I still own one laptop from 2001 and a 1997 AGP 2x750P3 Intel with 1GB RAM still kicking and running. I used them for back-up boxes for the past decade, for SSH'ing into the sometimes broken Linux built newer platforms. I still use the laptop intermittently and the Intel 2x750 P3 box is still in a room, but raring to come to life once I finish a garage interior for making room for it's operation again as a stable backup computer. Both rely upon the Nouvea driver and DWM atop Xorg.
Sounds like these guys wanting to ditch/break hardware, are rich enough for always buy newer hardware, leaving us poorer people with broken hardware once again. Also sounds like MS employees want to break a stable kernel.
Could always revert to using the Linux virtual terminal, but I'm sure these guys have an agenda for breaking much more of the stable x86 architecture kernel routines as already mentioned within the article... all the stuff that made the Linux famous and better than MS Windows.
And as I further think on this, if you have to remove/break coding features, likely means you did not code it correctly! I've seen lots of code in my time, that was merrily written to make something work or just finish the project within a time span, rather than build the code correctly from the bottom-up. Just take a look at MS PowerShell scripting documentation... the scripting language naming style made me sick! However, I'm sure it was coded to make scripts work and within a certain time schedule. Made me quickly away, back to Bash/Cygwin or other solution.
Sounds like these guys wanting to ditch/break hardware, are rich enough for always buy newer hardware, leaving us poorer people with broken hardware once again. Also sounds like MS employees want to break a stable kernel.
Could always revert to using the Linux virtual terminal, but I'm sure these guys have an agenda for breaking much more of the stable x86 architecture kernel routines as already mentioned within the article... all the stuff that made the Linux famous and better than MS Windows.
And as I further think on this, if you have to remove/break coding features, likely means you did not code it correctly! I've seen lots of code in my time, that was merrily written to make something work or just finish the project within a time span, rather than build the code correctly from the bottom-up. Just take a look at MS PowerShell scripting documentation... the scripting language naming style made me sick! However, I'm sure it was coded to make scripts work and within a certain time schedule. Made me quickly away, back to Bash/Cygwin or other solution.