Crowd-Funding Mesa Driver Development?

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  • chrisf
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 30

    It's great that you're looking at hacking on Mesa -- but *please* don't treat piglit as an afterthought.


    • tarceri
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2013
      • 391

      Originally posted by chrisf View Post
      It's great that you're looking at hacking on Mesa -- but *please* don't treat piglit as an afterthought.
      Thanks for the feeedback.

      Piglit tests will not be an after thought I'm hoping to get some basic tests created and submitted to the piglit mailing list sometime within the week (depending on avaliable time). In other words I hope to have some basic tests ready before the end of the campaign. I intend to do the first update to my campaign page once I have submitted the tests.

      Edit: Just updated the "What progress have you already made?" section of my campaign.

      To add this line: "On the testing side I have started work on some piglit tests that will cover the usage examples defined in the spec."
      Last edited by tarceri; 31 July 2013, 03:40 AM.


      • tarceri
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2013
        • 391

        Originally posted by SilverH View Post
        Man you should simplify things to increase the range of the message, you know?

        Something like:
        Help Linux to receive more games (developers)

        Then you should put your approach with all fancy technical details.

        It's hard to ppl like me (yeah, I suck at Linux) to get the idea.
        Plus when we pass forward the campain all kind of ppl will receive the information, but again if the message is not simple enough there will be those who would have interest helping Linux out if could notice that your work had anything to do with bringing Linux more games.

        That aside, you're already my Hero man!
        I wish you sucess.
        Yes I do think I need to provide a better simpler overview. It was probably a mistake not to have done this from the start however I was applealing to people who I thought would be most interested in this and didnt want to have people donating that didnt full understand what I was offering to do. In other words I didnt want to create unrealistic expectations.

        However if I explain things clealy there should be no issue. I will atempt to write something up now. Thanks for the feedback.


        • tarceri
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2013
          • 391

          Originally posted by SilverH View Post
          Man you should simplify things to increase the range of the message, you know?

          Something like:
          Help Linux to receive more games (developers)

          Then you should put your approach with all fancy technical details.

          It's hard to ppl like me (yeah, I suck at Linux) to get the idea.
          Plus when we pass forward the campain all kind of ppl will receive the information, but again if the message is not simple enough there will be those who would have interest helping Linux out if could notice that your work had anything to do with bringing Linux more games.

          That aside, you're already my Hero man!
          I wish you sucess.
          Ok for now I've added this:

          What is Mesa and why should I care?

          Mesa is an open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification. OpenGL is a programming library for writing interactive 3D applications such as games.
          Mesa is used in Linux as the core for implementing OpenGL on the open source graphics drivers. Currently OpenGL support in Mesa lags behind proprietary drivers such as those found on Windows this is something I'm trying to help fix.

          I know this is still not as simple as you wanted but I need to think about it a bit longer to work out how to get the message across in a simple way without being misleading.


          • SilverH
            Junior Member
            • Mar 2013
            • 9

            You are the guy who should be thanked mate not me


            • tarceri
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2013
              • 391

              Hi Guys,

              Just added this to my campaign page and thought I would share it here also in case anyone was interested in helping out. Even if that just means up voting on reddit

              Help spread the word

              Contributing funds is one way to help this project but you can also help it become a success by giving this campaign some exposure. Its simple to do, tell your friends, post on your favourite linux forum, submit my campaign to your favourite linux blog, be creative it all helps. With your help we can make a difference to the linux graphics driver stack and pave the way for future successful campaigns.

              Upvote the reddit topics:


              • tarceri
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2013
                • 391

                For those interested in my project but still undecided on whether to support me I have just posted my first campaign update see:

                Many have brought up the idea of crowd sourcing open source graphics driver development. This is a small scale experiment to see if it could actually work. | Check out 'Help improve OpenGL support for the Linux Graphics Drivers' on Indiegogo.

                Basically what I intend to do sometime over the next week is to release some basic code that I will be fleashed out if funding is successful. The idea behind doing this is that I have been getting alot of feedback from potential contributors who are worried that I wont be able to deliver on what I'm promising. I'm hoping that by releasing this unfinished code it will show that I indeed have the skills to be able to implement this extension.
                Last edited by tarceri; 07 August 2013, 03:24 AM.


                • stiiixy
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 1397

                  Originally posted by tarceri View Post
                  For those interested in my project but still undecided on whether to support me I have just posted my first campaign update see:

                  Many have brought up the idea of crowd sourcing open source graphics driver development. This is a small scale experiment to see if it could actually work. | Check out 'Help improve OpenGL support for the Linux Graphics Drivers' on Indiegogo.

                  Basically what I intend to do sometime over the next week is to release some basic code that I will be fleashed out if funding is successful. The idea behind doing this is that I have been getting alot of feedback from potential contributors who are worried that I wont be able to deliver on what I'm promising. I'm hoping that by releasing this unfinished code it will show that I indeed have the skills to be able to implement this extension.
                  All this spamming the interwebs to garner trust is taking away valuable time you could be spending on coding and screaming at your kids =D Sent a few more pennies your way!


                  • peppercats
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2013
                    • 731

                    What would the funding go towards, exactly?
                    Also, I thought AMD, Nvidia, and Intel had paid employees working on Mesa?


                    • AJenbo
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 943

                      Originally posted by peppercats View Post
                      What would the funding go towards, exactly?
                      Also, I thought AMD, Nvidia, and Intel had paid employees working on Mesa?
                      You would be supporting an independent developer work full time on furthering Mesa, more specifically implementing the GL_KHR_debug extension that helps game developers debug and improve there games comparability and performance.

                      AMD and Intel have paid developers working on Mesa (Nvidia does not), but independent developers help Mesa progress faster and in areas that the AMD/Intel developers aren't focusing. Manny of the the performance improvement on the Radeon driver comes from independent developers.

