Originally posted by computerquip
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Most of those deaths are from New York, New Jersey, and Michigan. All 3 of these states implemented the most extreme lockdowns and mandates regarding the illness.
In Michigan and New York in particular, huge chunks of the total death counts occurred in nursing homes. Nursing homes that were sent Covid-positive patients, many of which weren't even elderly people. There are many criminal negligence lawsuits being filed around these deaths.
The other important thing to realize is that death certificates were marked with Covid-19 as the cause of death, despite people dying of heart-attacks, cancer, and other serious illnesses that they had been fighting a losing battle against for years. A doctor even published orders from the State Govt to do this, and was viciously attacked over it.
Many family members of deceased people have come forward about the cause of death being marked Covid despite clearly dying from another cause.
Lastly, the total number of dead is actually quite normal and consistent with a serious Influenza season, and this is especially pertinent when considering the massive drops in other cause of death designations while Covid has been happening.
Last month the CDC published a report that stated that only around 15 thousand people died solely of Covid with no other major co-morbidities
I know my position probably seems insane to you, but I urge you to look into the things I mentioned.
Many major corporations have had record earnings during this pandemic while their competition was decimated. Many private businesses are gone. Many people have killed themselves over the lockdowns. The mask itself is violation of our rights when mandated by local, state, or federal govt's. If private companies want to require it, that's up to them. Most of the protests I saw being talked about weren't specifically over masks, but over the lockdowns.
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