Originally posted by higuita
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You cannot censor yourself from these issues. Period.
If you want to view or read isis propaganda, go for it. Likewise with anything.
I fail to see what this achieves except some warm and fuzzy feeling by control types. Do you censor this for journalists doing an investigation into it? Perhaps allow lawyers to look at it for making a case against some nut? So you censor it, the lunatic left feel warm and fuzzy and the stuff goes deeper underground, where censorship is not even possible. But, hey, at least the controlling types feel better they swept it under the carpet.
However, all this being said, how is this piece of software apart from ANY other piece of 'social media' software subverting your sensibilities? It's not peddling child porn, is it? Is it peddling isis propaganda?
Let's be clear, censorship doesn't work. If google & mozilla have banned this software because it is used by less upstanding citizens, then this proves my point. Some corporate entity decides what is right for you or I and so stops its use. Lo and behold, it seems using it as an add-on is optional, so again, it proves my point.
Like prohibition, internet firewalls/censorship in countries (China, UK, Australia, NZ, Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc), it just pushes people underground and makes criminals of those wanting discourse.
So, look, be a cheerleader for censorship, that's your choice, but it's evil, takes away people's choices and achieves nothing.