Wayland Color Management Protocol Might Finally Be Close To Merging

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  • Daktyl198
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2013
    • 1582

    Originally posted by fallingcats View Post
    There. They're all merged. Took about 20s to find out.
    I tried doing that earlier and the site was buggy and slow. The search bar didn't work. The auto-complete never popped up, and I guess the auto-completed versions of "Author", "=", and names are parsed differently than just typing it in.


    • Vermilion
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2021
      • 252

      Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
      The point of Frog protocols wasn't the initial protocols inside of it. The point was to have a separate, collaborative set of protocols that multiple vendors could work together on and implement that was outside of the glacier that is the official Wayland Protocols committee.​
      That makes no sense. The "collaborative set of protocols that multiple vendors could work together on and implement" IS the upstream Wayland Protocols, that's why it takes so long for everyone to agree on something. The point of Frog protocols was to basically sidestep that collaboration process to introduce custom protocols faster.


      • cl333r
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2009
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        Originally posted by Vermilion View Post

        That makes no sense. The "collaborative set of protocols that multiple vendors could work together on and implement" IS the upstream Wayland Protocols, that's why it takes so long for everyone to agree on something. The point of Frog protocols was to basically sidestep that collaboration process to introduce custom protocols faster.
        You both seem to vehemently agree with each other, anyway there's a video presentation of the Frog Protocols on youtube in case anyone cares.


        • ahrs
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2021
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          Originally posted by intelfx View Post

          How did you come to that conclusion?
          Probably because nobody (and I really do mean nobody) knows how you're supposed to setup Multiseat. It's complete voodoo, arcane black magic that even the most powerful wizards don't want to touch.


          • ahrs
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2021
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            Originally posted by caligula View Post
            What about USB game pads? When can we control the Wayland pointer with those? There used to be a X driver for the original xbox controller iirc
            Were you using a specific input driver for X11? I imagine you can already do this, this is user-space you just need some driver to emulate a mouse. I don't know of one but I have a hard time thinking this doesn't exist.

            I used to use SC Controller which I think allowed me to do that:


            • Vermilion
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2021
              • 252

              Originally posted by cl333r View Post
              You both seem to vehemently agree with each other
              No? I'm commenting on whether bypassing current upstream collaboration with a faster custom implementation that avoids these same discussions makes any sense from a collaborative POV. So one of us sees value in this effort while the other doesn't.
              Nice meme tho', made me chuckle.
              Last edited by Vermilion; 01 December 2024, 07:42 AM.


              • ahrs
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2021
                • 584

                Originally posted by Vermilion View Post

                No? I'm commenting on whether bypassing current upstream collaboration with a faster custom implementation that avoids these same discussions makes any sense from a collaborative POV. Nice meme tho'.
                The only way it makes sense is as a testing ground (which is what it is really). Compositors can choose to support them in order to demonstrably prove the protocols in the wild but it's not something that's designed to be permanent like Wayland protocols is. The problem Wayland protocols has is that as soon as they start shipping something then that protocol is going to be in Debian Stable and RHEL and needs to be supported for years to come.


                • Quackdoc
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2020
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                  Originally posted by ahrs View Post

                  Probably because nobody (and I really do mean nobody) knows how you're supposed to setup Multiseat. It's complete voodoo, arcane black magic that even the most powerful wizards don't want to touch.
                  single compositor multiseat as far as I am aware, doesn't work at all currently due to no compositors implementing it, you need to do multi-session multi-seat, IE, you set gpu, input devices, etc into a seat with loginctl, and run seperate wayland sessions. It's not terribly hard, just a lot of cli work. It wouldn't be hard to make a tui/gui for this.

                  if you want a non systemd way of doing this, apparently seatd can do it, never looked into this.


                  • bobbie424242
                    Phoronix Member
                    • Jan 2019
                    • 94

                    Yay, Wayland on track to reach feature parity with Windows 3.11 for Workgroups in 2050!


                    • caligula
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2014
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                      Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post

                      single compositor multiseat as far as I am aware, doesn't work at all currently due to no compositors implementing it, you need to do multi-session multi-seat, IE, you set gpu, input devices, etc into a seat with loginctl, and run seperate wayland sessions. It's not terribly hard, just a lot of cli work. It wouldn't be hard to make a tui/gui for this.

                      if you want a non systemd way of doing this, apparently seatd can do it, never looked into this.
                      Like I said it works on X. I tried it once or twice. You just set up another seat with loginctl, that is, assign it a dedicated GPU. E.g. gdm supports it out of the box. The problem is it won't work with Wayland like I said, you can't log in to a DE session. It's easy to try. Just install a second GPU (e.g. AMD APU and Intel iGPU like the gaming K processors already have one, F processors don't). Then set up loginctl. Reboot. Try logging in.

