I have no problem with the spirit of this sentiment, but I do have concerns. It becomes difficult in a multicultural project where what one person considers being toxic another person considers being forthright, and where some people, for a variety of reasons, can be oblivious to social cues and decorum (particularly when operating at a distance). How is welcoming being defined? Is being unresponsive (not as in "I'm really busy" or "we've determined a different direction", but as in "I can't be bothered to hear you out") or dismissive considered welcoming? Are we going to pretend that has never happened in Fedora?
I have no doubt that easily individually-shed contributors and community members will be held to this standard, but will people well-networked in and considered important to the processes of the Fedora Project be held to the same standard? Time and again I never see these well-intentioned standards applied evenly in organizations. Certain well-networked people get championed and any rubbish comments they make or abrasive actions they take are swept under the carpet. Meanwhile, people without a bully pulpit whose comments or actions may or may not have been misconstrued get browbeaten if not chased out the door without being afforded the benefit of the doubt.
I think most people can agree that certain personal comments or actions made outside of official channels and which are clearly beyond the pale of the times should be taken into consideration. However, I am concerned that this can devolve into goodthink/crimethink thought policing, as has happened on occasion in certain organizations.
I have no doubt that easily individually-shed contributors and community members will be held to this standard, but will people well-networked in and considered important to the processes of the Fedora Project be held to the same standard? Time and again I never see these well-intentioned standards applied evenly in organizations. Certain well-networked people get championed and any rubbish comments they make or abrasive actions they take are swept under the carpet. Meanwhile, people without a bully pulpit whose comments or actions may or may not have been misconstrued get browbeaten if not chased out the door without being afforded the benefit of the doubt.
Please be extra-aware of how your actions even outside of our mailing lists, forums, and channels reflect upon Fedora as a whole.