Originally posted by kaprikawn
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Former Linux Developer Hans Reiser To Remain Locked Up
Originally posted by Vistaus View Post
Don't forget animal testing. I don't want to sound like an activist, which I'm absolutely not btw, but we're talking about lives here, so in that regard, animals are living creatures too.
Originally posted by Vistaus View PostDon't forget animal testing. I don't want to sound like an activist, which I'm absolutely not btw, but we're talking about lives here, so in that regard, animals are living creatures too.
Whatever we do or do not allow regarding animals is between us humans only.
Meaning that when someone, say, tortures a moggy or a kitty we object to it not bc animals have rights, but bc we as a society don't condone such behavior and wouldn't allow someone who does that live freely among us.
Originally posted by cb88 View Post
The unborn are living creatures too, living human beings no less... it is sick where people draw that line these days. Late term abortion is right up there with Nazi atrocities IMO.
Let alone not to jerk off ever, cos your semen is thousands of living creatures you kill you MONSTER.
Originally posted by mos87 View PostBe sure not to step on a beetle next time you're on a picnic.
Let alone not to jerk off ever, cos your semen is thousands of living creatures you kill you MONSTER.
Originally posted by twelvedogs View Post
torturing people then writing some of it down isn't research, however the idea of incarceration is theoretically rehabilitation, so i wouldn't care if he started writing more code. he was a bit of an arsehole even before he murdered his wife so i doubt he's going to be able to work well with others. kind of a moot point anyway until we see what he wants to do if he gets out in a few years
Same can be said about the illnesses (nowadays rare, god thanks!) that were researched as a bio weapon.
Also, most of the anatomy atlases were made thanks to the people who were extinguished quite often just for that reason (unless of course you are naive enough to believe that they were waiting for eg. women pregnant in that particular state of pregnancy to die of natural reasons).
Originally posted by TemplarGR View Post
He is. And he is paying for his crime. This does not mean that he shouldn't be given a chance to redeem himself for the rest of his life. People make mistakes. He who is sinless should cast the first stone....
Originally posted by CommunityMember View Post
No, the sentence is fifteen years to life. When (or even if) he will be released will depend on when he can convince the parole board that he is no longer a danger to society. How long that may take is anyone's guess. But his next opportunity will be in three years.
Originally posted by L_A_G View PostIt was pretty much to be expected that he'd be out sometime soon considering the prosecutors would have had to go to trial without a body and a whole lot of non-conclusive evidence had he not made a plea deal where he told them where he buried his ex wife's body. I kind of forgot it was that long ago and seeing the year my first thought was one of "So how is he not out yet?". Looked up the sentencing guidelines in California and it sounds to me like he wasn't a very good negotiator or had Lionel Hutz as his lawyer.