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Wine Developers Are Creating Their Own Vulkan Loader Library

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  • #11
    Originally posted by mike44 View Post
    I'm not sure if that's as good. Easier would be to simply install it like gecko as default.
    That's a good point.
    What is the reason for not doing that?


    • #12
      Originally posted by geearf View Post

      That's a good point.
      What is the reason for not doing that?
      Reason go build library route and not the vulkan sdk install route is look at opengl in wine.

      1) Its all about shorter distance between application and hardware. Using function tables so that you can use functions straight from the host vulkan library that the sdk would re-implement.\

      2) the fact wine is planing on building on top. For running automated testing keeping the number of installers down will be good.

      Of course this is going both ways winetricks and built in library are being done at this stage.

      Please note the gecko wine uses is highly modified to be more like IE and it was just too resource costly to rewrite it completely and of course gecko is the wrong license..

      This is one of the big differences wine core developers care that foundations are put down right. Not building on top of incomplete foundations.

      Yes it possible to get ahead of what wine developers are doing mainly because they care about the foundations.


      • #13
        Originally posted by phoronix View Post
        Phoronix: Wine Developers Are Creating Their Own Vulkan Loader Library

        While mainline Wine development code has enough Vulkan support that it can run the few Windows Vulkan games like Wolfenstein and DOOM along with the Vulkan code samples and the Vulkan information utility, it's currently dependent upon the Windows Vulkan SDK being manually installed on the system. That's now changing with Wine developers working on their own Vulkan loader library...
        WTF??? So it seems like to me there will necessarily have to many different loaders and it's gonna depend on which apps you use which loader will work for you.... Good job wine devs, I shoulda expected something like this, it's your typical BS.


        • #14
          Originally posted by duby229 View Post

          WTF??? So it seems like to me there will necessarily have to many different loaders and it's gonna depend on which apps you use which loader will work for you.... Good job wine devs, I shoulda expected something like this, it's your typical BS.
          Our vulkan-1 loader is not a big deal at all. It is just meant to give a good out-of-the-box experience. The only feature not there is layers, which is mostly a debug feature for troubleshooting. The main Vulkan features are all there. Actually my loader is slightly faster than the official loader, because there is much less overhead inside. In addition we will also make it easier over time to add the official Vulkan runtime.

          Most users wouldn't even know which vulkan loader they are on and most should not have a need to toggle between runtimes. This is really a light dll, nothing like d3dx9 and other runtime dlls.

