Originally posted by xfcemint
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The reality here is some distributions have picked up arcan. Those would be the parties interested in your ideas.
xfcemint think about it protocols implemented under dbus applications can have the same code with X11, Wayland and possible arcan.
Wayland protocol not coming everything and the kitchen sink means it should be simpler to replace in future.
There are fundamental limitations one connection for everything xfcemint can you name any OS desktop solution that has done that ever that has not end up in hell for attempting that.
Yes X11 end up in hell attempting to have single IPC for everything. Ywindows end up in hell attempting to have single IPC for everything. Early next OS attempted single IPC for everything and end up in hell.
Arcan is the closed to single IPC for everything that works. But the developer has had to restricted particular features to pull that off.
It really simple to suggest parties should do X without understanding why they are doing Y and the limitations of doing X.
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