The X.Org Foundation Is Undecided About Mir

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  • omglotsofdots
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2013
    • 11

    lets wait and see

    Some idiots always talk about freedom and open-source if it suits ones book. They forget about ubuntu did what some radical ditros aging more than one or two decades couldnt .if they didnt secrtly develop mir and announce it six months ago they would find a way to hate whatever they does anyway. Lets accept that conanical know how to reach enduser . Linux user was known as the geekest creatures before ubuntu came in. Now its about to change but haters do what they do. If you block the mir with your jews lobbying like struggles dont even fckng say why linux isnt getting popular
    Last edited by omglotsofdots; 19 March 2013, 07:38 AM.


    • moilami
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 871

      Originally posted by Alex Sarmiento View Post
      It would be a shame if the open source community take the instance to boycott an open source protect.
      Was it bad to boycot Mono? Just saying That is, I am not saying any more than that


      • vsteel
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 126

        I agree with the wait and see. As an end user it is fine to see the arguments from developers and want to be developers to people trying to wave their e-peen around. Bottom line though I still don't have something I can run on my desktop for everyday use. I will then take the one I can use and see if it is better than X. I don't care how kludged together X is or how inefficient it is the next thing still has to be better. I need to be able to run my steam games with my nvidia driver, watch videos and do all of the things I want to do. If both Mir and Wayland show up I will try them both and see which one works best for me. Heck if nothing else Mir got a lot more interest in Wayland and might get things moving and get a little competition going.


        • talvik
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2009
          • 122

          Real reason to be wary of Mir:
          -GPLv3 with CLA
          -Single stakeholder
          -GPLv3 in a core component which interfaces with proprietary drivers. A lot of corporations avoid GPLv3 (specialy as a core component in a embedded device) and wouldn't use it without getting a proprietary license from Canonical.
          -Created "secretly"
          -Until Mir's announcement, Canonical's public position was to support Wayland. So for the period of a year Canonical "lied" to the community.
          -It's competing with the X replacement, which most parties agreed to (including Canonical). Bringing fragmentation to core "Linux desktop" component

          ps: I'm not saying GPLv3 is a bad license, but the motivation for its use may be.


          • uid313
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 6920

            Originally posted by Alex Sarmiento View Post
            It would be a shame if the open source community take the instance to boycott an open source protect.
            Open source is not strictly about the source code being available.
            It has to public available for everyone under a FSF-approved and OSI-approved and DFSG-compliant license.
            It should be in the spirit of free software, which means the maintainers should accept contributions, and keep development in the open.
            Developing it in the secret behind closed-doors for 6 months and and then doing a code drop is not very much in line with the spirit of open source.

            Also requiring contributors to sign a CLA isn't very much in the spirit of open source either.


            • ryao
              Gentoo Developer
              • Jun 2012
              • 1196

              Originally posted by Prescience500 View Post
              I think wait and see which way the wind blows is more like it. Probably wise on their part, though. is not Linux, but a diverse set of interests that happens to include Linux. Only Linux is the one threatened by Mir. There are certain community agreed upon things that make an operating system Linux, not just the kernel. Ubuntu is ditching one of those key components and still calling themselves Linux. They are damaging the Linux brand. It's like calling toilet paper klenex because some people use it to blow their noses and it's very similar. At least Google has the decency to not call Android a Linux distrobution.
              Anything that runs a Linux kernel with some kind of package management is a Linux distribution.


              • locovaca
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 271

                Originally posted by Pawlerson View Post
                Not every Open Source project is good.
                Disagreed. Every Open Source project contributes in some manner, even if it simply serves notice to other people about the pitfalls of undertaking such project while isolating themselves from the rest of the community.


                • jayrulez
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 347

                  Originally posted by uid313 View Post
                  Open source is not strictly about the source code being available.
                  It has to public available for everyone under a FSF-approved and OSI-approved and DFSG-compliant license.
                  It should be in the spirit of free software, which means the maintainers should accept contributions, and keep development in the open.
                  Developing it in the secret behind closed-doors for 6 months and and then doing a code drop is not very much in line with the spirit of open source.

                  Also requiring contributors to sign a CLA isn't very much in the spirit of open source either.
                  Open source is strictly about the source being available. You are describing something else.


                  • nerdopolis
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2010
                    • 241

                    What's with all these users with a total number of posts in the single digits being extremely defensive to Canonical, and extremely anti-Wayland?


                    • jrch2k8
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 2095

                      Canonical is creating Mir for 1 reason only Cellphones and Tablets and that is because only google can put enough pressure on Imagination and Qualcomm to open their drivers and canonical knows that, so they need a server close enough to surfaceflinger so they can reuse the android native drivers [i even bet ubuntu phone will use AOSP kernel until google backport enough to vanilla] but to do so they need a commercial license[or compatible] but without google big brother watch.

                      on the desktop is very likely you can choose either mir or wayland on ubuntu since i doubt they care too much and that mir build will prolly be FOSS compliant.

                      btw wayland input patches were around way before canonical started developing Mir, all the problem here is they are switching to a mobile OS company that have a similar OS for your PC, not saying is bad just saying their focus now is mobile and the desktop is just an adittional selling point but not their main target anymore

