Originally posted by Apopas
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1. "Money means nothing to Canonical and they have an infinite amount of it so they should spend more of it." Canonical is a for-profit company with a budget and the goal to become profitable so it is able to contribute to open source as an ongoing concern. This meme that seems to assume Canonical is some sort of open source charity really needs to die.
2. "They'd reap profits if they invested in X development." I see this claimed a lot, but it hand waves the question of where the profits actually come from. Distros who provide free CDs do not make profit off end users, so simply increasing the quantity of end users via better Xorg support obviously does not make profit. What DOES drive profits for Canonical is increased OEM shipments with ubuntu pre-installed. And in fact, this *is* an area Canonical has hired quite a few engineers to work at. This is one of those things that is completely invisible to you when it's working properly.
3. "The real work is really done by hardcore coders like Keith Packard." (As opposed to people who work at Intel/IBM/Canonical?) In fact, Keith's employer is Intel. Also, this is just in general a really inconsiderate statement given how much of the really cutting edge X development is funded by Intel.
4. "Xorg sucks because it needs 1)graphics design and photography, 2)Gaming, 3)Media center." None of those are Xorg. Not to say these areas don't need improvements, but many, many problems tend to get blamed on the X.org project which in reality aren't X.org's responsibility.
5. "I just spend another evening without success to get vdpau working... because the kernel was updated and I use the latest driver downloaded from nvidia." So you've given $$$ to company A, and are demanding that companies B, C, and D, whom you did not give your $$$ to, foot the cost of making X better for users of company A's products. I see...
Seriously though, Xorg is in better shape than people give it credit for. Sure, Nvidia hardware is not well supported in open source. Complaints on blogs like this one aimed at !Nvidia is just going to earn you snarky replies like mine. If you actually really want to put in $200 to help change that, then find some nouveau developer and ask if you can buy them some video cards.