Wayland Color Management Protocol Might Finally Be Close To Merging

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67390

    Wayland Color Management Protocol Might Finally Be Close To Merging

    Phoronix: Wayland Color Management Protocol Might Finally Be Close To Merging

    In what could be a wonderful holiday for the Linux desktop, it looks like the Wayland color management protocol might finally be close to merging after four years in discussion...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • DMJC
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 594

    Does this mean 16 bit color support will finally be a thing for wine?


    • mobadboy
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2024
      • 178

      Originally posted by avis
      So now Wayland is ready, right?
      didnt read this post but im sure it was useless as fuck
      Last edited by mobadboy; 30 November 2024, 12:21 PM.


      • BwackNinja
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2012
        • 144

        And ext-workspace finally seems somewhat close.

        Workspace switchers on panels that aren't integrated with the compositor or using a compositor-specific protocol will finally be a reality!

        This is an updated version of the wlr-workspace-unstable-v1 protocol. Original work here: https://github.com/swaywm/wlr-protocols/pull/35 The intention of the protocol is to...


        • caligula
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2014
          • 3345

          Originally posted by avis
          So now Wayland is ready, right?
          I think there are still several features missing. Does remote login to gnome/kde really work? This is useful functionality for on-demand desktop virtual machines and vmware horizon like use cases. I tried this once but couldn't log in with Gnome.

          Then some poor countries use so called multi-seat in school classrooms. This saves money as a single PC + multiple GPUs + multiple USB hubs (e.g. integrated in the monitors / stands) can serve multiple students. Since school systems rarely allow installing extra apps, the local hard disks are mostly just cloned. In multi-seat the savings are massive. Also read-only pages of apps can share RAM which saves lots of memory. Obvious savings also come from routers/switches (e.g. 80% less ports usually means cheaper equipment) and room air conditioning. AFAIK multi-seat doesn't currently work unless X is used.
          Last edited by caligula; 30 November 2024, 12:29 PM.


          • intelfx
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2018
            • 1152

            Originally posted by caligula View Post
            AFAIK multi-seat doesn't currently work unless X is used.
            How did you come to that conclusion?


            • avis
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2022
              • 2273

              Originally posted by caligula View Post

              I think there are still several features missing. Does remote login to gnome/kde really work? This is useful functionality for on-demand desktop virtual machines and vmware horizon like use cases. I tried this once but couldn't log in with Gnome.

              Then some poor countries use so called multi-seat in school classrooms. This saves money as a single PC + multiple GPUs + multiple USB hubs (e.g. integrated in the monitors / stands) can serve multiple students. Since school systems rarely allow installing extra apps, the local hard disks are mostly just cloned. In multi-seat the savings are massive. Also read-only pages of apps can share RAM which saves lots of memory. Obvious savings also come from routers/switches (e.g. 80% less ports usually means cheaper equipment) and room air conditioning. AFAIK multi-seat doesn't currently work unless X is used.
              It was fat sarcasm. It won't be ready until there's a shared common implementation that everyone uses.

              This color management protocol? Yeah, great, maybe KWin and Mutter will implement it in the next 12-36 months or so, in five more years it will be in other 70% of Wayland implementations. The rest 30% or so will never get it. That's madness that no other modern widespread OS has.


              • avis
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2022
                • 2273

                Originally posted by mobadboy

                as expected, useless as fuck

                this might come as a surprise, artem, but there are no modern operating systems like Linux

                but i guess that wont stop you from saying the exact same thing in every post and bug report over and over again while the ecosystem continues to advance. im shocked you arent shadow banned.
                "Modern like Linux" in what? In that they are "open" or what? Do FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD/Android or HaikuOS ring a bell to you? No? What's special about this infinite bugfest where nothing ever truly works?

                Speaking of modern operating systems, Windows has a display manager that is literally 20 times more advanced:​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window...y_Driver_Model And so is the Quartz Compositor in MacOS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz_Compositor And so is Android: https://source.android.com/docs/core/graphics Even half-complete HaikuOS works better.

                Does any modern OS contain multiple display servers? Fat no! Companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft cannot afford such luxury even with thousands of programmers making over $250K a year. Even before Wayland Linux had just one Xorg86 and then it was superseded by XFree. All the other display servers that people here love to mention all the time? Not a single one of them was offered out of the box by a single Linux distro. They were all optional for very specific needs and very few people.

                I just don't understand why Linux fans try to make it personal all the time. Insults on top of insults non-stop. Maybe you're a distinguished Linux contributor? Or developer? No?

                Meanwhile there's a news story on Phoronix' front page mentioning me. Again. That's how "useless" I am.

                Almost everything that I've been requesting over the past 25 years has been implemented one way or another.
                • Common init system? SystemD. Done!
                • Common audio server? PulseAudio/PipeWire. Done!
                • OOM daemon? systemd-oomd. Done!
                There's a lot more to be done unfortunately.

                Anyway, I've just blacklisted you. Leave your empty insults to your grandmother. Also, I'm not your buddy, so stop calling people you've never seen or talked to IRL by their real names.​
                Last edited by avis; 30 November 2024, 02:58 PM.


                • Serafean
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 614

                  Originally posted by avis View Post

                  "Modern like Linux" in what?
                  That's not what he said. "Modern OS resembling Linux" is the reading. Linux is the only OS without top down control of the stack.
                  Next you're conflating display managers and driver models.


                  • Vermilion
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2021
                    • 255

                    Originally posted by avis View Post
                    Yeah, great, maybe KWin and Mutter will implement it in the next 12-36 months or so, in five more years it will be in other 70% of Wayland implementations.
                    That's not how Wayland protocol development works. Protocols are accepted when there are working implementations in multiple compositors and client libraries. And I'm sure you're already aware of that, but you opt for misinformation instead.

