It Looks Like X.Org Might Be Safe For A Few More Years

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  • daniels
    It got renewed thanks to the diligent work of everyone who was trying to get it sorted out for the past few months, rather than any kind of miracle.

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  • Azrael5
    So microsoft prevails at least till 2025 good news

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  • darkbasic
    Nobody will need an domain by 2025: this will probably be last time.

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  • libv
    Originally posted by FLHerne View Post
    I'd still love to know why one single member was given total control over such an asset, apparently with no attached responsibility.
    Ad-hoc allocation of tasks and resources makes sense for small projects, but for something as valuable as a single-letter domain...?
    Those were very tumultuous days, and Leon either acted shortsightedly, or he maliciously put himself in such a position of (relative) power. Sadly though, the people of have not learned that much since then. Cfr. Adam Jackson hacking repositories (and then not owning up for 3d), and now being kingmade by Keith Packard into being the xserver maintainer. There are way more examples of such actions, but none as telling as this one, and they are all accidents waiting to happen.

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  • yoshi314
    Originally posted by ferry View Post
    Good to know that they " tried all the obvious steps which would occur to anyone within about ten seconds' worth of thought".

    Now, after 10 years, it might be a good idea to spend a bit more thought on the matter and try the less obvious.
    you think they were twiddling their thumbs during that time?

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  • ferry
    Good to know that they " tried all the obvious steps which would occur to anyone within about ten seconds' worth of thought".

    Now, after 10 years, it might be a good idea to spend a bit more thought on the matter and try the less obvious.

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  • FLHerne
    I'd still love to know why one single member was given total control over such an asset, apparently with no attached responsibility.
    Ad-hoc allocation of tasks and resources makes sense for small projects, but for something as valuable as a single-letter domain...?

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  • FLHerne
    I'd still love to know why one single member was given total control of such an asset in the first place, apparently with no obligation to maintain it.
    Ad-hoc handing out of responsibilites isn't unusual in small projects, but for something as valuable as a single-letter domain...?

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  • microcode
    Originally posted by Michael View Post

    I had also heard from a domain rep that read my article and he mentioned to me he was going to contact the board as he had an idea, but not sure if that is what got it renewed or something else.

    Maybe it's within their agreement and legal framework to renew somebody else's domain.

    What I'm worried about is when Leon may legally die (whether he's actually dead or not), he may not have anything set up to transfer the domain.

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  • Michael
    Originally posted by microcode View Post
    It's 2025, for you sarcastics.

    My guess is that Leon showed some mercy and decided not to let it expire.
    I had also heard from a domain rep that read my article and he mentioned to me he was going to contact the board as he had an idea, but not sure if that is what got it renewed or something else.

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