Linus Torvalds Encourages Kernel Developers & Everyone To Get Vaccinated

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  • JMB9
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2016
    • 237

    I did research in astrophysics - not medical domain - but currently we have reasonable hope that COVID-19 vaccines, especially mRNA, is valid and may stay so till the next
    vaccination. So Linus Torvalds saying is state of the art.
    BUT experts can not guarantee anything - but are waiting for the next COVID-19 waves expected about October 2021 (in northern hemisphere) ... so in one year we know about the problems. We have some arguments against some vaccines - we don't know how a sharpened immune system will react ... how long it will take that new vaccines are necessary due to mutation ... and which vaccines has best effects.
    Due to COVID-19 being a real killer and long-time effects for a good percentage of people recovering from COVID-19, vaccination is seen very positive.
    And yes - the normal study period for vaccines had been dramatically shortened as we must cope with the problems - so when someone says something is sure he is lying.
    Same for herd immunity - it does not mean no one will die - it is a statistical gamble that numbers are not exploding ... and it is said to be more than 70% - which is extremely high.
    And after a yet to be determined number of month an old vaccination is no longer valid ...
    So no one can really discuss this as long as we don't have reliable studies with clear result. I expect those data in a year ... experts would not give clear advice - neither for a special vaccine nor for other special cases - only a general recommendation as COVID-19 is able to produce even more dramatic numbers ...
    Everyone should discuss this with his doctor of trust.
    And even when having a valid vaccination one should wear a mask - and not participate in huge gatherings ... this will be valid for several year - and politicians want to get elected and thus make promises which no one can keep.
    So everyone should be careful - and I hope the best for all of us!


    • Morty
      Phoronix Member
      • Apr 2015
      • 115

      Originally posted by piorunz View Post
      I am sorry but you are spreading misinformation. If you want to be a test subject, please go ahead.
      I prefer to read this on website:
      "The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review as
      an FDA-approved or cleared product."
      So where is the misinformation?

      The testing is done. But it has not gone trough the reviews for a FDA-approval yet.
      The FDA has a approval process requiring an application process an a review process, this is not done yet.
      This process is time consuming and bureaucratic, but it does not include any more testing or trials. Only (re)evaluation of the existing results.


      • Morty
        Phoronix Member
        • Apr 2015
        • 115

        Originally posted by microcode View Post

        No, we are still in phase 3. No, the difference between EUA and final approval is not pure bureaucracy. Ask a bioethicist or somebody who has run a drug through this process, they can tell you this stuff.
        No, phase 3 is ended. They would not have got the emergency use FDA approval before finishing phase 3.


        • schmidtbag
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 6620

          Originally posted by microcode
          Well, I use science professionally every day except the sabbath, and I think the risks of administering the existing vaccines to people 25 and under are not warranted, especially in the context of the safe alternatives (Ivermectin for prophylaxis, fluvoxamine for early treatment in the rare case that a person taking ivermectin gets COVID or is exposed, etc.). There are many, many causes for concern, and if I had kids right now (especially daughters) I would not allow anyone to administer these vaccines (regardless of mRNA or adenovirus vectored) to them. If they were requiring it at schools, I would take the kids home.
          Which is why in a lot of places, vaccines were first reserved for those who were most vulnerable, and slowly lowered the age restriction as supply and evidence of safety became more abundant. In a lot of places, children still don't have the option to get vaccinated. So, this is a bit of a strawman argument.
          There are many cases of concern but most are heavily overblown. Y'know what's objectively more concerning? Dealing with lockdowns and many more hundreds of thousands of deaths for an indefinite amount of time while people are either twiddling their thumbs due to uncertainty of vaccine efficacy/safety, or make some ignorant statement about why they don't need a vaccine.
          wtf does being female have to do with being administered a vaccine?
          If schools re-open, they really ought to require the vaccine or else it will spread. I know a teacher where all staff got infected the first day of re-opening school (except for her, because she got vaccinated). Children are unlikely to get severe symptoms from covid but to me it's foolish to deliberately put them at risk, whether that be opening up the schools while the pandemic is still prevalent, or, by not enforcing vaccination.
          Last edited by schmidtbag; 11 June 2021, 10:32 AM.


          • piorunz
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2020
            • 398

            Originally posted by Morty View Post
            So where is the misinformation?

            The testing is done. But it has not gone trough the reviews for a FDA-approval yet.
            The FDA has a approval process requiring an application process an a review process, this is not done yet.
            This process is time consuming and bureaucratic, but it does not include any more testing or trials. Only (re)evaluation of the existing results.
            Re-evaluation of existing results? They will have plenty to revaluate then... VAERS record:
            " Found 5,165 cases where Vaccine is COVID19 and Patient Died"


            • microcode
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2013
              • 2382

              Originally posted by sdack View Post
              Not only are there other ways, but one can make them work together in combination for greater effect!
              I agree. For those who, with informed consent, weigh the available evidence in favour of taking one of the existing vaccines in the context of their personal medical history, there are additional things they could do to further reduce retransmission.


              • microcode
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2013
                • 2382

                Originally posted by schmidtbag View Post
                wtf does being female have to do with being administered a vaccine?.
                The Japanese data on accumulation of the spike proteins in tissue show that they tend to concentrate in the ovaries (along with bone marrow, and then the accumulation is more uniform as you go down the list). The spike proteins themselves are cytotoxic. Accumulating cytotoxic proteins in your ovaries is cause for concern, especially for women and girls who will likely some day want to use their ovaries to conceive a child.

