The mouse issueis reported here:
Valve Rolls Out Wine-based "Proton" For Running Windows Games On Linux
Originally posted by zoomblab View PostThe last time I tried Wine it integrated all the Windows programs to my system and I didn't like that. For example, after I installed Wine, when I double clicked a text file through the file manager it would open Notepad. Not a huge problem but I'd like the Windows stuff to be isolated somehow and use them only when I want.
You can fix that with:
export WINEDLLOVERRIDES=winemenubuilder.exe=d
I have this line in my .zshrc so you could put it in .bashrc or whichever shell you’re using.
I built Mesa 18.2.0-rc4 last night and tried DOOM 2016 again. Launching in OpenGL didn't result in a crash this time around! It even launched a window on my screen. Nothing seemed to happen after that, but it's progress for me. Launching in Vulkan resulted in the same error as last time. I'm guessing now that it's my having LLVM 6.0 instead of LLVM 7.0 or newer. I considered adding the LLVM APT repo to my system so I could pull 7.0, but that version isn't available anymore. They have a branch for 5.0, a branch for 6.0, and a branch for testing. Testing happens to be 8.0 now. Maybe I'll try that and cross my fingers.
Update: I was able to change the pool in my sources.list to find their 7.0 branch. Unlike 5.0 and 6.0, they named 7.0 just "7" for some reason. I'd rather pull it from the Debian sid repo until it's available in testing and use apt pinning, but I've never had any kind of success with that. Pinned packages always seem to start leaking other packages.Last edited by Particle; 23 August 2018, 09:39 AM.
Originally posted by xiando View PostWhile this may force the nations to finally accept the GNU World Order there's not going to be any popular Steam OS console. The math just don't work. Consider the price of the Playstation 4 Pro. It's damn cheap. Well, relatively speaking. You can have one for the price of a Nvidia 1060 GPU. How do you sell something which includes a GPU in that performance range and a case and a motherboard and a CPU and a PSU and RAM? A Steam OS console would be very niece, at best.
"The Proton build we released yesterday accidentally contained a debug build of DXVK, which impacted performance. This is fixed now! If you ran benchmarks, might want to do it again. This user went from 34 -> 56 FPS in Dark Souls 3 after fixing it locally" Source tweet