Mesa 25.0-rc1 Released With Initial AMD RDNA4 Support, Vulkan 1.4 & Other New Extensions

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67369

    Mesa 25.0-rc1 Released With Initial AMD RDNA4 Support, Vulkan 1.4 & Other New Extensions

    Phoronix: Mesa 25.0-rc1 Released With Initial AMD RDNA4 Support, Vulkan 1.4 & Other New Extensions

    Mesa 25.0 feature development is now over with the code having been branched from Mesa Git and the Mesa 25.0-rc1 release candidate issued. Mesa 25.0 is to be the next quarterly feature release for these open-source 3D graphics drivers and will hopefully see its stable debut before the end of February. In turn Mesa 25.0 will be found with the likes of Fedora 42 and Ubuntu 25.04 for providing the newest open-source OpenGL and Vulkan driver support, including for upcoming AMD RDNA4 graphics...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • Danny3
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2012
    • 2407

    Wonderful, many thanks to all its testers / bug reporters and developers!
    And to AMD and Valve too!

    Hopefully this would be easier to build and package for Debian developers as the 24.3 releases were so hard that they got stuck somewhere always in the unstable and never reached the testing repository...


    • V1tol
      Senior Member
      • May 2016
      • 608

      Originally posted by Danny3 View Post
      Hopefully this would be easier to build and package for Debian developers as the 24.3 releases were so hard that they got stuck somewhere always in the unstable and never reached the testing repository...
      I am not sure that's Mesa's fault. Non-apt distros don't have such problems.


      • ReaperX7
        Phoronix Member
        • Feb 2024
        • 65

        I remember we used to have to wait around 6-9 months to get any kind of driver support on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD after the hardware was on the market.

        Now stuff is ready almost out the gate before the hardware is out.


        • Danny3
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2012
          • 2407

          Originally posted by V1tol View Post
          I am not sure that's Mesa's fault. Non-apt distros don't have such problems.
          Debian, the universal distro, builds the packages in its repositories for multiple platforms (architectures) both for 64-bit and 32-bit.
          Non-apt distros or not many (if any other) tries to do that.
          If you look at the link in my previous message, you will see in the "
          testing migrations" section:
          • Migration status for mesa (24.2.8-1 to 24.3.4-2): BLOCKED: Rejected/violates migration policy/introduces a regression
          • Issues preventing migration:
          • ∙ ∙ Updating mesa would introduce bugs in testing: #1092890, #1094190
          First bug being: mesa: regression in 24.3: software rendering crashes on ppc64el with segmentation fault
          Second bug being: mesa-va-drivers: VAAPI fails to initialize

          ​So Mesa 24.3, compared to 24.2.8 comes with these 2 new regressions, which are not fixed (I assume upstream) and cannot be upgraded.
          If more distros were like Debian, trying to build Mesa for more architectures and use cases, these bugs and building / upgrading problems would be there too.
          Similar to how Arch runs into a lot of bugs and problems because they build and update packages faster than other distros.

          In my opinion, it's great to have these kind of distros that uncover problems with upstream software earlier than others.


          • NateHubbard
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2015
            • 588

            Originally posted by Danny3 View Post

            If more distros were like Debian, trying to build Mesa for more architectures and use cases, these bugs and building / upgrading problems would be there too.
            Well, other distros actually do support other architectures as well as different c libraries and such. What Gentoo would do is just mask that newer version that doesn't build for that architecture, rather than holding everyone else back.
            Personally, I'm glad there are people finding and solving those kinds of issues, regardless of which distro they are running.

            Incidentally, this is building fine for me.


            • pal666
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2013
              • 9177

              Originally posted by Danny3 View Post
              In my opinion, it's great to have these kind of distros that uncover problems with upstream software earlier than others.
              its great that they uncover problems, but it's not great that they stopped all of their users from getting update just because of problem on some fringe arch


              • pinguinpc
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2009
                • 923

                If anyone needs lastest mesa main appear this info (sadly) for now

                Originally posted by oibaf View Post
                UPDATE: I backported newer spirv-tools in 24.10/oracular and 24.04/noble to fix build with newer mesa. And also newer spirv-headers needed for the updated spirv-tools.

                Mesa in 24.04/noble is now built with llvm 19, which was recently added in Ubuntu 24.04 (previously it was using llvm 18). 24.10 and 25.04 were already using llvm 19.

                Also, mesa packages are now providing code of mesa 25.0 branch, no more from main branch. If you need mesa main consider using a different PPA (and remember to disable this PPA before to avoid conflicts).

                Also, for some reason, 25.04/plucky builds are currently broken, due to a rust compile issue. ==> EDIT: fixed using rust 1.83
                with this for now only option for who needs lastest mesa is use ernst unstable ppa

                NEWS: * Now with new NVK driver nouveau_experimental * Now with LLVM 16! The PPA originally started to enable the AMD ACO feature, but now it's simply bleeding edge Mesa. The PPA is controlled by these scripts, so if you have an idea you can send me a pull request! I'm running the scripts manually though. Report any issues straight here:

                in my case seems work ok (gkrell dont show any drawing error, corectrl show fonts correctly and mouse cursor appear ok in wine)