                There are other short term concerns specific to the adenovirus vectored vaccines (if I recall correctly), which seem to cause more adverse effects in females than in males; but the spike protein accumulation concern would be at the top of my list of causes for concern for girls and women receiving the current generation of vaccines. Also, I would be more concerned for girls than for women, because the girls have many more years to develop ovarian cancer or other potential outcomes, and have more fertile years ahead of them to lose.

                There are other things the vaccines could target, which may be less risky than the spike protein; it would be good if they looked into that because there is considerable cause for concern with the systemic proliferation and concentrated accumulation of the spike proteins in vaccine patients (and severe COVID sufferers), in the context of those proteins being cytotoxic. Aside from non-spike vaccines, there is also Novavax, which may be better at retaining the spike proteins in the deltoid, but also may not.
                Last edited by microcode; 11 June 2021, 10:46 AM.


                • blackiwid
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 2064

                  Originally posted by theriddick View Post
                  There is significant evidence to show the lifetime ill effects of having covid-19 far out way any tested vaccine. Short term you can loose taste/smell and other obvious problems, long term you can suffer organ damage, from c-19. This is on top of all the deaths.
                  A the media misrepresents the data on this and of course because we know about the the condition only since a good year the data is short / medium data on this, but they always mention in news some numbers that include cases where people had for 8 weeks problems then show the most extreme cases and imply that all this % they mentioned before are all like that.

                  But we have here 1 scandal after another, after in basically every European country some people scamed with masks to get some money, now we know that one of the major numbers of what the lock-down was based on the rate of how many intensive hospital places were still free was not only wrong, because hospital got more money if they said that most places are full, but that the government knew about that scam, that's a German lie, in the US you have proven lies of the faucci guy.

                  So we have much lies and half trues about this, so why should when the risk is low for a person he risk to become victim of another lie. Many people lost their jobs because of the hospital scams that was used to make a harder lockdown, likely it was intentionally done to get the wanted panic effect, that the government officially wanted (it was not the word panic but fear).

                  So we operate in a situation where politicians cherry pick scientists that say what they want and then intentionally spread lies, and now we that are a bit sceptic after falling victim to that, are the evil ones?

                  I don't fall on either side very strongly, I am no expert, but if my risk without vaccines and there are not even enough vaccines for all the people that want it there, here in germany, I surely will not rush to get it, science gets more accurate over time the longer you delay a vaccine the more we know and we can make a more informed decision. Sure I have to balance that out with the risk of getting the virus and getting hurt, depending on your risk factors how much contacts you have how old you are and how your age is and your sex you come to different conclusion.
                  But it's clearly not ohh those that take the vaccine are 100% correct and made a good decision and those that did not do it yet are 100% bad...

                  Where do you end that, those that don't take the flu shot, are also despicable people that should be fired everywhere? Just when I think about it, we closed schools based on this back then by the politic known scam hospital numbers, so we made children sick, get them more overweight, some might have done suicide, some people will divorced etc... all the things happend because of this scam... unbelivable, but we now are supposed to trust their analysis or trust a through and through evil person like bill gates? Wtf.

                  Gates intentionally refused access from other countries from producing the vaccine, so he tries to make money with death people... so we should trust such murderers?


                  • schmidtbag
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 6620

                    Originally posted by microcode View Post
                    The Japanese data on accumulation of the spike proteins in tissue show that they tend to concentrate in the ovaries (along with bone marrow, and then the accumulation is more uniform as you go down the list). The spike proteins themselves are cytotoxic. Accumulating cytotoxic proteins in your ovaries is cause for concern, especially for women and girls who will likely some day want to use their ovaries to conceive a child.
                    Why am I not surprised that you're citing a source that isn't verified...
                    The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 allows the virus to bind to and infect cells, making it an ideal target for vaccine development. Recent studies suggested that the spike protein produced during infection alone might cause cardiovascular damage in COVID-19 patients. While the three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S. induce the cells to produce the spike protein, the protein generated through vaccination behaves differently from the spike protein produced in infection. Clinical trials and ongoing vaccination campaigns, which have vaccinated more than 890 million people worldwide, demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccines are very safe and effective at preventing the disease.

                    Just as I was saying before people cling onto every semblance of evidence they can if it backs up their way of thinking.


                    • sdack
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 1731

                      Originally posted by microcode View Post
                      The Japanese data on accumulation of the spike proteins in tissue show that they tend to concentrate in the ovaries (along with bone marrow, and then the accumulation is more uniform as you go down the list). The spike proteins themselves are cytotoxic. Accumulating cytotoxic proteins in your ovaries is cause for concern, especially for women and girls who will likely some day want to use their ovaries to conceive a child.

                      There are other short term concerns specific to the adenovirus vectored vaccines (if I recall correctly), which seem to cause more adverse effects in females than in males; but the spike protein accumulation concern would be at the top of my list of causes for concern for girls and women receiving the current generation of vaccines.
                      Google maps ... locate ovaries ...

                      Brass Ovaries, Fitness Center
                      Austin Texas
                      United States

                      ... Found them!

