Originally posted by Weasel
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The issue you run into with Nvidia is not skipped frames or glitches either xcomposite does not work at all so you cannot to a proper window record or lower FPS less frames generated.
XSHM yes no glitches no skipped frames but this is hidden by lower FPS.
Not as completely flawless as you are making out just the flaw is not as in face but it there.
Weasel if you want the best screen recording performance you system can do you have to bypass X11 xserver and bypass wayland compositors. When you have to bypass to get the best performance why make it to record you have to interface with Wayland compositor at all.
This is why from my point of view the information should be on the DMABUF metadata. Lets just go all in on bypass. Full bypass route removed need to deal with Wayland composers and X11 Servers would allow screen record programs on Linux to be fully generic as in not care if you are using X11/Wayland/something else. only care that the metadata is set.. Yes lets make it that the default is the best no some half done middle man solution.
Using X11 XSHM to screen record costs you FPS. Using xcomposite costs you FPS. Yes also costs normally more power consumed as well. So lower FPS more power consumed nothing good is happening here it is being able to look like it functioning correctly when it really not..
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