Originally posted by uid313
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Zink OpenGL-Over-Vulkan At ~97% Piglit Testing Conformance
Something to consider is if you put zink head to head with llvmpipe or any of the other software options its insanely fast. 50 percent of Intel at first does not sound that good.
Lets say you have a program that for some reason is glitching with the native opengl driver. Current options is drop to llvmpipe and in most cases be lucky to get 5 frames per second.
If Zink ends up faster that is good. But Zink at it current speed for the cases where drivers don't work right its a hell of a improvement.
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Originally posted by microcode View Post
Little or no effort has gone into the performance of Zink at this time, so comparing it and especially using it as the basis for unrelated comparisons is silly.
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If the 4.5 or something in that ballpark is upstream, beforehand it seems to me to take to much effort which changes altogether to fast I think.
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Some benchmarks would be interesting at this point :-) Just to see how well it works already now on ANV & RADV compared to the classic OpenGL drivers.
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Originally posted by cl333r View PostZink translates from OpenGL and DXVK from DirectX, so they do the same type of job, hence I'm wondering if Zink is 65% of native OpenGL speed how many percent is DXVK of DirectX? Also about 65%?
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I may be passing over 97% of the test cases I’m running, but that doesn’t mean that zink is conformant for any versions of GL or ES, which may not actually be possible at present (without huge amounts of awkward hacks) given the persistent issues zink has with provoking vertex handling. I expect this situation to change in the future through the addition of more Vulkan extensions, but for now I’m just accepting that there’s some areas where zink is going to misrender stuff.
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The Zink code in Mesa is at OpenGL 3.3, so when will the new updated Zink code with support for OpenGL 4+ be merged into mainline Mesa?
With it being 69% the speed of Intel's OpenGL driver, is there any room for improvement? What can we expect? What can we hope for?
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Mike is doing a fantastic job with Zink and it is very interesting to read about the progress made in has branch! Hope more patches land soon in Mesa mainline :-)
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Originally posted by _ONH_ View PostI wonder how zink runs on radv or amdvkl. Did anyone test thisalready?
if you're talking about performance i didn't really bother to measure that but it was significantly lower than radeonsi. that was weeks ago, though, so it missed the recent optimization stuff. it was a 2d game with pretty lightweight rendering so it was still in the hundreds of fps and bound by draw call performance, essentially.
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