Richard Stallman Reportedly Steps Down As Head Of The GNU Project

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  • fuzz
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2012
    • 864

    Originally posted by Blahblah View Post
    Edit : Reading these comments, my pessimism for the future is rapidly growing. Apparently, we are at a point in western culture where people do not understand the difference between defending someone from an accusation, and condoning the contents of the accusation itself. People are running out of fainting couches over the fact he is defending someone he knew personally knew from a rape accusation.

    There seems to be a consensus that those who need a good reputation shouldn't defend someone like this...why? Should the socially influential only ever participate in the accusing-side? Why do lawyers even exist if disbelief in accusations is some mortal sin?
    Welcome to "cancel culture". This is a real thing especially with "generation z", particularly people born 1995 and later who have started joining the workforce in the last few years.

    It's a virus.


    • tildearrow
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2016
      • 7099

      Oh no, they brought that topic again


      • Cape
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2010
        • 302

        Originally posted by Blahblah View Post

        Apparently, we are at a point in western culture where people do not understand the difference between defending someone from an accusation, and condoning the contents of the accusation itself. People are running out of fainting couches over the fact he is defending someone he knew personally knew from a rape accusation.

        he should have replied to the other faculty members as if he were dealing emotional children instead of functioning adults.
        No, no, no... It's not the Western culture. It's just USA quickly turning into a bunch of infertile manchildren.
        Probably your schooling system is responsible for this mess. Quickly followed by the progressive media and the political parties that hinge on it.

        The decline of your country couldn't be more clear.

        Unfortunately, you are also screwing part of the rest of the world when things like this happens...
        ​​​​I put my faith in the GPL and hope a non-american entity may arise in place of the - now SJW ridden - FSF.


        • Vaporeon
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2015
          • 42

          Originally posted by fuzz View Post

          Welcome to "cancel culture". This is a real thing especially with "generation z", particularly people born 1995 and later who have started joining the workforce in the last few years.

          It's a virus.
          I was born only a few years before that and this current day ideology that you should treat people differently based on sex and race in the name of anything let alone "diversity" goes completely against everything I was ever taught. The same is true for the other idea that it's perfectly fine to destroy people and remove their voice if they say something you do not agree with, something Richard Stallman has now become a victim of.

          Where the hell did this bullcrap come from? There are many people much older than myself that have taken on this mindset too, and to me this is pure insanity. I do struggle to understand how this idea swept though and corroded people's common logic away so easily.

          Also, why are lies and misinfo perfectly allowed if as long as it's used to attack something the mob does not like?
          Last edited by Vaporeon; 30 September 2019, 03:08 AM.


          • moilami
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2012
            • 871

            Originally posted by oiaohm View Post
            That been a problem. Being an exception to a rule that has a legal precedent its only a matter of time until that is corrected. Stallman has had a very long run.

            All that stuff on his homepage and the like could have been done as just a advocate. That is the job title Stallman should have been given. That means he can still have input like vote at meetings. But day to day operations he does not have final say as an advocate so would not have had the legal restriction on action.

            It was not sudden. There have been many questions over the decades if Stallman should have stepped out of the management roles. This was not a solitary event of him putting foot in it either. If he had been moved to the right job title the toxic hate groups would have had nothing to work with.

            I am not going to say Stallman should not be respect for falling on his sword to defend his friend. But we have to accept this is legal responsibilities to be a project/company lead. From what you said you are suitable management role.

            Problem is management defines brave differently. You have to be brave enough in management to ride out a storm while you are required to keep you mouth shut and collect evidence proving one way or the other. Its a very hard thing to be a project lead and do it right. You require a very tough skin and the ability to suppress you emotions while you collect facts.

            Audience size is not critical. The requirement as a Project lead/Management is always act correctly. It does not matter in fact if there is no audience in fact. People have been fired from companies from management position because their superior read over their journal notes and it showed problems in personal logic. So a Audience of 1 is enough to get you fired if they have the evidence from a management role.

            Like it or not Richard Stallman has had the wrong job title and its now caught up with him. I wish he never had those titles because he really was never suitable for them. He could have done all the same things as a advocate/appointed representative to events. Stallman being the representative of FSF/GNU is a title he could keep and him putting foot in it would not be a fire able offence. Being a manager/project lead putting foot in it is a fire able offence.

            The job title you are given is very important at times if you keep your job or not.
            I get what you write and I even agree on it. Good posting. But next issue is then how Stallman was levered away. It was made by a massive smearing campaign by predatory yellow page qualified hateful media among very toxic and loud twitter smearers, of which some are clearly pofessionals in manipulating these eager to judge, eager to execute masses. This all was totally unfair and absolutely shameful. Do you think people who can do such actions are in some way riding a morally higher horse than Stallman?

            Do you think it is good for a company if it is lead by observably borderline psychopath bullies having strict political views out of tech areas harder than hard core politruks in USSR, and who are eager to publicly destroy anyone who dares to speak something else than what they think is politically correct? What kind of concussive fear they would spread around?

            With RMS in FSF I don't think you had to fear anything.


