KDE On Wayland: "The Biggest Thing Needed Now Is Adoption By 3rd Party Apps"

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  • geearf
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 2154

    Originally posted by avis View Post

    Xorg is fine for 99% of Linux users, Wayland is for 75%. Viewed from the other angle Wayland is inappropriate for 25 times more people.
    That's 24 times more or 25 times as many.


    • usta
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2014
      • 136

      People talks , people hates , but most of them they hate because of their current habbits are going to change.
      Yeah wayland might be not ready for most of your workflow but the real problems are caused by not wayland itself its implementation
      and this is caused by lack of users which is actually using it on their daily drives. Without users [ i mean their bugreport ] you might only
      fix bugs the ones which you actually hit.
      Wayland is getting mature and getting much better with its ecosystem. And i really believe it will be much better
      whenever people hit more bugs related its implementaion which means more and more users to use it. ( not just 1 time try and leave )
      If distros not start migrate to it we will wait another 15 more years.

      Some of you might think all my comments are just trash but it is my 2 cents. And i'm really sorry , English is not my native language i might not explained what i mean.


      • nvaert1986
        Phoronix Member
        • Oct 2017
        • 67

        I'm not against Wayland at all by the way, and would like to see it implemented. Especially from a security perspective. If I'd have a stable experience, then I'd definitely switch, but based on my experience on 3 systems, it's a buggy unusable mess and it needs a lot of tweaking and tuning, before it'll actually be usable. And I'm not the most demanding user.


        • skeevy420
          Senior Member
          • May 2017
          • 8713

          Originally posted by schmidtbag View Post
          I'm very much a Wayland advocate and just about everything I run on it works well, but X11 is not dead and so long as there is popular software that doesn't support it, it won't die.
          We can only officially regard X11 as dead when the average desktop user can uninstall it and not notice it is gone.

          And yeah, while users like avis are so biased they don't even know what they're talking about, some of you seem to find Wayland more ready than it actually is. This is coming from someone who has no problems with it at all. But I'm not everyone.

          I don't see 8K becoming mass adopted for over a decade. I figure if you can't get clean scaling at 4K, you might be able to at 5K.
          8K is 7680 × 4320​

          4320p is 1x
          2160p is 2x
          1440p is 3x
          1080p is 4x
          720p is 6x
          540p is 8x
          480p is 9x
          360p is 12x
          288p is 15x
          240p is 18x

          So many things scale perfectly into 8K that its in the media companies' best interests to push 8K. It sucks that TVs are still $1000+, but that means they'll be affordable in 2-3 years time. That scaling also means they can make smaller and smaller display modules to decrease costs.

          1080p doesn't scale into 5K. A lot of common media resolutions don't. 5K would exacerbate the scaling and blur problems.


          • anarki2
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 861

            Originally posted by V1tol View Post
            I dunno why people argue so much about Wayland today and continue reflecting about the past.​ Today Wayland is usable for anything that average user might need. For example, I drive KDE Wayland session (and I heard that Gnome is even better) for more than a year and doing different stuff like gaming, watching movies, making calls with screen sharing and using X apps (mostly Electron apps which are broken even in X11 session) - and adding to the top no screen tearing at all by default makes Wayland for average user almost ideal. And that drama about "wayland makes me write more code when earlier everything was done by X11" reminds me the war around OpenGL vs Vulkan. I hope nobody argues today that Vulkan is the future, right?

            Сareful here, because someone might google "certified Unix systems" and see macOS in the list
            It's the systemd-effect all over again. It's funny how much the "freedom of choice" crowd is resistant to any change.


            • darkoverlordofdata
              Phoronix Member
              • Dec 2019
              • 108

              Wayland worked ok on my Zenbook. But it died, and I’m back to using my Inspirons (I have 2 different models) and wayland is broken the same way on both. I see other posts saying similar things, so it seems to me Wayland is missing drivers or hints or something for some older hardware. Given that many people choose Linux to extend the life of old hardware, this is an issue with Wayland.

              In any case, Wayland may be 95% usable on my Dell, but that is still unusable to me - I need all the functionality I expect, or I’ll be back using Windows. So Instead I use X.


              • szymon_g
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 410

                how come apps using Qt (or gtk) should be ported to wayland if those libraries (qt and gtk) are already ported? wouldn't a recompilation do it? or is it normal for apps (like calendar or email client) to go low level and rely on x11?


                • Myownfriend
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2021
                  • 1049

                  Originally posted by kiffmet View Post
                  You heared that probono? It's time to "unsuck" AppImage - merge the damn pull request!
                  Wait is he actively preventing some form of Wayland adoption. That dude is such a herb.


                  • boxie
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2013
                    • 1932

                    Originally posted by szymon_g View Post
                    how come apps using Qt (or gtk) should be ported to wayland if those libraries (qt and gtk) are already ported? wouldn't a recompilation do it? or is it normal for apps (like calendar or email client) to go low level and rely on x11?
                    these apps might have direct dependencies on X11 libs, but use the toolkits for everything else


                    • boxie
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2013
                      • 1932

                      Originally posted by schmidtbag View Post
                      ..., but X11 is not dead and so long as there is popular software that doesn't support it, it won't die...
                      I would argue that it is not Dead, but not alive either, some sort of wishful thinking zombie state

