Linus Torvalds Comments On The Russian Linux Maintainers Being Delisted

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  • anarsoul
    Phoronix Member
    • Jun 2009
    • 55

    Originally posted by Volta View Post
    didn't exist before the WW2
    Hamas didn't exist before WW2 either.


    • patrakov
      Phoronix Member
      • Mar 2015
      • 111

      Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post

      this depends on the details of the sanctions. You can sanction technological assistance which would fall under this.
      This interpretation being possible (that removing one level of patch review from these people might count as technological assistance to sanctioned entities) would indeed explain the need for Linux Foundation to cover their ass. And yes, this interpretation is stretched enough so that if I were in Linus's skin, I would also be uncomfortable disclosing this concern as the true reason or even as a fact.
      Last edited by patrakov; 23 October 2024, 07:15 PM.


      • GrimR3
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2024
        • 8

        Originally posted by Volta View Post

        Nope, israel didn't exist before the WW2. Israel started it all. Furthermore, Israel illegally came into possession of nuclear weapons and there were no serious consequences for doing so. It's one of many examples of double standards. That's why nobody sane will buy such hypocrisy.
        How does a sovereign country illegally come into possession of nuclear weapons? Even if Iran had nuclear weapons it might be in violation of some treaty but far from illegal.


        • kdemello1980
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2021
          • 10

          Originally posted by avis View Post
          Inclusivity, they said.

          Contributions based on merit, they said.

          All empty words in the end.

          What's the meaning of "open" in "open source"? Or it was never "open" to begin with?
          No, but I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not going to go into the details that I - and other maintainers - were told by lawyers
          What do lawyers know that a bunch of randos on the internet with feelings don't know better?


          • Old Grouch
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2020
            • 694

            Originally posted by avis View Post
            Inclusivity, they said.

            Contributions based on merit, they said.

            All empty words in the end.

            What's the meaning of "open" in "open source"? Or it was never "open" to begin with?
            Contracts and licenses exist in a legal system.
            The legal system is enforced by the local country government.
            When the local country government entirely legally (according to its own legal system and/or constitution) passes laws (e.g. to apply sanctions to another country), then they apply notwithstanding any contract or licence language,
            Much of Linux development and maintenance falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S.A.

            Another choice is to move all Linux development and maintenance out of the jurisdiction of the U.S.A. If you don't do that, compliance is necessary if you want to avoid legal consequences that can include fines and gaol time.

            'International law' adds a few wrinkles to this, but fighting a case under international law against your local government takes time and resources. The short-term pragmatic approach is to do what the government of the jurisdiction in which you live and/or operate says.

            It is not a sell out.


            • petronio
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2022
              • 9

              Originally posted by Monsterovich View Post

              Meanwhile, the leader of UN be like ->

              "Sanctions are for losers​" (C)
              Wow, a member of a body dedicated to international diplomacy meeting with the head of a warring state, who would've imagined? /s

              Really, how do you expect Guterres to try to push for peace or to scale down the war if even talking to the warring parties were to be prohibited? He's doing his job of maintaining diplomatic communications and using it to try to bring peace.


              • user556
                Phoronix Member
                • Jul 2019
                • 114

                That's a rather large time lag from when the UN sanctions were imposed. Or has there been new ones recently?


                • galileo
                  Junior Member
                  • Mar 2023
                  • 8

                  Lost all respect for Linus, just shows that even the smartest people can be completely brainwashed and ignorant.


                  • relsi1053
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2018
                    • 22

                    what kind of idiotic reasoning was that!!!


                    • Daktyl198
                      Senior Member
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 1579

                      Originally posted by You- View Post

                      It is more likely about compliance with sanctions than espionage.

                      But deleting names of contributers is strange so who knows for sure.
                      He didn't delete the names of contributors, he removed the names of maintainers from the MAINTAINERS file, which just officially strips those people of their position in the kernel tree. It'd be like removing somebody's commit power on github. They can still submit patches, and their names are still in the "contributor" list.

