X.Org To Consider Merger With SPI

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  • Serge
    Originally posted by daniels View Post
    no, there's no 'wayland' outside the codebase to be legally responsible for. and the codebase is the legal responsibility of its collective copyright holders, and to a much lesser extent, whoever hosts it - which is freedesktop.org, a separate LLC.

    the foundation supports open source graphics development (x.org, wayland, mesa, drm/kms, et al) through things like organising conferences, which it can only do if it can collect sponsorship money to pay for them. additionally, it also owns the x.org domain. that's it. any other kind of responsibility/oversight, including technical (even for x.org, let alone wayland) was a very explicit non-goal from the start.
    Collecting and managing donations and sponsorship money implies legal responsibility.

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  • daniels
    Originally posted by Serge View Post
    My understanding is that the X.org Foundation is the entity legally responsible for Wayland. That's not the same thing as owning the copyright or contributing development effort.
    no, there's no 'wayland' outside the codebase to be legally responsible for. and the codebase is the legal responsibility of its collective copyright holders, and to a much lesser extent, whoever hosts it - which is freedesktop.org, a separate LLC.

    the foundation supports open source graphics development (x.org, wayland, mesa, drm/kms, et al) through things like organising conferences, which it can only do if it can collect sponsorship money to pay for them. additionally, it also owns the x.org domain. that's it. any other kind of responsibility/oversight, including technical (even for x.org, let alone wayland) was a very explicit non-goal from the start.

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  • Serge
    My understanding is that the X.org Foundation is the entity legally responsible for Wayland. That's not the same thing as owning the copyright or contributing development effort.

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  • Daktyl198
    Originally posted by Teho View Post
    The lead developers of Wayland work for Intel (including its creator), not X.org foundation. I don't know what you mean with hosting here.
    Then I am completely wrong on all regards and I regress from this conversation~

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  • Teho
    Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
    I meant that the X.Org Foundation currently hosts the main development team for Wayland (and it's people from X.Org that invented it).
    The lead developers of Wayland work for Intel (including its creator), not X.org foundation. I don't know what you mean with hosting here.

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  • Daktyl198
    Originally posted by wargames View Post
    No one "owns" Wayland. Its developers will continue working on it even if X.org dies.
    I am aware. It was 2:40am, I was tired and not in the mindset of searching through a mental dictionary.

    I meant that the X.Org Foundation currently hosts the main development team for Wayland (and it's people from X.Org that invented it).
    Still haven't slept... I should get on that...

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  • wargames
    Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
    The X.Org Foundation "owns" Wayland (for lack of a better word at 2:40am)
    No one "owns" Wayland. Its developers will continue working on it even if X.org dies.

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  • Daktyl198
    Originally posted by CrvenaZvezda View Post
    So, Wayland. Where do Wayland fit in this picture? (Yes, I consider X dead).
    the X.Org Foundation -- which stewards the X.Org Server, Mesa, and Wayland --
    The X.Org Foundation "owns" Wayland (for lack of a better word at 2:40am)

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  • CrvenaZvezda
    So, Wayland. Where do Wayland fit in this picture? (Yes, I consider X dead).

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  • phoronix
    started a topic X.Org To Consider Merger With SPI

    X.Org To Consider Merger With SPI

    Phoronix: X.Org To Consider Merger With SPI

    Should the X.Org Foundation go ahead and be merged into a larger organization, they have their eyes on SPI...

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