Originally posted by Farmer
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This totally reads like a total novice screwup.
One its not recommend to have mariadb or mysql on nfs share.
I don't see you checking you systemctl for a failure status information. I would suspect that nfs-server is failing because the network it need is not starting up.
Starting manually is starting after the networking and everything is up. Could be that network manager is only like connecting your wifi network after you are logged in. Setting mistakes or lack of settings cause these problems even with the older sysvinit systems.
Please note I have had nfs-server not start when using sysvinit systems for the same kind of reasons. I have also had the case where mariadb fails to start on a sysvinit system on system start up then will not start manually at all. Why a process has leaked and its now locked a file so mariadb cannot start. Systemd cgroups around services means if a service fails to start properly it in fact stops it all so you can manually start it latter without issue. Basically since systemd did that for you and you don't thank systemd that you can even start the service manually latter instead want to blame it for your problems.
"systemctl start nfs-server.service" << this manual line of yours may not have been required.
I guess you did not run systemctl between commands to see what was started. Systemd can be quite smart you ask for "systemctl start mariadb.service" it sees attempted access to where nfs share should be and auto attempts "systemctl start nfs-server.service" since it was enabled but failed before. So systemd will allow you do things out of order to address problems at times.
Exactly why were doing the "systemctl enable mariadb.service" lines when something had started before doing a "systemctl" to see the status of your services. If they are listed they are already enabled.
More useful of course would have been "systemctl status mariadb.service" and "systemctl status nfs-server.service" yes you had status check options under sysvinit and you had to use them as well.
I would not say the software is borked in this case the "Problem Exists Between the Keyboard And the Chair." The PEBKAC wants to blame systemd instead of admit its a configuration error that can happen with any init/service management system that has to be diagnosed leading to a configuration alteration that needs to be done.
I see this a lot lets blame systemd instead of having to learn how todo stuff properly.
PS you can alter system with systemd that the http server does not come up unless the database server is started as well to prevent those accessing site getting access to a webpage in broken state due to missing database. This can be highly important at times with login databases.