Originally posted by Old Grouch
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Originally posted by Old Grouch
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Originally posted by Old Grouch
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Big part is everyone need to accept X11 protocol has major problems that cannot be fixed inside X11 protocol we will be needing like the dbus screencast solution using pipewire for X11 and wayland. We will be needing a new way or improved way of injecting input. And the list will go on.
The unfortunate part of this is you really need a interface missing all the broken bits so that you can be sure that you implemented the new replacements covering their functionality this is where wayland desktops come in. Also developing new interfaces fragmentation at this stage is not our worse enemy so multi different interface replacement ideas can be tried out.
Its horrible that stuff being feature missing is part of this process. The scary part is over 90 percent of documented X11 protocols need to be redone or disposed(as in totally removed) of for the future desktop environment to be functional. So its quite a monster of a task. Part of Xwayland is not to make old X11 server work on Wayland but to work out what is the bare min X11 protocols applications in fact use so those X11 protocols that don't get implemented in Xwayland can be thrown straight in the bin of never be seen again.
The process at the moment has a lot of very savage cuts to happen. Reality the next major release of x.org X11 server could be major deleting patch. When I say major I mean like 50%+ of the git repository go poof.