Originally posted by finalzone
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Over the past 20 years Linux users have adapted to
1) OSS -> ALSA -> Pulse Audio (soon to be replaced as well)
3) HAL -> DeviceKit -> udev
3) Gnome 2->3 (GTK1->3)
4) KDE2->5 (Qt3->5)
5) SysVinit -> Upstart -> systemd
6) Xorg -> Wayland (with a ton of breakage)
etc. etc. etc.
There's just too much adaptation going on all the time. You do not win users this way - the only thing that's happening is that people get fed up with this pace and move on to greener more stable pastures like ... Windows and MacOS X. Over the past 10 years at least two of my friends have given up on Linux and switched to MacOS X full time, "Too much tinkering with it [Linux]", they say. "There are better things to do with your spare life", they add.
The bigger issue however is that I can adapt to pretty much anything. I will not adapt to blurry fonts. Period.