Wayland Protocols 1.39 Released With Data Control & Workspace Additions

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67376

    Wayland Protocols 1.39 Released With Data Control & Workspace Additions

    Phoronix: Wayland Protocols 1.39 Released With Data Control & Workspace Additions

    Jonas Ådahl of Red Hat just released Wayland Protocols 1.39 as the latest set of updates to this de facto repository for Wayland protocols...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • johncall
    Phoronix Member
    • Mar 2020
    • 51

    Feels like a nice holiday gift. Thank you Jonas, and thanks to all of the other contributors and developers!


    • Quackdoc
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2020
      • 5084

      I believe the "big" missing ones now are just layers, top level management and output management now right? at least as far as the unofficial protocols go.


      • Drizzt321
        Phoronix Member
        • Mar 2019
        • 59

        Is stuff for proper remote desktop in there already? Stuff like connect & resume & unlock an existing session?


        • Hibbelharry
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2009
          • 627

          Originally posted by Drizzt321 View Post
          Is stuff for proper remote desktop in there already? Stuff like connect & resume & unlock an existing session?
          That's more compositor and other related tools stuff than Wayland protocols.


          • joaquinvacas
            Junior Member
            • Nov 2022
            • 36

            Originally posted by Drizzt321 View Post
            Is stuff for proper remote desktop in there already? Stuff like connect & resume & unlock an existing session?
            Yes, that exists on GNOME officially, RDP session handover


            • Drizzt321
              Phoronix Member
              • Mar 2019
              • 59

              Originally posted by Hibbelharry View Post

              That's more compositor and other related tools stuff than Wayland protocols.

              Ah, gotcha, ok.

              Originally posted by joaquinvacas View Post

              Yes, that exists on GNOME officially, RDP session handover
              Oh neat. Hopefully that comes to KDE Plasma 6 sooner than later *crosses fingers*


              • Quackdoc
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2020
                • 5084

                Originally posted by Drizzt321 View Post
                Is stuff for proper remote desktop in there already? Stuff like connect & resume & unlock an existing session?
                unlocking sessions depends on the locking tool you use, but most implement the thingy that makes them cross compatible and can be unlocked using loginctl as for the other stuff yeah, that depends on the remote desktop stuff you use specifically.

                for instance I use rustdesk which will likely continue to be broken until they migrate to something other then portals.


                • ahrs
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2021
                  • 586

                  Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post
                  for instance I use rustdesk which will likely continue to be broken until they migrate to something other then portals.
                  It is that "something other than portals" that still needs to be hashed out though, right? So far, except in Wlroots land compositors seem content to badly implement VNC or RDP themselves. I would be very happy if I could start using WayVNC with KDE instead of their extremely bad remote desktop implementation but how could something like WayVNC add support for KDE?

                  If you are somebody like Rustdesk or Teamviewer looking to add your own remote desktop transport, what does that story look like on Wayland?

                  Is PipeWire supposed to facilitate this?
                  How do you handle virtual input devices?

                  So many questions. I know Wlroots have actually attempted to solve this in a way that allows this sort of thing to happen instead of the compositor having to do it all but it's clearly a complicated problem to solve with seemingly no standard solution to it.


                  • Havin_it
                    Junior Member
                    • Mar 2015
                    • 34

                    Originally posted by ahrs View Post

                    It is that "something other than portals" that still needs to be hashed out though, right? So far, except in Wlroots land compositors seem content to badly implement VNC or RDP themselves. I would be very happy if I could start using WayVNC with KDE instead of their extremely bad remote desktop implementation but how could something like WayVNC add support for KDE?

                    If you are somebody like Rustdesk or Teamviewer looking to add your own remote desktop transport, what does that story look like on Wayland?

                    Is PipeWire supposed to facilitate this?
                    How do you handle virtual input devices?

                    So many questions. I know Wlroots have actually attempted to solve this in a way that allows this sort of thing to happen instead of the compositor having to do it all but it's clearly a complicated problem to solve with seemingly no standard solution to it.
                    This is what I'm trying to make sense of too. The existence of WayVNC and KDGnome's various efforts tell us that the needed bits do all exist, but also that the implementations are fragmented to hell, which is bad news for the outfits you mentioned that would want to sit outside the question of user's choice of desktop.

                    In Wayland world I don't think this can happen unless those necessary bits make the transition to official protocols, e.g. {kde,wlr,gnomeypoos}-output-management merge into a consensus implementation that meets all their needs. I'm no seer but my suspicion is that that will take more political will than exists at present or any time soon.

                    WayVNC works with wlroots-based compositors because it has collaborated with wlroots for the latter to respond appropriately to envvars and runtime switches that define what input and output devices it uses. If KDE added those same bits in a common implementation, absolutely it could work, but neither party is sufficiently invested in making that happen.

                    Ever since I became a user of remote desktop I've felt instinctively that it should sit lower in the stack, agnostic of all concerns such as desktop managers, display servers and convoluted login systems. Then hypervisors wouldn't have to roll their own, for one thing. But people want "richer" integration with desktop-bound features and so a higher-level implementation is always favoured. Oh well.

