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Glimpse 0.1 Released As The Rebranded Fork Of The GIMP

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  • #31
    I don't think the name Gimp is offensive and I don't think anyone should be offended by it, but on the other hand I think the name Glimpse is nicer.


    • #32
      Originally posted by stormcrow View Post
      It is an acronym. "Gnu Image Manipulation Project" AKA GIMP.
      Originally, the G stood for "General".


      • #33
        Originally posted by glimpse
        • Removed “Color” icons (duplicates “Legacy”)
        • Removed “Gray” UI theme (duplicates “System”)
        Are the developers blind or something?

        That's worrying from people forking an image manipulation program.


        • #34
          Originally posted by DoMiNeLa10 View Post

          Since it's not a GPL violation, there's nothing wrong with it besides being a waste of effort and time.
          Yes you are technically correct, a rename does not violate the GPL, but I still stand by what I said. I think the article had a link to the home page for this scam, but i didn't look at it. So right now, they are just sensitive cry babies, but if they ever have a donation option or paid version for this "glimpse", then they will truly be horrible disgusting people. They did no work at all and would make money off of other peoples work. That is straight up stealing.

          EDIT: and yes i know the gpl allows that as well, so yeah no violation on the glimpse team part. just them being douchebags
          Last edited by Panda_Wrist; 22 November 2019, 08:14 PM.


          • #35
            Real competition came from pirated versions of Photoshop
            Most of the users download it just because of its reputation. It stays on their computer for a lesser amount of time than the trial period offered by the company itself. Piracy has become so easy that even when users want to use software just for trial and testing purposes, they get the full pirated version instead of the official trial copy.

            Most of the pirate users use it only for the basic features like touch-up and simple image editing. Layers is complex concept. Maybe, Adobe should release a free desktop software for Windows users that only includes these basic image editing features; they already have such apps for various mobile device platforms.
            Pirated and gratis.
            Last edited by onicsis; 22 November 2019, 08:21 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Panda_Wrist View Post
              no violation on the glimpse team part. just them being douchebags
              They just did what the gimp team suggests to people who don't like the name:

              Originally posted by
              Finally, if you still have strong feelings about the name “GIMP”, you should feel free to [...] exercise your software freedom to fork and rebrand GIMP.


              • #37
                Originally posted by AnonymousCoward View Post

                They just did what the gimp team suggests to people who don't like the name:

                true but doesn't change the fact that the glimpse team is a bunch of cry baby duchebags. Any one that has a problem with the name GNU Image Manipulation Program AKA GIMP, should go hide in their safe place.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by stormcrow View Post
                  It is an acronym. "Gnu Image Manipulation Project" AKA GIMP. FWIW, there's far more likely to be people considering it a sexual fetish thing then referring to crippled or disabled persons.
                  Yes, I am aware it's an acronym.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Panda_Wrist View Post
                    So right now, they are just sensitive cry babies, but if they ever have a donation option or paid version for this "glimpse", then they will truly be horrible disgusting people. They did no work at all and would make money off of other peoples work. That is straight up stealing.
                    They have since Jul 6 2019, it's like the first thing they did :

                    There is a nice comment (In french) from a dev (Jehan) here:
                    I will traduce a tiny bit of it:

                    Au final, le lendemain, au réveil, j'ai découvert un nouveau rapport de bug avec… 140 messages écrits dans la nuit (le rapport s'est arrêté à 187 messages quand un des admins de GNOME a décidé de fermer les commentaires,[...] Notons aussi qu'on ne parle pas de centaines de personnes, hein. D'un rapide coup d'œil, je dirais qu'il doit y avoir eu 10 personnes au plus qui ont participé et ont écrit tous ces messages.
                    Pour info, aucun des "développeurs" du fork n'a jamais contribué la moindre ligne de code à GIMP (à notre connaissance). Ce sont des parfaits inconnus jusqu'à ce jour, bien que certains étaient des contributeurs à d'autres projets GNOME a priori.
                    Par contre, en parallèle, ils ont déjà créé un site web, et surtout une page Patreon. Je parle du jour même du fork. Leur première action, avant même d'avoir quoi que ce soit à montrer, c'est de demander des sous! J'oserais qualifier cela d'indécent.
                    Est ce qu'ils ont discuté avec l'équipe ?
                    Non. Ils sont venus, ont gueulés, nous ont pas laissé en placer une (c'était impossible dans ce type de conditions, comme dit plus haut), puis sont repartis tout heureux d'avoir pu prouver à quel point on est des méchants qui aiment insulter les handicapés.

                    Finally, the next morning, when I woke up, I discovered a new bug report with... 140 messages written during the night (the report stopped at 187 messages when one of GNOME's admins decided to close the comments,[...] Let's also note that we're not talking about hundreds of people, huh. At a glance, I would say that there must have been no more than 10 people who participated and wrote all these messages.
                    For the record, none of the fork's "developers" have ever contributed a single line of code to GIMP (to our knowledge). These are complete strangers to date, although some were contributors to other GNOME projects.
                    However, in parallel, they have already created a website, and especially a Patreon page. I'm talking about the same day as the fork. Their first action, before having anything to show, is to ask for money! I would dare to call that indecent.
                    Have they discussed with the team?
                    No. They came, yelled, didn't let us place one word (it was impossible in these kinds of conditions, as mentioned above), then left very happy to have been able to prove that we are bad people who like to insult the disabled.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by YoyPa View Post
                      WALL OF TEXT
                      Oh god they are even worse than I thought, Thank you for pointing that out YoyPa

