into Ukraine to replace the lost man power. Yes these people who were force migrated did speak Russian they also are know to even today lot of their children were not learning the dominate language of the area Ukraine that is Ukrainian instead insist on using Russian. Yes this is part of the problem in the native/first people Ukrainian those Bolsheviks who want their own bit of Ukraine have no right to the land in the first place and should return home to Russia. Yes Ukraine returning there culture and education systems pre 1932 is not compatible with the Bolsheviks imported in 1934. Yes the native Ukrainians are like everyone in Ukraine that not Crimea should speak Ukrainian as it the language of the land if you don't want to learn the language of the land you should migrate.

                Panix there are two generic groups here. Yes the older language maps done by the Russians tell you clearly that Ukraine is not Russian historically and this is the core of the problem. Telling some countries first person people that they should give up land that hold sacred stories to them. kind of does not fly for some reason.

                This bit of history that the core Ukrainians are the first people of the area explains why the 90% Ukraine population might fight to last man women and child over the land of Ukraine.


                • Panix
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 1561

                  Originally posted by oiaohm View Post

                  It more than 20 years. Ukrainian is older culture than the Russian.

         has gone on for more than 20 years.

         has what going on where the Ukrainian government is trying to reverse Russification,


                  Yes this 1897 map is interesting right all the area of modern day Ukraine other than Crimea first language should not be Russian but should be Ukrainian. Yes Crimea the first language should be something also not Russian. Yes even in early USSR times first language taught in Ukraine mainland area was Ukrainian with Russian as second language.

                  Panix this is another side of the problem.

                  The core problem starts after the famine Holodomor 1932 to 1933 that happened in Ukraine that a few Bolshevik groups from russia were forced migrated into into Ukraine to replace the lost man power. Yes these people who were force migrated did speak Russian they also are know to even today lot of their children were not learning the dominate language of the area Ukraine that is Ukrainian instead insist on using Russian. Yes this is part of the problem in the native/first people Ukrainian those Bolsheviks who want their own bit of Ukraine have no right to the land in the first place and should return home to Russia. Yes Ukraine returning there culture and education systems pre 1932 is not compatible with the Bolsheviks imported in 1934. Yes the native Ukrainians are like everyone in Ukraine that not Crimea should speak Ukrainian as it the language of the land if you don't want to learn the language of the land you should migrate.

                  Panix there are two generic groups here. Yes the older language maps done by the Russians tell you clearly that Ukraine is not Russian historically and this is the core of the problem. Telling some countries first person people that they should give up land that hold sacred stories to them. kind of does not fly for some reason.

                  This bit of history that the core Ukrainians are the first people of the area explains why the 90% Ukraine population might fight to last man women and child over the land of Ukraine.
                  Yes, but, the Bolsheviks have brainwashed the Russians that live in those areas - they have been indoctrinated to neo-Soviet/USSR times - so, there are enough ppl in Crimea and the Eastern parts - that want nothing to do with Westernization and believe that the rest of Ukraine have been 'infiltrated' by the USA/NATO/UN etc. etc. I have chatted with Ukrainians, Russians - with various opinions, perspectives.... don't forget these ppl have 2 very different info news sources.

                  The Holodomor part is extremely significant too - The Bolsheviks starved millions of Ukrainians - and Russia has had lots of influence over Ukrainian politics - with 'pro-Russia' parties - many Ukrainians are just tired of their influence - the fact they starved millions of Ukrainians - partly because they were worried about Ukr. nationalism - it didn't matter - many Ukrainians have their own views on Russia - and that's why they have been increasingly 'leaning' towards Western influence - if they have to choose - many are choosing the West/USA. So, think about it? It is making it even worse - with the war. Whenever Russia will try to negotiate with Ukraine - they won't trust Russia anymore and will move towards the West even more now. There is no good solution now - the only thing one can do is to recognize what is really going on - which I tried to touch upon with my previous posts.


                  • Weasel
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2017
                    • 4518

                    Originally posted by mSparks View Post
                    Very good point. Let me turn that back on you. What would you have done?

                    You've just spent 10 years trying to negotiate a peace between extremist russians and extremist far right racist ukrainians, you are through several minsk agreements that seem to be a reasonable balance between the two extreme points of view.

                    Within the week around the 10th Feb 2022:
                    Angela merkal says the only reason for minsk was to give time to arm the far right racist ukrainians.
                    Zelenski gives a speech saying they will never abide by minsk and they want nuclear weapons to use on Moscow (that is also the secret paragraphs in his new victory plan)
                    Your entire government holds a three hour presentation to you listing and presenting the evidence of all the atrocities commited by those far right ukrainians on people who speak Russian/dont speak ukrainian and insisting that you recognise the LPR and DPR as independant states and respond to their request (begs) for assistance.

                    What would you do next?

                    Personally I wouldnt have had the patience to put up with the bullshit for 10 years.
                    What was the alternative?​
                    Cede some fucking territories because you don't even deserve 1/10 of them. That's what.

                    A pathetic imperialist terrorist state won't understand that no, having the most landmass doesn't mean you get to be treated equally when it comes to these conflicts. It actually proves that you're full of shit and just seek excuses to conquer some more land.

                    This is like hearing a billionaire cry about money.


                    • janp
                      Junior Member
                      • Jul 2022
                      • 2

                      Torvalds maybe a genius but does not even imagine the world he lives in. IMHO his perception of the reality is based on western propaganda.

