Microsoft Has Reportedly Reached A Deal To Acquire GitHub

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  • anarki2
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 859

    Haha love to read all these stupid comments about moving repositories without ANY of these folks giving a SINGLE reason as to why. Other than hating on MS just because, of course.

    MS = the devil itself chewing on our hearts (in their imaginary world)

    Time to grow up, kids. There was a hilarious conversation about this on neowin too (actual quotes follow):

    - This has already freaked out a large number of Linux users on Mozilla, Facebook and others use it and may not feel comfortable having Microsoft access their source code.
    - So, let me get this straight. Open source developers are concerned that MS will have access to their code? Ok....what’s the issue again?
    - What are you on about? There are millions of closed-source/private repositories on GitHub.
    - And are they the ones freaking out? I don't quite see how this would be any different had some other company owned Github, or how Github itself having "access to their code" all this time didn't freak them out.

    Checkmate lol. These anti-MS zealots have some serious problems, and often lack even basic logic. It's funny to see how they're struggling so bad when someone actually asks why they hate this company so much. And anything they touch. Minecraft is doing fine, LinkedIn is doing fine, no apocalypse happened to either, so stop these unreasonable panic attacks you're having here.


    • brrrrttttt
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2018
      • 410

      Thanks. Looks like I need to provide my own machine for macOS gitlab runner.


      • Ardje
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2012
        • 569

        I would love to think positive thoughts about the current Microsoft, but the truth is, the current Microsoft is still the old Microsoft currently spreading FUD in Munich.


        • Ardje
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2012
          • 569

          Anyway, everybody trying to do host themselves, take a look at: . It's pretty neat and tiny. Unlike gitlab, it can suffice with the same as git itself uses, while gitlab needs at least 6GB of RAM.
          gitolite is also a very good option, for those that rather work CLI only.


          • aksdb
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2013
            • 153

            Originally posted by Ardje View Post
            Anyway, everybody trying to do host themselves, take a look at: . It's pretty neat and tiny. Unlike gitlab, it can suffice with the same as git itself uses, while gitlab needs at least 6GB of RAM.
            gitolite is also a very good option, for those that rather work CLI only.
            Or gitea which is a fork of gogs that updated more frequently.


            • brent
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2010
              • 883

              Comparing Gitea (or Gogs) to GitLab is not really fair. They literally have a small fraction of the features! The integrated CI/CD of GitLab is its killer feature, IMHO. There's no way to have such a tightly integrated and smooth CI/CD setup with Gitea.

              GitHub is actually quite a bit behind the curve as they don't offer any native CI features.


              • ddriver
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2014
                • 724

                Originally posted by schmidtbag View Post
                It's a little unsettling when MS makes Linux kernel contributions, but the fact of the matter is they can't really kill Linux like they do with so many other things.
                They don't need to kill it, Just to add their efforts to the linux foundation's effort to prevent linux from being a viable PC OS alternative. And the pay from their platinum membership fee of course.

                The linux foundation loves money. Which is why, despite dominating pretty much every other field, linux still sucks for the consumer and prosumer, because this way they make more money than they would if they make linux finally user friendly.

                And sure, it did come a long way, but its still a long way from "consumer grade". Just a small example, couple of weeks back my linux laptop began updating while the battery was still low, and shut down in the middle of the update process. I spent a couple of hours searching the web and typing stuff into the console before I got it back to operational. Needless to say, this effort is beyond the capabilities of 99% of the consumers out there, and the scenario that calls for it should be protected against. But instead development efforts are directed towards introducing more and more fragmentation and bloat. Pretty soon linux will only be usable as meticulously customized stripped down kernel.

                As for github - I'd say it was obvious that they'd eventually sell out. Their reluctance to offer free private repos clearly demonstrated their primary interest. That's pretty much everyone's motivation for anything and everything nowadays - to gain prominence so they can eventually sell out to one of the big corporate cancers.


                • starshipeleven
                  Premium Supporter
                  • Dec 2015
                  • 14568

                  Originally posted by L_A_G View Post
                  If what I've heard about their internal culture is true* then let's hope the toxicity spreading to the rest of Microsoft is to them as what the photon torpedoes down the exhaust vents were to the Death Star.
                  Get your %&%£$ fiction right goddamnit. It was a PROTON torpedo. Photon torpedos are from Star Trek.


                  • thunderbird32
                    Phoronix Member
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 77

                    Originally posted by Apokalypz View Post
                    Kinda reminds me of when Disney bought the Star Wars franchise.
                    So people will freak out, but things will be better in the long run? Force Awakens was very good, and Rogue One was one of the best Star Wars movies ever made. Yes, Last Jedi wasn't as good, but it was still enjoyable.


                    • nanonyme
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 3170

                      Originally posted by oiaohm View Post

                      Code, test and deploy with GitLab. Everyone can contribute!

                      Gitlab own CI works on Windows Linux and OS X. Unfortunately Travis does not have connector to gitlab like AppVeyor does. At this stage you would need to alter you mac workflow and I would be saying look close at the gitlab ci..
                      There was a ticket about support which was primarily closed as unfeasible and too expensive. Travis relies on Github for authentication, ACL's, etc. You would have to refactor the crap out of its core to make it support other things than Github