            • fuzz
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2012
              • 864

              Originally posted by Vaporeon View Post

              I was born only a few years before that and this current day ideology that you should treat people differently based on sex and race in the name of anything let alone "diversity" goes completely against everything I was ever taught. The same is true for the other idea that it's perfectly fine to destroy people and remove their voice if they say something you do not agree with, something Richard Stallman has now become a victim of.

              Where the hell did this bullcrap come from? There are many people much older than myself that have taken on this mindset too, and to me this is pure insanity. I do struggle to understand how this idea swept though and corroded people's common logic away so easily.

              Also, why are lies and misinfo perfectly allowed if as long as it's used to attack something the mob does not like?
              I was also only born a few years before that and it doesn't make sense to me, either.

              This social psychology professor explains it much better than I can:


              • Alliancemd
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2011
                • 333

                Originally posted by fuzz View Post
                Jesus fucking christ, when did the overall linux community turn to witch hunts?

                Guess I'll start looking at BSD.

                It doesn't even matter who it is, this just toxic behavior.
                It's not the Linux Community.
                Stallman makes the news and then Twitter Keyboard Warriors go after people, nothing to do with the Linux Community.


                • blackiwid
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 2063

                  Originally posted by cb88 View Post
                  It only takes one for time a victim to be raped, and in that one time you've become a rapist PERIOD there is no oh, my bad I only did it once and wont do it again or excuse for being drunk... sheesh. They have to live with what you did, and so should you.

                  If you don't think you can control yourself when drunk or might do something heinous like this DONT GET DRUNK.
                  First of all go fuck yourself you are this kind of person that quote phrases out of context or add some crazy own context. You imply I have said that it's ok to rape people if you are drunk, that is not what I said, I just said I find it dumb to call somebody a name because he has done 1 thing, that is just not logical. You had sex probably in your live would you like it that everybody calls you "fucker" or most people have stolen one time in their live something either from parents or somewhere else would you want to be reduced as "thief"?

                  Or let's say you had once a fight on the school ground with another kid would you want to be called "that's billy the thug"? No we are not defined by 1 thing we did in our live we do millions of things so we are not 1 of it. raping is a Verb it's no noun. How much you hate the activity does not matter for that. Logic is not redefined by how much you hate something.

                  Another example is Incest, if somebody had sex with his sister we also don't have a word like "sisterfucker" for them.

                  Also "rape" is very loosely defined this days. As example in the US if 2 21 year old had sex willingly and both drunk alcohol, for some fucked up sexist reason the man did rape the women, but the women did not rape the drunk boy.

                  So are you know a rapist because sexist stupid laws define something as rape what is no real rape (forced sex)? I mean that is a different topic, peoplj like you cause people that get wrongly accused to suicide. Because by stupid people like you rape is defined as maybe worst crime maybe less than murder but that depends. Why in reality that is not true. It's ruffly similar to normal physical assault, women asked about what they prefer would rather been raped that physically assaulted:
                  rrrather is the original would you rather question voting site.

                  And that is not just because they can't think themself into that and would afterwards pick differently, it's a totally rational choice:
                  PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a common condition that is experienced by a wide variety of different people throughout the world. The most common belief is that PTSD is only experienced by veterans who are returning from their service but in reality, PTSD is the result of any traumatic event that is experienced by an …

                  9. 22% of people who had suffered PTSD from rape attempted suicide at one point in their lifetime.
                  10. 23% of individuals with PTSD from a physical assault event also attempted suicide at one point in their lives.

                  So people can live BETTER with being raped that being beaten up. (being raped as child is differently, but 24% is also not a huge difference to the 22 / 23%) but you don't only call people rapist that raped children therefor I can take the 22% number.

                  So stats show that doing a assault is worse than rape, but we don't call people "assaultist" so why would we call em then rapist? That makes logically no sense.

                  Except if you either are virtue signaling (you Virtue-signalist *ironie*) or have some fucked up either femnazi or christian taliban believes in you.


                  • IreMinMon
                    Phoronix Member
                    • Jan 2017
                    • 115

                    Originally posted by fuzz View Post

                    In Germany it's even lower: 14 (with restrictions, of course). A lot of free software developers live in Germany too.
                    Originally posted by blackiwid View Post

                    But well some expert can go maybe in more details of the German system here, but the major point I wanted to make is that pedophilia in itself is nothing you can blame
                    somebody for, it's no choice the act of raping children that is what you can blame people for and the majority of the offender that do that are not pedophile.
                    The only point that I was trying to make is that someone could come up and say "I think 22yo and 16yo having sex should be legal"
                    Now anyone could say that they're "trying to normalize pedophillia" and "toxic person", but that's really just your subjective opinion and it doesn't mean FSF and GNU project should be out there policing such speech. There's legal branch of the government that's supposed to take care of the matter and more importantly, educated on the matter. It's utterly ridiculous that some random commission based in Santa Clara valley or NYC, tasked with CoC enforcement is now taking matters into own hands, acting as a private extension of the legal branch.

                    Unless you by now understand that there's a real scheme of systematically removing people with unpopular opinions from all kinds of positions of influence, you are either blind or stupid.


                    • royce
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2018
                      • 660

                      I am disgusted by the man-boy-love crowd in here.

