OpenGL 4.5 Released With New Features

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  • Jedibeeftrix
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 328

    GL 4.5 to bring compatibility with ES 3.1 (as a superset I guess).

    GL 5.0 to bring compatibility with ES 3.x Android Extension Pack...?

    speculation - would finally have an ES with full DX11 feature compliancy, and hopefully use the opportuntiy for the cleanup everyone wants. therefore 4.5 would represent little more than a maintenance exercise that rebases OpenGL on the latest ES standard with some tidying up elsewhere.

    how long until GL 5.0?


    • AnonymousCoward
      • Aug 2010
      • 971

      OpenGL 4.5 is fine. It is evolution of API. But we really need new API. there is new DSA extensio which add almost 100 new functions. whole Mantle API have like 120 functions?


      • blackout23
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2012
        • 1313

        Originally posted by dungeon View Post
        Do you think they implemented it after reading this announce . It is not fast, it is planned .
        Which begs the question why AMD can't do the same... You could wonder how much AMD is interested in pushing OpenGL as Khronos Member anyway, now that they put everything behind Mantle. Which should they be interested in making OpenGL as good as or better than their own API?


        • Sdar
          Phoronix Member
          • Jul 2013
          • 118

          Originally posted by dungeon View Post
          Do you think they implemented it after reading this announce . It is not fast, it is planned .
          There's no other vendor with a driver out, so they are fast, or at least faster than the rest.


          • GT220
            Phoronix Member
            • Oct 2009
            • 75

            AMD can't because they don't have a world class software team like Nvidia.

            Vendor B can't update its driver without breaking something. They will send you updates or hotfixes that fix one thing but break two other things. If you single step into one of this driver's entrypoints you'll notice layers upon layers of cruft tacked on over the years by devs who are no longer at the company. Nobody remaining at vendor B understands these barnacle-like software layers enough to safely change them.


            • Kraut
              Phoronix Member
              • Jan 2013
              • 84

              Originally posted by log0 View Post
              Yay, more extensions! Extensions for everyone!

              Now we are going to have 25 ways to get data to the gpu.

              Who needs compact and orthogonal APIs... sigh.
              But 15 of the possible ways to transfer data will kill your performance. So you only have like 10 to pick from if you care about that. You would know if you just tested all possible hardware combinations with all possible driver versions, its so obvious! *sigh*
              I guess you are so silly that the driver has to pick the storage location for you, oh this stupid little developers. :P
              I heard rumors about developers saying over 2800 functions makes OpenGL kind of bloated. That is just there tiny minds talking!
              I could go one...

              There is still no info about some of this extensions strings. So its actually hard to tell how much change/improvement there is.
              Also I hope that valve and other game devs push Khronos to make 5.0 a clean cut.


              • tuke81
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2007
                • 520

                Originally posted by Kraut View Post
                But 15 of the possible ways to transfer data will kill your performance. So you only have like 10 to pick from if you care about that. You would know if you just tested all possible hardware combinations with all possible driver versions, its so obvious! *sigh*
                I guess you are so silly that the driver has to pick the storage location for you, oh this stupid little developers. :P
                I heard rumors about developers saying over 2800 functions makes OpenGL kind of bloated. That is just there tiny minds talking!
                I could go one...

                There is still no info about some of this extensions strings. So its actually hard to tell how much change/improvement there is.
                Also I hope that valve and other game devs push Khronos to make 5.0 a clean cut.
                Well at least they try:
                ?OpenGL is a critical part of enabling developers to bring the best possible products to customers across a variety of platforms,? said Valve?s Gabe Newell. ?We are committed to the Next Generation OpenGL initiative and are closely collaborating with Khronos members to create a high-performance rendering interface for SteamOS and future Valve games.?


                • dungeon
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 7915

                  Originally posted by blackout23 View Post
                  Which begs the question why AMD can't do the same...
                  Why AMD, why not anybody other that Nvidia release driver on specs release day . I expect this from nvidia they do it like this traditionaly, and i did not expect that from ATi/AMD they never do it like this, only after some time .


                  • Sdar
                    Phoronix Member
                    • Jul 2013
                    • 118

                    Originally posted by log0 View Post
                    Yay, more extensions! Extensions for everyone!

                    Now we are going to have 25 ways to get data to the gpu.

                    Who needs compact and orthogonal APIs... sigh.
                    Use the new way, new is always better.


                    • tuke81
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 520

                      Originally posted by dungeon View Post
                      Do you think they implemented it after reading this announce . It is not fast, it is planned .
                      Yeah obviously, opengl4.5 driver version is 340.23.01, there are 2 newer versions already: 340.24 and 343.13.

