Basically, don't ever speak your mind openly or have an opinion outside of what everyone else thinks. It will be distorted until you're a monster that everyone rejects or you kill yourself.
They didn't even quote him correctly on any news outlet that I can find. They either quoted entirely incorrectly (meaning they aren't actually quotes) or they would take two words at a time and piece them together, then distort the meaning to mean something entirely different.
Not gonna lie, I'm becoming exhausted with the witch hunts and the close-minded hateful attitudes. I don't get what people are hoping to achieve by it. It's incredibly depressing.
They didn't even quote him correctly on any news outlet that I can find. They either quoted entirely incorrectly (meaning they aren't actually quotes) or they would take two words at a time and piece them together, then distort the meaning to mean something entirely different.
Not gonna lie, I'm becoming exhausted with the witch hunts and the close-minded hateful attitudes. I don't get what people are hoping to achieve by it. It's incredibly depressing.